Lois & Clark Forums
Summary: When Lois gets her hand on a note written so Superman, she jumps to a conclusion that shakes everything she thought about the superhero...and her own chances with him.

Written for the Christmas Ficathon 2022, for Anna B. the Greek. Anna wanted:
- A funny misunderstanding
- Set in Season 1 or 2
- Pining
Not have:
- Smut
- Villains
- Time Travel

AN: Anna, first of all, I'm sorry I'm so late with this. I wanted to be done with this WAY sooner but then I got struck with a nasty cold that ate my brain...and then, suddenly the deadline was hanging over my head. So...I tried but didn't got this finished. So I decided to post what I have and end it on a cliffhanger. :-)

I hope I did the request to your satisfaction. I have to confess, it didn't ended up being christmassy...like, at all, but since that wasn't part of the request, I'll hide behind that excuse.

Anyway, enjoy!


Contrary to all claims that told otherwise, Lois Lane did not intentionally put herself in harm's way.

Because really, that would just be silly.

She also definitely didn't do it to increase her chances of being saved by a certain superhero and getting the opportunity to see him again.

Yes, Superman was gorgious and interesting and attractive and handsome and...well never mind, not the point.

And honestly, what woman in Metropolis didn't long to be noticed by him?

And Lois, after all, had a good leg to stand on. After all, he had chosen her for his first public interview. That had to mean something...right?

(The small fact that he also had to rescue her from a space shuttle there, where she was stuck for some reason, was in no way not relevant).

And this time, too, it really wasn't her fault that Perry had decided to send a message to her pager when, of all times, she was in a shady warehouse listening on some drug smugglers. Why did the horrible thing have to be so damn loud, too?

But she got lucky again - and Superman swooped in, took the guys' guns and took them to the police.

She briefly wondered how he somehow always knew when she was in danger. It was almost as if he was constantly following her or knowing what she was doing in her job as a reporter.

Oh, that was too absurd, she decided. Superman certainly had better things to do...

But what if not? There was this little voice in the back of her head that wouldn't let it go. What if it meant that she might have a chance after all?

First, he (gently) scolded her for once again allowing herself to be "dangled over the jaws of death."

For some reason, he didn't seem to agree with her attempts to explain that this time it wasn't her fault at all.

"Alright, I'll take you to your apartment and you can rest there!" he said.

Lois agreed. She would have to change and see what Perry wanted, and for that she had to call the newsroom. And having Superman in her apartment would be a nice bonus....

Stop! Don't go there, Lane!

Finally, they arrived in front of her building. Just as they landed, there was a sudden gust of wind.

At first unnoticed by both parties, the wind caused something small, folded up to fall out of an inconspicuous little side pocket on the superhero's cape.

But then Lois saw the note. She was about to point it out to Superman when he suddenly cocked his head to the side as if listening intently for something.

"Sorry Lois, car accident on Interstate 15, I have to go...it doesn't sound good!"

She was still going to say, "Wait, Superman, your ... note." but the colorfully dressed hero had already disappeared.

Lois groaned. Well, whatever, then she would just keep the note and return it to its owner later.

And she definitely wouldn't read it.

Because that would be very rude and a violation of privacy.

Which, strictly speaking, was what investigative journalists were doing all the time.

Well, unfortunately, Lois Lane was a deeply curious example of the species.

And it could be important, after all. Superman did...important things.

Carefully, she unrolled the note.

In a neat handwriting there was written:

"Hi honey, I know you were going to come over today, but I remembered that I have to do something for this art project today, and I have to go into town for it. Maybe you can come by tomorrow instead.

I finished washing and cleaning your suits. Really, how do you always get them dirty so quickly? They're on the dresser in the hall, you're welcome to take them. But be more careful with them.

See you soon, love you."

And just like that, Lois' heart sank deeper than she could have ever imagined.

Superman had a secret girlfriend???

A mixture of sadness, disappointment, but also a good portion of Lane anger welled up in her.

How dare this woman love him, take him away from her???

What does she have that I don't?

Oh, she's certainly just taking advantage of him. What else could it be?

And she had somehow always hoped he would be more interested in her than just as a...friend.

She had to find this woman and scratch her eyes out...maybe.

And she had to convince Superman that she was bad news.

Completely altruistic, of course.

But she needed help with it. It would be difficult to do it all alone.

And as much as it pained her to admit it, she needed to talk about it with someone who could remain objective about the matter.

But who could she trust to both do that and not run straight to some tabloid magazine and sell the story?

It didn't take her long to make a decision.

She quickly got into her Jeep and drove to the Daily Planet. Once there, she marched right up to the desk of her partner, the one and only Clark Kent.

If anyone could help her with such a...delicate matter, it was Clark.

"Conference room! Now!" she ordered.

"Um, well Lois, give me five minutes to finish writing this."

"Hrmph, alright, but hurry up! It's important!"

"When is it not with you?"

She had to (silently) admit that he had her there.

Three minutes later, Clark entered the conference room and closed the door.

"So, what's going on?"

"I found out something. Something groundbreaking. And now I don't know exactly what to do with it, because...it involves Superman!"

Clark looked at her uncertainly. What did Lois think she had found out?

It couldn't be *the* secret, or she would have started differently. But it seemed to be something big, or at least Lois thought it was.

"So...there's no easy way to say this, so I'm just going to do it. Superman has a girlfriend!"

Clark suddenly began coughing uncontrollably. "Um, WHAT?!!!"

"You heard me, Kent!"

"I mean, yes, I have, but - what makes you think that?"

"Well, see, that's kind of a fun story. He helped me this morning... with a story..."

(Clark rolled his eyes where Lois couldn't see it. After all, he knew exactly what had happened)

".and then suddenly he had to go. Something about a car accident. But on the way he lost this note, and, well..."

Clark got a very uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. He feared knowing exactly where Lois was going with this.

Yesterday afternoon, when he had flown to his parents' house in Smallville to meet his mother for coffee and cake (Jonathan had gone fishing with a friend), she hadn't been there. She had forgotten something at the last minute - he vaguely remembered - and had left him a note.

But then there was a plane crash and he had to leave quickly. Lost in thought, he had put the note in a side pocket of his cloak to read it again later at his leisure and then somehow forgot about it.

Now he deeply regretted it and desperately tried to remember the exact wording of what his mother had written down.

But Lois saved him that trouble.

"There, read that!"

And Clark did just that.

Oh boy, he thought, after he was done. How on earth was he going to get out of this mess?

TBC. FDK is, as always, apreciated.
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