Lois & Clark Forums
So, I'm a little late for the party. My apologies. I' also not completely satisfied with this one, though I hope you will enjoy it.

All I want for Christmas is... Clark
by BlindPassenger, for lovetvfan
"You can't be serious, Perry!" Lois Lane was upset. Really upset. How could their boss do this to them?

"Lois, honey, calm down," Clark Kent tried to calm his exasperated wife - so far unsuccessfully.

"I say you two are going to go, and that's it. You listening to me, Lois? No stunts! You will represent our paper. I don't want to hear any complaints!"

"Yes, Chief!" Lois gave with a resigned groan. It really wasn't that Perry could help it. It was just that she had been so eager to finally be able to spend an undisturbed Christmas at home with her husband, relaxing together and doing...other things. For some strange reason, everything always went wrong for them around Christmas. First there was this weird toy rat, then Clark had gotten sick with a virus, and last year, after they finally managed to get married, this crazy guy, Mr. Mxy-something, showed up and sent the whole town into a chaotic time loop. Compared to those things, the upcoming event should be much easier to deal with, though.

As it happenss every year, the City of Metropolis hosted a big Christmas party at the Metropolis City Hall this December 24th, and as every year, the Daily Planet, as the city's largest newspaper (No, Linda, the Metropolis Star is not competing), was expected to show attendance and involvement. This year, the suits upstairs had decided that Lois and Clark had to be there as the paper's top reporting team, instead of - as Lois had planned - spending the evening comfortably at home with her husband before Jonathan and Martha, as well as Lucy, Sam and Ellen, would come to Hyperion Avenue the next day for a family celebration together.

Clark, as always the optimist, took a more relaxed view. "Well, Lois, I'm afraid we're going to have to get through this. We'll get through it all right. How bad could it be?"

"Clark, why did you say that now? You know very well that you're not allowed to say something like that. Now you've jinxed it."

"Lo-is," Clark sighed, trying to sound annoyed but unable to suppress a small smile.

"And take Jimmy with you so he can get some good pictures!" Perry yelled after them as they were halfway out of his office.

"Yes, Chief!"

"Yes chief me not, Lois!"

"Yes, Chief!" Lois couldn't let it go.


Lois' fears, however, seemed to prove true all too soon. The City Hall was hopelessly overcrowded (which was to be expected because the mayor, in his haste to please everyone, always invited far too many guests). To make matters worse, Lois and Clark were seated at a joint "press table" with the representatives of several other media publications - which included, in addition to some decent representatives of the fourth estate - Linda King of the Metropolis Star, who never missed an opportunity to ridicule Lois in front of an audience at every available opportunity, Leo Nunk of the Inquisitor, and, much to Lois and Clark's astonishment, Cat Grant, who had, since she left the Planet, started her own company under the name CatCo Media. Even his marriage to Lois didn't seem to stop Cat from constantly making impertinent flirtation attempts in Clark's direction, which he always politely but firmly rebuffed, much to the amusement of Cat's personal assistant, a young blonde named Kiera, Lois believed was her name.

Of course, this time again the same Christmas songs were playing that everyone had been listening to on the radio for weeks. Lois was no exception. She was desperately looking for an excuse to leave the unpleasant company with her husband, but she couldn't think of anything that would be effective without earning her a reprimand from Clark.

She was about to give up when the mayor stepped up to the stage and proudly announced that it was now time to open the dance floor.

It should be said that Lois was never a particularly big fan of dancing. Oh, she was quite proficient - it was a necessary part of her job as an undercover journalist to be able to occasionally shine at events - but she had never understood what other women found so great about it. Well, she didn't like dancing until she met her now-husband. Granted, she had the advantage that he could get them to dance on nothing but air. That was extremely helpful for her feet and made it easier to move.

With those thoughts in mind, she tapped Clark on the shoulder.

"What do you think? Shall we have a round?"

Clark, who was also secretly looking for an opportunity to escape Cat's claws, smiled brightly. "How could I ever refuse my beautiful wife?"

"Oh, you! Better not try it!"

"I would never!" he vowed in a serious, almost solemn tone, eliciting a bubbly laugh from Lois. Hand in hand, the two walked toward the dance floor.

"Urgh, those two are disgustingly cute," Linda snorted.

"If I had told Lois five years ago that she would behave like that in public with a man, she would have laughed at me for sure" Cat could only agree with her.


Lois and Clark, along with many others, some singles, some couples, spun around the dance floor to a slow waltz. Lois willingly allowed herself to be led by her more experienced dancer husband, who successfully avoided either of them stepping on the toes of the other partygoers by skillful use of his powers. Slowly, the two got closer and closer. They had just come close enough that their lips almost touched when suddenly.


The music came to a stop.

Startled by the sudden silence, the two jumped apart.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please excuse me, a technical problem has occurred!" an announcement from the organizer screeched from the loudspeakers. At first, there was silence for a moment. Then there was another crackle and the music system started up again.

But instead of the cozy dance music that had been playing before, the DJ had probably made a mistake when recalibrating the machine, and now the Christmas song playlist was playing again. "All I want for Christmaaaaas is you" boomed through the hall.

How true, Lois thought. She couldn't resist, grabbed her husband by the shoulders and twirled him around the dance floor to the fast beat of the classic song. Each time the chorus came, she whispered softly, so that only he could hear, into his ear:

"All I want for Christmas is you..."

"Lo-is!" hissed Clark. "You don't know what you're doing to me!"

"Oh, I know very well what I do, Flyboy," Lois whispered, pulling Clark closer to her. Their lips almost met when...


"What the-," Lois snorted in annoyance.

"Oh, sorry! I'm so sorry" I was just going to get this latte for Miss Grant and than I got bumped and well, I was distracted and I wasn't looking and, well, I so um."

"Spilled the drink all over my dress, I noticed," Losi scolded the clumsy assistant. Why had Cat dragged this woman along in the first place if she was too incompetent to handle herself?

"Um, yeah, of course you do. I, um, I guess I'll go get another drink then."

"It's not a problem, it can happen to anyone," Clark tried to defuse the situation.

"Says the one whose clothes stayed dry," Lois snorted, but didn't have it in her to be really mad at the other woman for any longer.

"Well, I'm going to..just go. Have a good evening, Mr. Kent, Mrs. Lane."

"Thank you. You too, um-" Clark tried to remember the woman's name.

"Kara. Kara Danvers!!! Oh, and thank you." She awkwardly adjusted her glasses, a gesture that for some reason reminded Lois strikingly of her husband.

"Well," Lois said after Kara disappeared back into the crows, "I'm going to go to the bathroom and see if the dress is salvageable."

"You do that honey. Do you want me to come along?"

"Clark, you idiot, that's the ladies' room!" Lois laughed.

"It's not like anyone here pays much attention to us," Clark grinned jokingly.

Lois looked around. He was not wrong. Everyone seemed to be busy with themselves. Although she knew he probably wasn't serious, she grabbed Clark without further ado and dragged him to the Bathrooms.

They were lucky and were apparently the only ones on site. The couple quickly slipped into a booth together before they could be seen.

"So, now you have to tell me if this dress is still wearable or if it has already been completely ruined."

"Well, to be honest, I'm more interested in what's underneath..."

"Clark!" Lois squeaked as she caught her husband lifting the dress a little higher than was necessary for mere inspection. You couldn't tell, however, that the squeak sounded like she really disagreed with her husband's activities.

Slowly and tenderly, Clark stroked Lois' now exposed skin, sending a pleasantly warm shiver through her body. She snuggled close to him and leaned forward to give him a passionate kiss as...

"Lois? CK? Are you guys in there? I was wondering if you wanted me to take any more pictures of Senator Wellington for the evening edition," James Olsen's somewhat frightened voice sounded from outside the booth.

"ARRRGH!" an extremely frustrated Lois growled. "I hate Christmas parties!"


It should be noted that when Jonathan and Martha entered the Hyperion Avenue house with their spare key the next morning, everything was still dark. The two sat down in the kitchen and Martha put on two cups of tea for them, and they waited. If they had looked into the bedroom, they would have found a Lane-Kent couple sleeping soundly, wrapped tightly together.

lovetvfan wanted:
- L&C in an already established relationship
- Sexual tension
- A christmas party
lovetvfan didn't want:
- Angst
- Villains
- Children
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