Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Lost In Paradise (1/1) - 10/21/22 04:47 AM
A/N: Many thanks to KSaraSara, who rolled up the prompt for me from the generator and was also kind enough to give a quick beta.

The prompt: HG Wells and Superman get lost in Hawaii together.


Lost In Paradise

"It must surely be somewhere nearby…" Wells glanced down at the map again, his expression inspiring a number of feelings in Clark which bore no resemblance to confidence. Clark sighed, brushed a bit of the reddish sand from his cape, and followed the time-traveler back towards an already-too-familiar coconut grove.

The island itself was lovely, of course, especially without the stamp of industrialization marring its natural beauty. Gentle waves crashed against the shore, while birds called to each other among the lush trees. He and Lois had originally planned to come here for their honeymoon, he recalled. Of course, thinking about Lois, miles away and years in the future, soured his mood again.

"...Or was it east of the volcano?" Wells mused aloud.

Clark had a brief vision of grabbing a golf-club and whacking the little Englishman into one of the smoking mountains in the distance for a hole-in-one. He coughed and tried to clear the uncharitable thought from his mind before the temptation to act on it became too strong. "Mr. Wells, may I see the map?"

"Hmm?" Wells startled and looked up, as though he had somehow forgotten that a man in colorful tights was following him. "Oh! Why, certainly, my boy. Here…"

The map was an ink drawing that partially resembled the islands as Clark knew them. The coastlines stretched in some places and shrunk in others, and there were a few areas where he suspected the cartographer had chosen pure imagination over accuracy. Still, there were a few landmarks that he could pick out. "Okay, I think this here is Mauna Kea," he said, tapping that section of the map. "I'm guessing this bit over here didn't form yet, and that is probably supposed to be Hualali."

Wells hummed and nodded. "Ah, quite likely indeed. So, we must go northwards, then." He started off.

"Uh, Mr. Wells?"

Wells paused to look at him, and Clark silently pointed in the opposite direction.

"Ah. Quite right," he mumbled, and the two set off again. Perhaps, once this was over, Clark would bring Lois back here. They could explore the young island, sprawl out on the red sand and sun themselves with only the birds for company…and maybe, just maybe, Wells would get so lost he'd never find the two of them again.
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