Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: KSaraSara FDK: Magical Interview - 03/03/23 06:54 AM
I beat bakasi to creating the FDK folder! You can read the story here.

Ahhhhh! I wish the interview had been longer! But hopefully he’ll come back for a reprise! In any case, I love that we got more of Lois’ emotions! This was my favorite line:

He chuckled. The sound made her heart swell, as if it were a precious gift he'd reserved just for her.

*melts* love

Sara smile
Posted By: SuperBek Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/03/23 07:05 AM
Love this installment!!

I really thought that Lois had figured out Clark's secret last week! But it totally makes sense that she didn't, given the circumstances.

Loved all of her reflections, her budding feelings for Clark, and the interview itself (Ahhhh, love how he just sits on air like that....hehehe!) smile1

And, I agree with Sara -- she picked out my favorite line as well. love

Can't wait for next week!!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/03/23 04:57 PM
Thanks for creating the feedback folder, Sara. I was going to add that after I'd made it to work. But you indeed beat me to it. Glad you enjoyed the interview, though it was short. Maybe the real reason I kept stalling this was because I didn't really know what they were going to talk about without revealing Clark's true identity.

But there is going to be more talking, though it might be off the record. laugh

Originally Posted by SuperBek
Loved all of her reflections, her budding feelings for Clark, and the interview itself (Ahhhh, love how he just sits on air like that....hehehe!)

Clark sitting in mid-air during an interview, because he was so nervous about it, was one of the first pictures I had in mind when the idea for this MagiKal universe came to my mind. Initially, I imagined her to be more annoyed by it, because she would think he was showing off. But then I had trouble imagining Clark stepping into the limelight like this.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/03/23 07:23 PM
Ahhh, loving it! clap And I love all the details that showed how slowly time was moving for Lois due to her impatience. Poor Clark had to leave so suddenly... Looking forward to more! smile
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/03/23 07:28 PM
I love that Lois was so flustered she left her interview questions on her desk and instead has his invitation with her. Great update! Can't wait for next Friday.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/04/23 12:44 AM
So endearing :3
I too wish the interview had been longer, but I suppose that might have been a good thing for Clark. He might have given himself away wink

Looking forward to more!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/04/23 10:15 AM
Thank you guys. You're making my day
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Magical Interview - 03/05/23 09:32 AM
Hi Barbara!

The whole day long her gaze had drifted up to that clock, but the hands seemed to be going slower, as if someone had glued them to the clock face.
That would be a neat trick, slowing the perception of time.

Compared to him, her efforts had been mediocre at best.
CLARK: The chicken outfit deserved an interview.

At the very least she should ask Clark to come with her to this interview.
He will be there. In spirit I mean.

Apparently, he'd blown his cover saving Toni. The woman had been quite impressed with him even though he'd lied to her about being blind.
shock He could have said that he was using echo location. Like that red clad dude in Hell’s Kitchen. Not that he’s that guy. Because he isn’t.

Even so, he’d been pretty subdued, as if he weren’t comfortable with the attention she heaped upon him.
CLARK: Cooties!

By the time Lois had been free to leave, Clark had vanished.
Nice fix! And Clark didn’t even have to kiss Toni. Or Lois.

The whole day she’d compiled questions she was going to ask MagiKal. But right now, her head felt empty.
Didn’t write them down, did she?
LOIS: And risk getting scooped?

The climb up the stairs took longer than she remembered
Why not the elevator?
LOIS: Cardio.

After all, it was just her, wasn’t it?
Indeed. Intimate and quiet could never be intimidating.

He was doing this just for her, her very own private performance.
Actually he’s just nervous.

He pulled two of the cones he used for juggling out of his large pocket and lit them up. A smirk played around his lips as Lois gasped at the sudden burst of flames.
Aww, when he gets out some snacks next, they can have a cone-light dinner.

Did he enjoy showing off?
MagiKal: Oh look, where did that Swiss chocolate come from?

Lois groaned. "Oh, come on, we both know that there is no such thing as magic." "If you say so, Ms. Lane, if you say so…"
Those flowers that suddenly appear on her desk…?

In the next moment MagiKal was gone and a thick white cloud rose into the air.
MagiKal: Oops. Shouldn’t have had those baked beans for lunch.

When Lois looked again, a small figurine of ice stood in front of her -- a top hat with a bunny looking out of it. It seemed to be winking at her. She laughed. Perhaps there was magic after all.
laugh fun stuff !

wave Michael
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