Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/10/23 08:35 AM
Please review
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/10/23 10:39 PM
Gahh! Poor Houdini lol But oh, Clark… how are you going to get this to work?! Especially later when Lois comes out in the fantastic evening gown… wink I love, love, love that they’re working together on this now! Can’t wait for the next one!

Sara smile
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/11/23 02:16 AM
Man, I feel like the dam is going to break very soon....
I also really wonder what Lois thinks about Houdini.

Can't wait for more ^_^
Posted By: PuffyTiger Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/11/23 05:42 AM
Hmm, I wanted some pom poms, but there aren't any in the emojis. So, just know I'm cheering Lois, Clark and Houdini on! (and definitely you too!)
Posted By: SuperBek Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/11/23 05:53 AM
Agree that something very interesting is probably going to happen quite soon! grin

And poor Houdini, being forced to be on a leash! That bartender sure isn't terribly friendly, is he?!? Ack, poor Clark!

Can't wait for the next installment!! smile1 clap

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/11/23 04:16 PM
Originally Posted by Blueowl
Man, I feel like the dam is going to break very soon....
I also really wonder what Lois thinks about Houdini

You'll learn about Lois' thoughts soon, as for the dam breaking - it's certainly getting some cracks soon.

Originally Posted by KSaraSara
Especially later when Lois comes out in the fantastic evening gown… wink I love, love, love that they’re working together on this now!

Yeah, he'd have a hard time not to look...

Originally Posted by PuffyTiger
Hmm, I wanted some pom poms, but there aren't any in the emojis. So, just know I'm cheering Lois, Clark and Houdini on! (and definitely you too!)

Yay, thanks for the cheering. hyper

Originally Posted by SuperBek
And poor Houdini, being forced to be on a leash! That bartender sure isn't terribly friendly, is he?!?

What a dog does for his master...

Thank you so much for your feedback, guys.
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/13/23 01:52 AM
Still waiting with bated breath for Lois to learn the truth, but also curious how this new twist on Crush will shake out! smile
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/13/23 07:42 PM
Originally Posted by Queen of the Capes
Still waiting with bated breath for Lois to learn the truth, but also curious how this new twist on Crush will shake out! smile

Don't hold your breath too long - spoiler alert - the next part won't be up before Friday. Thanks so much for reading!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Magical Assignment - 02/13/23 08:36 PM
Hi Barbara!
The setter turned his head, looking up at his master with as much of a murderous gaze as a dog was capable of.
LOIS: mad
Yes, just like that!

. He knew how much Houdini hated leashes
It’s really fascinating – and great fun -- to see just how much alike Clark’s favorite dog-persons are.

But after a moment's hesitation, he took the treat and gave in to his fate, temporarily.
LOIS: Don’t you ever try that one with me.
WRITER: Nookie?
LOIS: Fine…

You're a good looking guy, try to hook up with her.>
This is such a double standard.
LOIS: No, I would also be amiable to hooking up with Superman for the sake of a story.

<You're a man, she's a woman. Do I need to draw you a diagram?>
So long as it’s not in Swedish.
CLARK: Just look! That’s *three* persons. That can’t be right.
CAT: Give me that. Oh, yes, that one. Yes, definitely better with a third person to help out. Safer, too.

He was slightly surprised that she hadn't already grilled him about his insistence to have Houdini by his side.
It’s his emotional support animal.

trying to imagine her at the Corn Festival. Or as his date. It was a pleasant fantasy.
He could combine those!

Clark set his jaw. “Unless you want the Metropolis Star to write about your treatment of handicapped people, I suggest you give me whiskey. And make it a double.”
Yes, if even the Star would write about it, it’s gotta be a big nono.

But he didn't want to explain why he was mixing his drinks hanging upside down from the ceiling.
Or how he can identify the liquors and fruits fast enough.

He stretched out his hearing and picked up Lois' heartbeat. She seemed okay as far as he could tell, albeit a little excited. His heart twisted. It was almost frightening how quickly he'd become attuned to hearing that sound.
See? Houdini’s gonna be out a job pretty darn soon.

The sight of her incredibly long legs made Clark's mouth run dry. She was absolutely stunning. He was lost.
He could ask the bartender to describe her. In detail.

Houdini had more experience in that department than he did.
Houdini: First, sniff at the lady’s behind…

So, is this going to end up as one big story on the Archive? hyper

wave Michael
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