Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Blueowl FDK: Lois . . . - 10/08/22 03:21 AM
Summary: What if Clark had slightly different (better) priorities? Alternative ending to ‘And the Answer Is. . . .’

A/N: Another one-shot thanks to bakasi for causing a plot bunny to bite me.

Here it is: Lois . . .
Posted By: Songbird Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/08/22 05:15 AM
I wish the series had done this! It’s so much better. I don’t think it was right that Clark proposed without telling Lois he was Superman. I’m glad Clark finally got his priorities right. Lois first! It was a sweet moment. Thank you!
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/08/22 05:17 AM
Ahhh!! Ditto to what Songbird said! His whole speech leading up to the proposal was primed for secret telling!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/08/22 07:35 AM
Glad I spawned this plot bunny. This did indeed fix the scene. Part of the appeal of writing these inside stories is how the sometimes crazy plots came about. That's why I couldn't fix the scene. But I don't think I ever realized that Clark might not have meant to propose when he started talking
Posted By: scifiJoan Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/08/22 02:35 PM
Love it!
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/09/22 04:22 AM
That's fantastic!

“Well, I think if you had decided to do something stupid, like propose to me before telling me your secret, it’d be different. But that didn’t happen,” she explained, giving him a tight squeeze in joy.

Clark, or Superman rather, closed his eyes in gratitude, so thankful he had acted as he had – choosing the best priority: Lois. . . .

This was a great way to explain it. Thanks for feeding the bunny smile
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/10/22 03:39 PM
He fell silent, wondering if she had put it together. However, she still remained quiet. He suspected she wanted him to say it.

“I’m Superman,” he said finally.

Its not very often that Clark is able to say those two words. In many fics he is interrupted or Lois blurts it out, taking away any chance Clark might have of stating his case. So glad in your short story that is not the case. Considering the fact that it took so long for him to gather up the courage to admit the truth, rightfully he should have been allowed to do so.

Only one complaint, wasn't it raining the whole time? Why would Lois want to go flying and risk getting stuck by lightening? dizzy
Posted By: PuffyTiger Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 10/11/22 01:37 PM
'let's do this with a little more thought and maturity' is becoming one of my favorite things. Thanks for this!
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: FDK: Lois . . . - 11/30/22 08:45 PM
Hi Blueowl!

What if Clark had slightly different (better) priorities? Alternative ending to ‘And the Answer Is. . . .’
Like, first get out of the rain?

. “What I'm trying to say is, I almost lost you, Lois, and I'm ashamed.”
Because he didn’t chip her so that he could easily find her whenever she gets lost.
LOIS: I don’t get ‘lost’. Sometimes I just am unable to get home and Clark doesn’t know where l am. That’s not the same thing.

“Lois . . . I should have told you something a long time ago. But I was afraid. Perhaps even a coward, if I’m honest.”
Aww, he’s telling her that she's his first long-term relationship.

He looked at her nervously, and then in slight confusion because she was suddenly grinning. “What?” he couldn’t help but ask.
Boy, is she gonna be ticked off when he e doesn’t come clean now.

He looked back up and found her patiently waiting, or at least as patiently as Lois Lane ever could.

"Do you remember, when they came to the Planet, how . . . nervous I was?" he asked, looking away. "Yeah.” “Well, there was a reason for that.
Government agency. Illegal alien.

“I’m Superman,” he said finally.
jawdrop What? How? /Goes back to watching show/ Huh, I never realized…

“I know. I knew the moment you did this,” she said as she cupped the side of his face with her hand.
Well, the moment plus one and a half seasons.

“Yeah. I’m just so relieved you’re not upset with me,” he admitted.
Well, he came clean…

choosing the best priority: Lois. . . . ~The End~

Sweet little untwist clap

wave Michael
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