Lois & Clark Forums
Yay, Alicia, you posted! smile

This was great. Very gray and rainy-ish at the beginning, thinking of all the problems they'd been through. And I loved the argument in the conference room -- especially when he caved before she used her best argument goofy

Now I'm just paranoid that it won't really work out... where's that nail-biting emoticon when I need it?!?

Awww! This was lovely and WAFFy, Alicia.

Okay, I'm normally paranoid like Pam, but I'm not for some reason. Should I be??

Looking forward to more.

P.S. You did an excellent job of setting the mood at the beginning of this. I've felt like that on a rainy day, many times.

Very nice -- I especially liked Lois asking him to argue once again so to use all of the array of come backs she had planned.

One thing, though. It wasn't that awful Barbara the wedding planner, it was that awful Beverly.

Barbara (who would notice that)
Yay!! I love this!! A fic right before my birthday that's an answer to my challenge; what a great early birthday present!

I especially love all of the references to STGTTWNK like 'the wedding destroyer' and Nunk, and the angel. I can't wait to read the rest of it! smile

Aw cute story. More soon. Laura
Nice set-up. Cute beginning.

Lois is all moody then decides that it's 'time'. Convincing Clark really wasn't going to be a problem. The man is definitely easy when it come to Lois.

My only question is... this is only part 1 of 4, that means......................................

Lots of whams to come, to complitcation things. It's not as if Lois and Clark can REALLY have an uncomplicated wedding.

Tank (who wonders if Lois and Clark will find the Church of Blue Suede Deliverance in Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator)
Alicia...... great story!! smile1

Happy Birthday tomorrow Anna!!! party
This is really nice! thumbsup

She continued, "Do you want to wait to be married by some guardian angel that was sent down to marry us in some fantasy wonderland?"

"I've been ready my whole life," Clark answered.

Lois felt a tear come to her eye. Sometimes he really was so dense -- like when he got so confused about the concept of eloping. But then there were other times when his words alone could cause her to absolutely melt. Sometimes Clark Kent said the most amazing things.
Aaaawww! How sweet!

And LOL at Lois telling Clark to disagree again.

Great story.

- Vicki wave

Cute. thumbsup

"We're really going to do this!" Clark exclaimed.
:rolleyes: What does he expect, an invitation.

More soon, please.

MAF blush
nice start, alicia! smile

great job with the opening imagery.

i like lois's idea. perfectly sensible, considering.

was a bit surprised that clark didn't agree to elope but suggest they go for the big wedding with the family afterwards. maybe it's just that that's what my parents did.

i like the discussion, especially when clark agreed a little too early. laugh nice final argument, too. smile

"Clark, being replaced by a *clone* on my *wedding day* wasn't *right*. This is *necessary*!
you know, she's got a point...

love the bit about the wedding destroyer and the guardian angel. rotflol

looking forward to the next part. smile

Interesting Alicia smile

Ellen won't like a bit that they eloped. laugh

Jose hyper
Yay, Alicia! You posted! I was very pleased to come home and find this story ready and waiting. I've been looking forward to reading it. And, great part! I loved Lois's introspection and the way she arrived at her decision. I could see her train of thought clearly.

I am concerned about the four parts though. Does that mean you are going to make things difficult for our favorite couple? grumble

Oh, and my favorite part...

But then there were other times when his words alone could cause her to absolutely melt. Sometimes Clark Kent said the most amazing things.
Aw!!! /me turns into a puddle Yes, he does say the sweetest things! I can't wait for part 2, Alicia. Please don't make us wait too long!

Ohhhhhhhhhhh, Alicia. goofy

Do know one thing, though. No matter how you work it out, I'll be right there reading.


LabRat smile

Wow! This is excellent. smile1

Clark's characterization is great. So typical of him to make sure that this is what Lois wants. He certainly can be a lunkhead at times! It's wonder Lois didn't throw something at him! goofy

Please post the next part soon.

Tricia cool
Very nice indeed, Alicia.
Almost the worst thing about everything that had happened was that she didn't remember. It was almost more painful than actually remembering the day in vivid detail.
A very good point. I'm not sure who to feel more sorry for in the whole clone-disaster, Lois or Clark. They both suffered so terribly. [Linked Image]

How could anyone have known that Lex Luthor would show up at the wedding with a Lois clone?
Yeah, it would have been kinda hard to anticipate that one... laugh

Like the others, I like the way that Clark kept resisting out of concern that Lois would later regret not having the big wedding, although I do think he worried about it a trifle too long, *even* for Clark. And it was great that after he did agree, that she made him disagree again because she hadn't had a chance to use her best argument yet. :p

Everything that she said had the potential to happen to them. Well, maybe not the fantasy wonderland part.
Yeah, we could only wish... excellent references to Mike and the wedding destroyer. cool

And then of course this incredibly waffy moment... [Linked Image]
When Clark shook his head, Lois said, "I didn't think so. The sooner we do this the better. I've been ready for almost a year."

"I've been ready my whole life," Clark answered.
I'm looking forward to reading the other parts, Alicia, although I share the concern already expressed that this elopement is not going to go smoothly, since there are 3 other parts to go. It shouldn't take that long to fly to Las Vegas and find a little wedding chapel. Pam, let me know when you find that nail-biting graemlin...


What a wonderful beginning! I loved the rainy day introspection at the beginning. For me, it always seemed harder to lead into a new story with description and introspection. You pulled it off brilliantly.

I love how Clark argues about eloping for Lois' sake. He knows her well enough to know that she may regret not having the big wedding later on. And Lois' reasoning for eloping makes so much sense, it makes me wonder why they didn't try it the second time around, before the NK disaster. And of course, Lois' last argument... rotflol

I'm looking forward to more, and I hope it gets posted soon. Like the others, however, I am preparing myself for the WHAMS.

Great start Alicia
very waffy
more soon please
Thank you, Pam, Irene, Barb, Anna, Laura, Tank, Shelley, Vicki, Maria, Paul, Jose, Jana, LabRat, Tricia, Kathy, Caroline, and Merry smile . I am so glad you all enjoyed this. And, Anna, I hope you had a great 21st Birthday!!!

Lots of whams to come, to complitcation things. It's not as if Lois and Clark can REALLY have an uncomplicated wedding.
I expected this from Tank, but really, everyone else thinks so, too? Very interesting... you guys don't think I could write 44 pages of fluff <g>. You'll have to read on to find out.

Now I'm just paranoid that it won't really work out...
I'm really sure, that this will NOT be smooth sailing from here for our couple
I am concerned about the four parts though. Does that mean you are going to make things difficult for our favorite couple?
Like others, though, since this isn't a vignette and we've got three segments to go, I'm wondering if things are going to work out entirely as planned.
I share the concern already expressed that this elopement is not going to go smoothly, since there are 3 other parts to go.
Like the others, however, I am preparing myself for the WHAMS.
Wow, I hope you guys aren't expecting major whams... I won't tell you what happens except to say that Irene has the right idea... paranioa is never a good thing <g>. This is meant to be more of a farce than a serious story.

I am glad so many people picked up the little jabs I made to STGTTWNK laugh . This story has a lot of little jokes throughout and I am sort of wondering how many of them people will pick up on... since I am not the master of things that are subtle, I bet that they will pretty much jump out at everyone smile .

I am also really happy that people liked the conference room part where Clark agreed too early and Lois made him argue again so she could use her best argument! <vbg>

It wasn't that awful Barbara the wedding planner, it was that awful Beverly.
Oh my gosh, I am so, so, so sorry! I went back and changed that in my post and in my file. I don't know why I thought her name was Barbara... it's been a long time since I've seen 'Never on Sunday' and I don't know why I thought it was right. Neither of my BRs picked it up either. I am really sorry!

Tank (who wonders if Lois and Clark will find the Church of Blue Suede Deliverance in Vegas and get married by an Elvis impersonator)
My lips are sealed... but I will tell you that Elvis does make an appearance...

Part 2 will be posted in a few minutes -- I know I said every other day, but it is already Saturday in Cleveland, so I am posting because I am not sure when I'll have a chance to get to the computer durring the day because it is alumni weekend at CWRU and I actually qualify as an alumni as well as a current student <g>.

- Alicia laugh
Ok, I did promise you fdk, Alicia... laugh

/me dances around the room

You posted! You posted! Yippee!

I like the bits you added, especially
All he was able to give her was a completely unintelligible answer. "Um, uh, um, wa&#8230;"
I love good gibberish! thumbsup

WHAMs? hmmm... well... there is... and... Oops, who me? Nope, I didn't say nothin... /me walks away whistling innocenttly
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