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Posted By: AnnieM FDK: Written in the Stars (28/30) - 06/27/22 11:12 AM
So far, it's been easy to find the "Written" portion of the title -- books, articles, poems. But here we find the "stars" portion of the title.... smile
Posted By: Crazy_Babe Re: FDK: Written in the Stars (28/30) - 06/27/22 12:16 PM
Glad I caught this before going to bed (it’s the middle of the night here in Oz).

Wish there was a dreamy emoji because that’s the expression I want to use right now especially after they spent most of the night under the stars. Who can resist a gorgeous guy quoting poetry while under a starry night and then cooks breakfast for you the next morning?

Alas though every weekend has to come to an end whinging

More please and soon!

Posted By: Penny_Lane Re: FDK: Written in the Stars (28/30) - 06/28/22 05:24 AM
I love the story title “Written in the Stars”. So right for Lois and Clark.

And this scene under the stars—just perfect! Add a constellation that included a happily ever after love story; just can’t get any better! (But, I'm sure it will. love )

Do you think this envisaging from Lois back in chapter 11 was possibly a providential nudge?

And she wondered if this pull she felt toward him was the universe trying to correct its mistake and bring them together.

Not sure how long you have in mind before the reveal; but I don’t see how these two can stand to be apart after this glorious weekend together!

At least Lois has her new lead……………………………………………………..
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK: Written in the Stars (28/30) - 07/15/22 10:08 AM
Romance. Family dinner. Conversation witnessed by a sea of stars and so much more. This chapter was packed with happiness and love. As always, the weekend must come to an end and these two are feeling it! So nice to see Clark in the kitchen making a hearty breakfast. Lois will never eat French toast anywhere else.

At least Lois has her new lead……………………………………………………..

Penny Lane, that's exactly what I was thinking! You can take the female investigative reporter out of Metropolis, but you can't take her out of the investigation! Which brings me to another point, how on Earth are these two sweetly star-crossed lovers going to get together? Each is firmly entrenched in their own universe. Even with superpowers it will be a challenge to get these two worlds to meet somewhere in the middle.

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