Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChriscyK Future Perfect 3/? - 12/21/05 09:23 PM
Hi! Sorry for the long wait and the shortness of this chapter - I hope everyone hasn't lost interest yet! I've finished this part for a while already, but I'm still working on the next section. I hope this'll tide everyone over until the next part's ready! And hopefully, I'll get more writing done so that chapter sizes will be more consistent.

Oh, and many thanks to my new BR Gerry who offered to help me! I'm just so honoured that someone would be so interested in my story that they'd volunteer. smile smile smile

Without further ado...

Last chapter...

Trying to distract herself, she started rifling through her purse. Maybe its contents would give her some clues about the world she was in now and she wouldn’t feel so inadequate and clueless. Finding her phone again, she had to smile as she fiddled with it for a couple minutes. It’s uncanny how quickly technology develops. Games, musical ring tones, wallpaper! It was like a mini-computer in her hand. After going through the address book to see how many people she recognized, she found Lucy’s number. Surprisingly enough, it was a Metropolis one, and she dialed.


“Um…Luce?” God, she sounded weak.

“Lois? What’s up?”

“Listen, something really weird is happening right now. Where are you? Can you come out for some coffee?”

Future Perfect 3/?

“So you’re saying that you were driving home to me on December 22nd 1992, when you lost control of your car and crashed into a tree. When you woke up it was 11years later and you were surrounded by strangers claiming to be your family?” Lucy asked incredulously.

“Yes! Luce, you have to believe me. I’m not crazy! I’m just so confused right now, and…I’m scared. You do believe me, don’t you?” Lois implored.

After a deep breath and a pause, Lucy replied, “Yeah, I guess I do, sis. Gosh, the weirdest things happen to you.”

“Tell me about it.” Lois mumbled with a roll of her eyes.

“So what are you going to do now?”

“I don’t know, Luce! I’ve just lost eleven years of my life! Eleven! I don’t even remember how I fell in love with the man I married. He’s a stranger to me. I can’t even remember having those kids. It’s like the world’s gone crazy and I’m the only sane person left…or maybe it’s the other way around.”

`“Let me tell you, there are worse things to wake up to than being married to Clark Kent and having two beautiful children.” Lucy said with a grin.

“I really must have hurt them with the way I reacted. And the kids are so young. I wonder how they’re taking this?” Lois sighed miserably. Then, something occurred to her curiosity, so she asked, “Luce, tell me about Clark.”

“Okay, as you probably would have noticed, he’s just gorgeous.” Lucy began with a mischievous grin.

Lois giggled. “Yeah, I definitely noticed that.”

Lucy sobered. “But more importantly, he has the personality to match. You would tease him and call him a big boy scout all the time, because he always just wants to help everyone around him. You also called him ‘Farmboy’ a lot because he grew up on a farm; he’s from Smallville, Kansas, where he was raised by his adopted parents, Martha and Jonathan Kent.”

“So that’s where the names of the kids come from!”

“Uh huh. He says he fell in love with you the first second he laid eyes on you. And I’m pretty sure he has no criminal records, addictions, deep, dark secrets no one can find out about or anything like that,” Lucy said teasingly.

Lois smiled at her coffee and asked, “So he’s a good guy? And we have a good relationship?”

“Are you kidding? You two could never keep your eyes, lips or hands off each other! You act like silly teenagers all the time. He’s the best there is, Lois. You two can’t screw it up if you tried.”

“That bad, huh?” Lois couldn’t keep the wide grin from forming on her face.

“If life were a lottery, you’ve won the jackpot by marrying Clark Kent. And you’ve got the sweetest children.” Lucy finished with a smile.

Lois was about to ask more questions, when Lucy’s cell phone rang all of a sudden.

“Hello? …I’m having coffee with Lois…Yeah, I’ll be home soon…That sounds perfect! …I will…I love you too. Bye!” Lucy put her phone down with a goofy smile, when something suddenly caught Lois’ attention.

Grabbing Lucy’s left hand quickly, Lois exclaimed, “Luce, you got married?!”

“Lois, pipe down!” Lucy hissed as she tugged her hand away, “Yes, I got married in the summer.”

“What’s his name?” Lois asked eagerly, wondering who managed to tame her free-spirited sister.

Lucy rolled her eyes and chuckled, “Lois, I’m married to Jimmy.”

“Olsen?” Lois was completely gobsmacked.

“Yes, Olsen, and he says hi, by the way.” Lucy couldn’t suppress her laughter at Lois’ shock.

Lois smiled as she said, “Well, I’m glad, Luce. He’s such a good guy.”

“Yeah, he is…” Lucy replied as her expression turned slightly dreamy. It was obvious that she was very in love, which made Lois’ heart soar.

“This is fantastic! Now I won’t have to keep tabs on you all the time!”

“Lois, I’m all grown up now! Heck, I’m a married woman!” Lucy sighed exasperatedly.

Lois’ smile was sentimental. “I guess you are, aren’t you?”

“Yeah…listen, Lois, if you want, you could join Jimmy and me until you feel good enough to go home and-”

“No.” Lois cut her off. “I think I should go home and apologize…and get to know my family.” Lois couldn’t help but think how foreign it felt to say that. “I don’t see how I could possibly reverse all this, so I might as well try to get my life back together again and try to pick up where I’ve been put. But thanks.”

“You feeling okay though? Are you up to all that?”

“I think so. Well, Jimmy expects you home, so I won’t keep you any longer. Stay in touch, okay?”

“Of course.”



And that's it! The next chapter should be up soon but until then, thanks for staying with me. wink

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