Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Toomi8 The Interviewee (1/1) - 11/15/22 01:38 PM
“So, who’s the hunk?”

I pay no attention to Cat as she sashays over to my desk, and continues to read through the pile of documents Mr. Platt left claiming to be his credentials.

“He’s in there with Perry,” Cat continued, ignoring my lack of reaction.

“Do you need something?” I ask as dryly as I can, hoping she’ll leave me alone. No such luck as Cat begins to make herself comfortable, perching on the edge of my desk and in the process, knocking some of the papers on the floor. I sigh my annoyance and roll my eyes at her, but she’s not looking in my direction; she’s staring at Perry’s closed office door.

“What did I miss?” I wonder aloud as Jimmy approaches, also staring at Perry’s office door.

“Fresh meat,” remarks Jimmy. “He even arrived with a suitcase.”

Cat snorts. “Monogrammed I’m sure.”

“What are we talking about?” I feel as though I missed a punchline.

“The new guy! You’re so oblivious, Lois. A bomb could go off in here and you’d have no idea what happened,” Cat laughs.

“Hey,” I snap. “Just because I’m working, doesn’t mean I’m not paying attention to what’s going on. I’m just busy.” There is something behind this Messenger sabotage; I’ve got a gut feeling. Plus, anything was better than some old theater closing down, the story I’d been assigned an hour ago by Perry. My front page story this morning was a shoo-in for next year’s Kerth’s nominations, and I’m certainly not about to follow it up with anything less than extraordinary! Sabotage on the space station program would guarantee me that next Kerth Award.

“So what,” I retort, uninterested. “New guy comes in, gets interview, and leaves, never to be heard from again. It’s not like that’s anything to get excited about; it happens all the time. There’s no openings on staff, and Perry will send him on his way.”

“Mmmhmm,” Cat agreed absentmindedly as she continued to stare at Perry’s office. “Other than that suit, which looked like it came from a second hand store, he’s easy on the eyes. I wouldn’t mind having him work here, even if he was just getting coffee.”

“Hey! Maybe I’ll get a promotion,” Jimmy laughed.

“You should go interrupt them,” Cat egged him on. “Find out what the competition is like.”

I snatch back the handful of papers Cat had shuffled around. “I’m working here. You know, what we’re paid to do? Or at least, my only source of income,” I add rudely, watching as Cat slowly stood, smoothing out her skirt, before sauntering away. I glance over at Jimmy who raises his hands in front of him.

“Aren’t you the least bit curious?” he asks.

“Nope,” I say confidently.

“What if it’s some super star reporter the Chief is trying to hire. I mean, there’s no current openings, so why would he even entertain someone otherwise?”

That gets my attention as Jimmy walks away. Subscriptions have been good but advertisement income has been falling. I may not look like I’m paying attention in the budget meetings, but I do remember that. What if Perry is trying to woo some hotshot reporter to boost numbers?

“Jimmy!” I call him back.


“You should go in there.”

“Me!” he squawks.

“You want to be a reporter someday, don’t you? It means putting yourself in awkward situations.” I’m aware I’m using his ambition to do my dirty work but I’m too curious to be bothered by it. “Just make up an excuse and barge in there.” By this point, I’m on my feet and pushing Jimmy towards Perry’s office, ignoring his objections.

“Um, well I fixed his golf cart earlier…”

“Great.” I give him one more push towards the door and try to get a peek inside. It takes about ten seconds before Perry kicks Jimmy out of the office, who shrugs apologetically at me.


“Barely even got a look at the guy.”

“Ugh!” I exclaim thinking I should have just done this myself in the first place. I slip through the empty conference room and enter through the other door to the editor’s office. Barging in, I begin speaking the second I cross the threshold.

“I think there’s a story here,” I begin, which isn’t entirely untrue. “We should have this guy checked out, you know, the crazy one from this morning. He was an engineer with EPRAD-”

“Lois, can’t you see I’m in the middle of something here?”

“Oh,” I try to act naïve, giving the interviewee a quick glance as trying to catch a glimpse of his portfolio isn’t working.

Wow. Cat wasn’t wrong. About the suit or the hunk status.

“Lois Lane, Clark Kent,” Perry says as he introduces us.

“Nice to meet you,” I fumble trying to regain my equilibrium. My moment of hesitation gives Perry the opportunity to ask about the filler piece he asked me to write this morning. Jimmy knocks at the window, rescuing me from a grilling, and I run out of the office.

“Well?” Cat asked as she joined Jimmy and me. For all the digs we direct at each other, I will admit that she has a nose for gossip.

I shrug, trying to appear nonchalant. If I give any indication of my momentary lapse of my ice queen status, she’ll pounce. “You’re right. Cheap suit, not sure how he got an interview. We’ll never hear from him again.”

“So no promotion?” Jimmy asks glumly.

I laugh. Poor guy needs to stand up for himself a little more. “Not this time.” I grab my coat and bundle up the paperwork Dr. Platt left behind. “I’ve got some follow-up work to do. If anything more comes through on the Messenger sabotage, page me. I’ll be back in an hour.”

I try not to run out of the newsroom. I do not want to be around when Mr. Kent leaves. There’s nothing wrong with appreciating someone else’s good looks, but there was something comforting and friendly in his eyes and I found my guards rising. I’m not immune to the charms of a good looking man; I’ve just spent years controlling my reactions. As I exit the Planet and step into the sunshine, I put all thoughts of Clark Kent out of my mind. It’s not like I’ll ever see him again.


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