Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: bakasi FDK: License To Love - Part 6 - 06/28/22 03:30 PM
Some rather strange date preparations.... peep send in the wildguy wildguy wildguy

I promise to put my toys back into the box.
Posted By: Songbird Re: FDK: License To Love - Part 6 - 06/29/22 06:13 AM
You weren’t kidding about strange date preparations. I wasn’t expecting that! If Lois finds out what Clark did, she won’t be happy with him. I think Lois is right and Clark needs to find out if Trask is still a threat. It’s understandable, though, that he doesn’t want to go near Newsom. Considering everything they did to him, it’s amazing he still wants to help people. I like how Lois refers to his helping people as “his other job.”

I’m hoping that article Clark wrote about nursing homes will get him a job at the Daily Planet and ultimately a Kerth. Of course, he has a lot to work through but if anyone deserves happiness, it’s him. If he gives Lois a chance, she’ll be by his side through all of it.

I can’t wait for more and to see how the story unfolds! Maybe by the end there will even be an appearance by a man in a blue suit and red cape. Thanks! I love it!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: License To Love - Part 6 - 06/29/22 01:53 PM
Well, considering everything, his decision does make sense, even though we all know it was the wrong thing to do and most unwise. The fallout from this will certainly be rough I think. Lois will not be pleased....
Hoping he'll see the truth sooner rather than later. grovel
Posted By: Penny_Lane Re: FDK: License To Love - Part 6 - 06/29/22 04:39 PM
Strange date preparations indeed! Things never seem to go well when Clark relies on kryptonite to “help”. Will he make it through the date without Lois finding out what he did? help

Aside from his small problem with dependence on the K factor, this date does look like progress! The writing sounds very promising. And Lois practically begging for his partnership is a wonderful twist!

Can’t wait to see where you take this bakasi. Thank you for the "Toys" alert!! I appreciate it! grin
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: License To Love - Part 6 - 06/29/22 06:28 PM
No, Lois most likely will not be happy about Clark's most recent bout of lunkheadedness. wink Thank you very much for your feedback. I'm glad you don't seem to run away screaming at this turn of events. Sometimes things have ti get worse before they can get better.

Thank you all for bearing with me.
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