Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood FDK: Going Home - 05/29/21 04:02 AM
I'm going to try using just one feedback post this time and see what happens. As promised, no one dies.

There will, however, be emotional torture. You have been warned! evil
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 05/29/21 04:09 AM
I'm intrigued! Especially after reading your notes, and the promise that no one dies. I'm game for a bit of emotional torture!

Great prologue. Looking forward to the rest unfolding!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 05/29/21 08:34 AM
Okay, this is am interesting reaction Lois has to learning the secret. Not completely unexpected, but slightly more intense than anticipated. I'm curiously waiting for the next chapter
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 05/30/21 12:09 AM
I am so rooting for Rachel this time around. Can't wait to see what happens now.
Clark eventually becoming husband to Smallville's favorite sheriff definitely has a nice feel to it, especially if coupled with him taking over the Kent farm.... :3
Posted By: BlindPassenger Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/01/21 10:09 AM
OK, that was definitely the craziest reaction of Lois learning of the secret I ever read and that has to mean something. Lookng forward where you going with this.
I liked Rachel in GGGOH, and I agree that she is much better concurrence than Mayson could have been. It seems to be common in this fandom to write stories where it's always clear that, no matter what, Lois and Clark will end up together and as nice at this is, having a serious alternate solution is great, too, and like Blueowl I'm rooting for Rachel this time (sorry Lois, but you have enough happy endings with Clark so I think it's fair play) It's an interesting new angle I haven't encountered yet and I'm excited to know how that will Play out. I wonder: Does this Story follow your "I know a secret" tale in continuity?
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/01/21 10:23 PM
I can certainly see why some readers would assume that Clark and Rachel will end up together at the end of this story. But I didn't state that. All I wrote was that true love will win out in the end. Who's the winning contestant? You'll have to read and find out what actually happens and who gets whom.

I want to reiterate that I'm not trying to punish Lois for any reason. Nor am I trying to upset FoLCdom and make most of the members angry with me. This is just a story my three muses (Psychotropia (or Trope), Polyskitsodia (or Polly), and Harley (or Harley) put in my head. It was a tale that demanded to be told.

Wait - I forgot to close the parentheses above. Here it is.)

Chapter one is up! And this will be the feedback thread for the entire accidental epic.

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/02/21 01:02 AM
Well, I certainly like Lucy here. Sometimes it takes a sister to say what needs to be said. If only it was heard.
Looking forward to more.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/04/21 12:59 AM
BlindPassenger, I forgot to answer your question! I'm so sorry! No, this is a different "universe" from "I Know A Secret." Good thought, though.

Blueowl, there is more Lucy to come. She's going to be a factor in the resolution of the conflict.

Stay tuned!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/04/21 04:46 PM
Okay, Lois really is beyond reason. I think once her rage has subsided, she'll have one hell of a bad conscience. And eventually Clark will have a hard time forgiving her.

I'm definitely going to read that next chapter. Poor Clark. I'm curious if there is a reason for Lois' extreme reaction in this verse.

Great work, Terry.
Posted By: SupesFan Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/05/21 03:49 AM
Terry, you certainly have my undivided attention. shock I am willing to bet that Chapter 2 is a "rip snorter...." As always, superb writing.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/05/21 11:52 AM
Bakasi, did I send you my outline? If not, you are very discerning. Prescient, even.

SupesFan, thank you for your kind words. I hope you enjoy the next chapter.

Coming up in 3...2...1...now!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/05/21 12:59 PM
No you didn't send your outline. It's the reaction I would expect, after what Lois did to him.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/05/21 05:16 PM
I had the same reaction as bakasi. At least I hoped that Clark would be strong, and I'm glad to see he was in Chapter 2. Lois needs to consider anger management training, or maybe Perry should require it for continued employment. I wonder if she is banishing just Clark or both his personas from Metropolis, and how that will affect the city in addition to her own penchant for courting danger. Looking forward to finding out how this story unfolds.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/06/21 07:51 AM
This really is the mother of all bad reactions to learning Clark's secret. Talk about driving a wedge between them. Tempus could use some lessons from Lois, if he wants to succeed.

I can just imagine him reading this fic.

"No, no, Terry, you evil *****, where is my role in this fic?“
Posted By: BlindPassenger Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/07/21 08:09 AM
OK this time Lois Rally went a few steps too far IMO and I have a hard time to see how These two should ever return to a friendly base, not to speak of a romantic one. I feel quite sorry for Perry for being stuck in the middle. It's a real shit Situation and he has not even dealt with the CK=S Revelation properly. I'm very glad Clark stands up for himself in this one and is not just being passive and "run away" like he does in other stories with similar acts of Lois trying to bring him out of her life. Her arguments are totally unreasonable and I wonder that as an intelligent woman she doesn't see how much BS she is talking. Lucy knows her sis so well, doesn't she? Let's hope there will be the Point Lois will actually hear a word she tells her.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/08/21 01:41 AM
Everyone seems to think that Lois has stepped over a line. We'll find out just how far very soon. And y'all have nailed something right on the nose - a reconciliation between Clark and Lois will not be simple or easy.

We'll see more about Rachel's situation, too. Be prepared for a few surprises - most of them good.

I hope.

Next chapter up in moments!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/08/21 04:13 PM
This chapter was less of an emotional roller coaster. It'ds a good thing that Perry gives Clark a chance.

But I'm guessing that come Monday Lois will still be angry and Perry's attempt to make her see reason will backfire.

I'd like to know what happened to Lois. Did someone spray her with an anti-pheromone compound? Did Mars, the god of war, rob Cupid of one of his bows and poison the arrows? Does this Lois have a past experience that makes her go this ballistic?

Knowing you a little, I'm guessing that she too has a valid reason for reacting this way.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/08/21 07:12 PM
So looking forward to Clark returning to Smallville and meeting Rachel again. They could both use some TLC.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/08/21 10:02 PM
I feel badly for Perry, Clark, and Rachel. Lois thinks her actions are justified, after all that seems to be her modus operandi. Whether anyone else does remains to be seen. In the show it often seemed as though patience was another of Clark's superpowers, especially when it came to Lois. Also looking forward to seeing what happens in the Daily Planet newsroom if, as I assume, Clark leaves. I can imagine Perry would be incredibly disappointed in Lois' reaction, whether or not that how this story progresses.

I'm also looking forward to seeing how Clark and Rachel interact.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/09/21 03:28 AM
Let me answer the recurring question: why does Lois react so violently to learning the secret?

From the prologue:
Clark being Superman was suddenly an incredibly immense burden and she couldn’t stand up under it.

Clark had betrayed her. He’d kept a life-altering secret from her ever since she’d known him. He was no better than Lex Luthor, no better than Claude, no better than Patrick, no better than Paul, no better than her father. He was unfaithful, untruthful, untrustworthy, unfit to be ground under her foot, not worth the effort to scrape him from the soles of her shoes.

From chapter one:
Clark had betrayed Lois.

A part of her mind tried to tell her she shouldn’t be surprised, that men had betrayed her over and over again ever since childhood. Her father had betrayed the family and left. Danny Williams had betrayed her as a junior in high school, spreading the rumor that she was frigid and scared of boys after she’d fought off his forceful offer of sex in the back seat of his car. Paul Murphy had betrayed her in college, allowing Linda King to seduce him away from her. Patrick Sullivan had betrayed her in Ireland, making promises he’d had no intention of keeping. Claude Bouchard had betrayed her when he’d convinced her he loved her, slept with her, stolen her first big story and told everyone at work how unresponsive she was in bed.

Now Clark had betrayed her. He’d kept the biggest secret of all time from her for almost two years. He’d let her think he was dead, shot to death in Georgie Hairdo’s club, for almost three days. He’d told her he loved her, gotten her to tell him she loved him, then clubbed her with the confession that he—

She couldn’t even think it.

And not only had Clark betrayed her, Superman had betrayed her too. The superhero wasn’t nearly as heroic as he claimed to be. He was fully capable of deceit, of playing the trickster, of deliberately misleading her to believe one man was actually two different men.

I tried to make it clear that this Lois has trust issues, issues that Clark inadvertently and unknowingly poked with an electric cattle prod. Her reactions are based in those insecurities, and this time she didn't have the buffer of her willingness to risk herself for Clark's parents and almost dying as a result. She put Clark on a pedestal, and when he got down he stepped on Lois' heart. He believed that she could handle the truth. (Check this out.) It's probable that she still has unresolved issues regarding her father's behavior, and those would affect any other relationship with any man for as long as she leaves those issues unresolved.

I hope this clears up any misunderstanding about the violence of Lois' response.

The question of whether of not her reaction is reasonable is related but separate. We'll see how the people around her react to her ultimatum and whether or not Clark actually leaves. (Spoiler: Of course he leaves. How else will he meet Rachel again?)
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/12/21 05:34 PM
Chapter 4 is up. More Lois, more Rachel, more Clark, more Lucy, not necessarily in that order. And not listed by importance.

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/12/21 05:46 PM
I'm going to go ahead and say it. This Lois truly is Galactically Stupid. Clark TOLD HER his secret. It's not like she figured it out and he tried to hide it before giving up and admitting she's right. Sigh. When she wakes up to her own idiocy, it's going to be worse than any hangover, and I must say, I don't think I'll feel that sorry for her.

I hope Lucy manages to talk to Clark before too much longer.

As for Rachel, I really hope she gets what she wants!

Looking forward to more.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/13/21 11:04 AM
You actually manage to make me wish that Rachel and Clark will end up together at the end. She seems like a much better friend at the moment.

I have to admit though that I find Lois' reasoning more believable now that she explained it herself.

Actually, I feel pity for the two women in Clark's life. One off them is bound to end up unhappy. Right now, Lois certainly deserves it more than Rachel does. Though my guess would be that in the end Lois and Clark will be the happy couple.

Ready to read more.

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/14/21 08:26 PM
Rachel seems like a good friend and daughter. Lois seems to be making no effort whatsoever to see Clark's point of view... or even acknowledge he might have a valid one for keeping his secret. Lucy is right; she's blackmailing him. She's projecting her encounters with other men onto him without considering any other scenario. Normally, I hope she and Clark end up together. I have zero sympathy or empathy for her right now. She's feeding her anger and making the situation worse, possibly unreconcilable. Excellent chapter and tension building!
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/15/21 12:03 AM
I finally have time to catch up on fics!

Lois' reaction seemed so wildly over the top, yet I have a particular family member who reacts the same way to anything and everything. It was awkward to read mostly because of this particular family member who had just finished having a wild overreaction to something and the dust was still settling. Oh, Lois. I'm sure you'll regret it!

Poor Rachel. The last chapter tugged at my heart. It will be nice to see her and Clark reconnect, even though I suspect it won't be long lasting.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/16/21 01:30 AM
Chapter Five is coming, but first let me respond to the kind FoLCs who have taken the time to leave comments. Thank you!

Blueowl, I understand your reaction to Lois' reaction. But she has reasons, one for every man who's ever hurt her. That doesn't justify her fury, but it does explain it. Lucy and Clark will talk this over and come to an understanding. And I wish I could tell you that Rachel gets everything she wants, but - spoilers!

Bakasi, thank you for you opinion. Rachel is a good friend, and we'll see just how good a friend she can be in the middle of the story. It might surprise you. I would mention now that "deserve" doesn't always apply in matters of the heart. Just sometimes.

Cuidador, that's a spot-on analysis of Lois' mental state. And it's the target at which I was aiming for her mental state. I hope you can handle the upcoming tension.

Toomi8, I'm glad you have some reading time available. I had a family member do the same kind of thing but worse: she invented stuff that upset her and no one could convince her the stuff wasn't true. And we'll see when and how the regret settles in for Lois. As far as Rachel is concerned, y'all will just have to read and find out.

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/16/21 02:33 AM
After reading this, I must say that I don't think anything could change my desire to see Rachel have a happily ever after ending with Clark and for Lois to wallow in misery for a bit before hopefully growing up, moving on, and having a good life somewhere far-far away from Clark and Rachel. And yeah, I understand Lois has reasons and it might explain her actions, but -- like most people here, I too have a relative who sometimes says and does exceedingly senseless/hateful things, and what's worse is that even though she occasionally may be sorry about it later, we all know she'll do it again. She did have a hard childhood and tragic events throughout her life, I do understand why she does what she does (which is why I don't hate her), but I also know many people who have experienced worse and would never do half of what she's done (which is why I pity her--she has burned so many bridges, including mine after several, several years). It's probably why I now have a cut and dry sort of approach to people's foolishness. I've learned it's not worth my time and energy, or my peace of mind, to attempt to 'make peace/play nice' when certain lines have been crossed. I forgive, but don't let offenses continue.

Anyway, I love how Perry is handling this. I'm glad he knows and has given Clark a means to still have a job. Although I do hope someone will call Lois out soon because what she's doing is definitely crossing a line and downright hateful. What she is doing to him is by far worse than what he has done to her.

Welp, looking forward to more, even though I want to throttle Lois and am seriously looking forward to seeing her comeuppance. . . .
Posted By: BlindPassenger Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/16/21 11:21 AM
Kudos to Perry for making sure Clark has still a Job and, thus, giving him a return Option is they should miracolously reconcile one day. Looking Forward for the Clark/Rachel Meeting. Lois seems to realize she might do some wrong things but surpresses that thoughts quickly whenever they appear. Hoping for Lucy to do an Intervention. I understand to a degree how Lois thinking works but I still don't agree with her, especially with her also "betraying" People in the past, like when she had that awkward Thing with Luthor and wanted Superman at the same time etc.. The Kind of secret Clark tells her is not a horrible one at all and Lois blackmailing him is definitely crossing a line, even for her. The way how she uses Clark's deep and personal thoughts as quotes for her Story is just cruel. So yeah, she might have had a bad past with men buth she is also intelligent enough she should see what she does and with this chapter she lost another bunch of sympathy Points. So I'm still in Rachel's Corner for this one. Wondering wether she will acompany Clark on his trip to US midwest and a vacation from all her stress or something.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/16/21 10:45 PM
Well, Lois has taken her anger to a new level. Not only has she burned her bridges, she may have blown them to smithereens. I'm also glad that Perry found a way to keep Clark at the paper. Lois gave not only Clark but also Perry that ultimatum. I can't imagine he's going to be very happy about her treatment of him, since he's been her mentor in addition to her boss. I'm looking forward to the discussion between them when she finds out Perry's plans. Like others, I also have family whose actions feed their anger and seem to easily lose control, which may be part of my lack of sympathy for Lois' situation. Also I'm looking forward to the stories behind Clark's articles, and how they affect the paper.

To say Rachel is going through a rough time, trying to be both sheriff and a good daughter, is woefully inadequate. I've been there, with not one but both parents at different times with life-threatening hospitalizations while trying to hold down a job that is much more than 9 to 5. I look forward to seeing how she and Clark interact and hoping they can help each other through their rough times, no matter who ends up with whom. For the first time in a story, so far I don't care whether or not Lois ends up with Clark, as long as his shattered heart heals. If they do end up together, I'm sure you will take us through their path to reconciliation that is realistic. If they don't reconcile, she has no one to blame but herself. That is, if she has the maturity and insight to see it. Looking forward to the journey.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/19/21 01:42 PM
A heartfelt "Thank you" goes to Blueowl, BlindPassenger, and Cuidadora. It seems that the themes of this tale - Lois' over-the-top reaction, Clark's pain, Perry's compassion and understanding, and Rachel's quiet heroics are all coming through. There will be more of each as we read further. No details, though - I don't want to spoil the surprise(s).

Chapter Six up in moments!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/19/21 04:08 PM
Still reading. I liked that Lucy tried to help Clark and it's certainly an interesting twist that she guessed his secret, too.

After everything that happened, I'm a bit surprise that Clark seems still willing to forgive Lois, if she would stand on his doorstep and apologize. It makes me wonder what kind of indignity she might still have in store for him to burn that last bridge. Somehow, I can't imagine that you've already shot you're wad.

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/20/21 12:18 AM
Ha! Lucy figured it out, even if she's not confident that she did. Looking forward to Clark talking with Rachel :P
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/20/21 10:25 PM
Firstly.... this....

...she’s about three fries short of a happy meal.

I've heard that line from only one other person/character before, Jack O'Neill. Never heard it before or since. I have no idea if that is a common colloquialism elsewhere in the world, but I appreciated the little lift that gave my day!

Now to the chapter! I appreciate how you addressed Lucy's thoughts towards Clark as Superman, and Superman's part in Johnny's death. Lucy is certainly the more level headed one in the family! I can't imagine Lois figuring something out like that and sitting calmly and working it through in her mind.

Somehow I never thought of Clark owning, or driving, a truck. Though, practically thinking, how else would he get his stuff to Smallville? One guy flying with a few suitcases is one thing, but flying with a couch, maybe not so much.

I'm looking forward to Clark's arrival at home, and meeting Rachel again. I'm hoping that Lois and he don't run into each other before then!
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/20/21 10:28 PM
Wow, what a nice interlude with Lucy. This Lucy is more mature than Lois is right now, which is an interesting twist. I'm glad she reached out to Clark and is respecting his privacy. It will be interesting to see which Lane sister comes out ahead when Lucy talks to Lois. So many possibilities for interesting twists that I'm looking forward to reading more.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/22/21 10:22 PM
Well. Everybody likes Lucy in this part of the story. Keep reading, y'all, because the Clark/Lucy interaction isn't done. There is much more to come.

Now to specifics.

Bakasi, I have one more surprise in the Clark/Lois pain sweepstakes, but it might not be what you expect. Stay tuned!

Blueowl, Clark and Rachel will meet fairly soon. And it may surprise you.

Toomi8, there are a number of expressions Americans use to indicate that someone isn't as smart as he/she thinks. They include the Happy Meal, "Your elevator don't go the top floor," "You ain't got all your oars in the water," "You're not playing with a full deck," "You're dumb as a box of rocks," and others in that vein. I don't know the Canadian equivalents and won't guess at any. And, as I indicated above, there is one more direct interaction left between Clark and Lois in this part of the story - just not what some might expect.

Cuidadora, your comment about the upcoming Lois/Lucy conversation is quite prescient. I think some will be surprised by it.

More relationship building and personal information coming up in the next chapter.

Chapter seven is now up! Enjoy!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/23/21 12:40 AM
Rachel is a power house. And yeah, I can see where Martha is coming from. Rebound relationships are risky to say the least, and Clark and Rachel both deserve happiness.
Looking forward to more.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/24/21 12:09 AM
Wow, Rachel is amazing. Her training took over. The only way to handle caring for someone that close to you in a medical emergency is to focus on the problem, distancing oneself from the emotional turmoil. That comes later. Glad to see she's a hero in this story, and the hopefully the townspeople will recognize her value if they haven't before.

Another nice encounter between Lucy and Clark. She is really thoughtful in this story.

Martha is very wise, and I second her hope that neither Rachel nor Clark get hurt more.

Counting the days until Saturday (assuming that's your schedule).
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/24/21 08:57 AM
It seems to me like every woman is drooling over Clark, except Lois. I enjoyed this part of the story very much - despite what you may think after reading my e-mail. But that's just a minor bump in an otherwise well-paved road.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/26/21 01:34 PM
Ooh, nice feedbacks! Let's get some feedback for them!

Blueowl, thank you for your comments. I'm trying to portray Rachel as a good woman and a good sheriff, and we'll see her in that capacity very soon. Martha is indeed wise in the ways of the force - er, I mean the ways of the heart. Rebound relationships tend to bounce very hard and we'll see what happens between them soon.

Cuidadora, thank you. I'm glad everyone seems to like this Rachel. She's not a superhero, but she does what she thinks she has to do. And she has some help along the way, too. I'm glad you liked Lucy, too. Her part in this epic tale is not finished. We'll see who gets hurt - I've set this up so that we cannot have an "everybody's happy forever" ending.

Bakasi, I don't think every woman is drooling over Clark. It's just the single ones. And the next time I write a medical sequence in a story, I'll run it by you for accuracy. Thank you for your comments, both public and private. They mean a lot to me.

Next chapter up in moments!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/26/21 08:39 PM
Another great chapter. I liked the exchange between Lucy and Clark. It was nice that she kissed him goodbye. The fight between the sisters was one of the best scenes so far, at least in my opinion. The only thing that had me slightly confused was Clark's attitude towards the waitress. Was he flirting with her? Despite his broken heart? I'm not quite sure I understood this scene, but that might be because English is not my native language.

Anyway, love this story.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/27/21 12:12 AM
GO GO LUCY! clap Sometimes it takes a sister delivering the truth bluntly....
Looking forward to more.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/28/21 03:56 PM
Another outstanding chapter. It's nice to see Lucy so strong and confident, while also reaching out to a hurting friend. I enjoyed seeing how Clark tried to cheer up the waitress and get a smile from her. His interactions with people haven't changed, despite his shattered heart. Martha and Jonathan's enthusiasm is definitely a much-needed ray of sunshine, even while Clark is literally and figuratively stuck in the rain. Those letters have me intrigued.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/29/21 10:33 PM
Before we get to chapter nine, I have some housekeeping to do.

Bakasi, Clark wasn't flirting seriously. It's the kind of thing grammar purists do when they hear a mis-constructed sentence like "If you want anything, my name's Deidre." That literally means that her name is Deidre only if Clark wants anything from her, like a beverage refill or more napkins or a clean fork. Otherwise her name could be AnnaBannannaPeachPitCrumble or even something really outrageous. And I'm glad you liked the Lois/Lucy conflict. There is more to come.

Thanks, Blueowl. In some other universe, one in which I've already traveled - see Life and Death in the Other Lane for more information on a Clark-Lucy (Clucy?) pairing - they might get together and make a life with each other. But I promise, that won't happen here.

Cuidadora, thanks for the kind words. I'm glad you liked Lucy here. I was trying to make her sympathetic. Yeah, Clark needs the love of his family and their calm steadfastness right now. And we'll see about the letters in the next chapter.

Thanks for reading, y'all! We're just moments away from the next bit!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 06/30/21 01:30 AM
Welp, you reap what you sow and now she has to deal with it. She clearly didn't think this through at all.

Poor Jimmy and poor Perry. Jimmy for losing a friend and role model (or at least making him long distant) and Perry for having to manage the fallout.

Looking forward to Clark and Rachel interaction ^_^
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/01/21 11:19 AM
Lois is learning a hard lesson about the ramifications of her actions and anger. She's feeling the beginnings of remorse, and her reaction is typical of her, but she may find it doesn't work well long-term. It's very bad if Jimmy ends up pulling his support from her. She relied on him before Clark came into the picture, and afterwards I suspect as a friend, researcher, and photographer. This has the possibility of being a far bigger problem for Lois than the debacle with Claude, since Claude left to escape concerns about his character. In a few short chapters, you have me very interested in how this affects Lois and whether it can help her mature.

Martha's reaction to Clark and Jonathan's plans and excitement about them are just what Clark needed. Dorothy had it right, that sometimes there is no place like home. Especially if it includes unconditional love and support. Enjoyed seeing Rachel and her parents interacting, also with the love of a good family. Nice to see functional families in this story. thumbsup

Looking forward to finding out how the story unfolds. hyper
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/03/21 02:16 PM
Thanks, Blueowl. So often we (including me) react emotionally to a situation and make things far worse. And no, she made no effort to envision the secondary consequences.

Cuidadora, you've described Lois' problem very well. She's still too angry to admit she made a serious mistake and her pride won't let her admit it - yet. The "Jimmy problem" will show up again soon. And thank you for the Wizard of Oz reference! You're also right about the solid structures of the Kent and Harris families. I wanted to show a strong, accomplished, professional woman who isn't fighting negative parental influences in her early adulting stage.

Chapter 10 will be up very soon. There are a couple of added complications coming.

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/04/21 12:48 AM
Well, it is only natural to compare circumstances and people. It's how decisions are made. From risk assessments to selecting what to eat for dinner, comparing is key. Can't just easily turn it off, so I don't blame Clark at all, although I do agree it unfortunately isn't the 'fairest' thing to do. But life isn't fair.

Granted, it would help Lois if she did some serious comparing though. Comparing Clark to any man, the choice would be easy. Granted, then she'd have to face how stupid she's being, so I can see why she isn't.

Hm. I think I have to admit that this fic is making me see the more cynical side of myself....
Posted By: Framework4 Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/04/21 02:41 PM
Just read 1-10, there’s a lot of talk about Lois burning her bridges.

Frankly I really enjoyed seeing that. Lois in the series had a history of burning relationships that was never addressed instead simply dismissed.

In various fanfics Lois worked through things, Paul, Linda, Cat, Stewart, to name a few. But not in canon. In my mind I felt like L&C as shown in the series don’t have the depth to last the years let alone raise children.

A successful marriage has been defined as a union of two good forgivers. I’m looking forward to seeing both Lois and Clark developing into the type of people who can weather the storms.

[sidebar, my wife and I have been married since 8/6/77]

I look forward to Clark as a reporter helping with the rustlers, hopefully Superman does not get involved.

I also hope Superman can talk with the press in other cities. I’d love to see this Lois reactions to interviews with Polly Perkins, Vickie Vale,Roxanne Ritchi, Caitlin Ryan, Lily Wong, Annika Bengtzon, Mattie Storin, and Zoe Barnes.

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/04/21 07:13 PM
I missed out on commenting on the last chapter. Acutually I had already written a comment this morning when my phone decided to just swallow it up. wallbash

So please forgive me if this comment is a bit shorter. I loved the letters Clark wrote. It's exacty how I would imagine the flaming letter of someone who's been badly hurt by the woman he loved. It's also good to see that Lois is having second thoughts even if she's pushing them aside for the moment. It was a nice touch how she missed her morning coffee.

The first encounter between Clark and Rachel was great. He's barely been in Smallville for twety-four hours and has already found a damsel in distress who happens to be in love with him. Way to go Clark! I see a world of trouble in his immediate future.

Looking forward to the next part!
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/05/21 12:14 PM
Rustlers are an interesting twist, as were the scenes with Rachel and Clark. I enjoyed the introspections of all. It's intriguing to see the similarities and differences between Lois and Clark's thoughts. Piece by piece they are each realizing how life is changing for them, possibly permanently. Looking forward to more.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/06/21 05:32 AM
Blueowl, I'm sorry you feel you're seeing your cynical side more clearly. Maybe the next few chapters will resolve that. (And maybe they won't. Spoilers!)

Framework4, I'm glad you've caught up. You're right, our Lois is a bit of an arsonist in the relationship department. And I like your definition of a successful marriage. My wife and I share an anniversary with you, just one year earlier, so I understand your veteran status and salute both you and your wife, sir! And I really liked your idea of Superman being interviewed by all those women (a few of whom I had to Google). And we'll see what Clark does with the rustler thing.

Bakasi, your comments are welcome irrespective of length. I'm glad you liked the letters, especially Lois'. I tried to make him sound hurt without being bitter and seem to accept the end of the relationship without groveling. Coffee? We don' need no steenkin' coffee! (Sorry, bent old movie flashback.) And Rachel was in real distress, so this was a Clark Kent rescue and not a Superman one. (Spoiler: we'll see another one later on.)

Cuidadora, I'm glad you liked seeing the rustlers. I was surprised when I tried to look up the cost of insuring cattle against theft, and apparently it's so rare today that no company I could find online offered that coverage. I'm glad you picked up on "how life is changing for them, possibly permanently." We'll see if that's what happens.

Next chapter up as soon as the flood filter will let me!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/07/21 01:39 AM
Hurrah Rachel! Stand your ground! laugh She's so awesome.

And wow, Jimmy! He really is a true and loyal friend and he's really grown an impressive backbone (among other things). It's no wonder in some versions of Superman he's known as Superman's pal.

I also wonder how Superman's rescues are doing after all of this.... Hm, and Rachel has never met Superman, has she?

Looking forward to more.

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/07/21 02:25 PM
I liked Rachel in this chapter. She's a tough guy if such a thing can be said about a woman. The interaction between Clark and his old friend showed that Clark gradually seems to be accepting the changes in his life. It almost looks like he doesn't intend to return to Metropolis when Perry's assignment is up.

You write all these different Smallville characters so well that I can almost imagine myself standing next to Clark, while he is talking to them.

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/08/21 12:54 AM
Clark discovering some things that have changed in Smallville in the hardware store was very realistic. I'm surprised that Martha and Jonathan didn't seem to be aware of the new regulations. Or maybe they forgot about them in their excitement of their son's return home? Maybe we'll find out when Clark gets back to the farm. I'm glad he has Manny who's another good friend and looked out for him (and his folks, since as the owners they might be held responsible for the permit and work).

I enjoyed Rachel's confrontation with Plunkett, and her Inner Warrior emerging. I envisioned it from her perspective, that as she confronted him, it seemed to her as if he shrank or she grew taller, suddenly looking down at Plunkett. I hope the judge throws the book at him and his bosses.

Jimmy's reaction was priceless. He had a good point, since he doesn't know why Lois reacted like she did. Even then, I suspect he might be more on Clark's side than Lois'. It will be interesting to see if Lois and Jimmy can reconcile and stay friends, or not. Makes me wonder how the rest of the newsroom will treat her, especially since Jimmy's anger is likely to have been noticed by someone else.

Looking forward to more.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/10/21 04:36 PM
Time for author responses! No contest, y'all, you're the best readers in all of ficdom.

Blueowl, you cite some very interesting points. I don't see how Rachel could be anything but forceful when necessary. The sheriff's office is an elected position in most American states/counties, and shrinking violets need not apply. I've never liked portraying Jimmy as a wuss, either. He's young, he's still learning, but he can stand up for what he thinks is right. Superman is still active in Metropolis, just off-camera. We'll see a larger event in a few chapters. And no, Rachel has never met the Superman persona. Since she knew Clark first, though, and since she knows he's Superman, I don't think she'll be intimidated.

Bakasi, I'm glad you like my Smallville characters. Apparently I can't write flat one-dimensional throwaway characters. At this point, Clark doesn't think he'll ever move back to Metropolis, since Lois hasn't softened her stance one iota. We'll see how that develops later.

Cuidadora, thanks for the kind words. I put Clark noticing the changes in the hardware store to underline that nothing stays the same forever, even in fiction. As for Martha and Jonathan, it's possible that they forgot to mention the new restrictions on such work to Clark. It's also possible that they didn't think those restrictions applied to them since they don't live within the corporation limits of Smallville. Rachel's "Inner Warrior" will appear again. You are once again quite prescient concerning Lois' relationship with the rest of the newsroom cast. Her coworkers are in the dark as to why Clark left, and we'll see the effects of that lack of knowledge again.

Chapter 12 up very soon!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/10/21 06:56 PM
Loved those flashbacks. They show how much Rachel cares about Clark. It was nice how she saved him when he didn't want to fight, though she knew that he was likely going to win. This has me wonder how Rachel will find out about Clark's powers. Will he tell her? Or is this going to be an accidental reveal. Personally, I'd vote for the later, though of course I know that this die is already cast.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/11/21 01:36 AM
Further confirmation that Rachel is epic and has always been epic. I'm looking forward to her interacting with Clark in the present.

And I'm glad Lucy isn't giving Lois any slack. I think Lucy and Rachel would get along smile
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/11/21 10:22 PM
What a fun chapter! I also enjoyed the flashbacks. Your take on the reason Clark took Rachel to the prom was unique, I think. Shows how the gal can think quickly on her feet. Something she needs as sheriff. I just hope she doesn't get hurt, although I suspect she's pretty resilient.

I laughed when reading Mark's first arrest was Cade. Great story. I got the reference since Cale's hometown is near me.

Lois is seeing what her anger has led to, although she's still too angry and stubborn to have any interest in changing. She is channeling Scarlett O'Hara. It would probably be healthier for her and those around her if she could find a better role model to emulate. lol
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/14/21 02:34 AM
Thanks for all the feedback! It's ambrosia for the starving author.

Bakasi, remember that Rachel already knows that Clark is Superman. She wondered silently if Lois went off on Clark because he told her he was Superman. And we'll find out how Rachel knows in the next chapter.

Blueowl, thanks for the kind words about Rachel. This is not a Lois clone, and interaction with Clark is coming up. I wish I'd had room for Lucy and Rachel to meet, but - alas, that would've made this a horrendously extensive epic. It's already pretty long.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you liked the prom flashbacks. I hope Cade doesn't rear-end your car on some lonely road. Lois is channeling Scarlet O'Hara? I never thought about it, but I think you're right. She should read up on Mother Teresa.

Next chapter up in moments! Stay tuned!

Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/14/21 03:50 AM
Finally catching up!

I loved this line

It was a touch of domestic intimacy that Rachel wished could last all day.

Made the flutters start up!

Really enjoying this fic so far, eagerly awaiting more of Clark and Rachel's interactions.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/14/21 03:31 PM
I remember that you said that Rachel already knew. But so far, I didn't spot any hints that Rachel knew indeed. Anyway, I liked the way you had her find out. The only thing I found a little curious was that Clark showed no remorse over breaking bones, even if the guys obviously deserved what they got. To me, that seems a little OOC.

The scene between Clark and Rachel was very sweet.

Great story!
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/15/21 12:39 AM
Rachel and Clark work so well together. :3
And I do hope she takes Denise's advice, but I doubt she will.... Admittedly, I doubt I would if I were Rachel.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/15/21 02:49 AM
Bakasi, please recall this paragraph from chapter 3, when Martha and Lana brought a load of groceries to Janey and Rachel and Martha shared with them about Lois blowing up at Clark.

Rachel silently wondered if the secret Clark had shared was that he was Superman. If that was it, and Lois had blown up over it, the problem was Lois’, not Clark’s. Of course, Rachel didn’t know why Lois might have slapped Clark over that secret, so maybe it was something else.

I was actually a little surprised that no one commented on that paragraph. I thought some FoLCs would read it and say, "Wall, shut mah mouth!" If that happened, no one told me. But it's important to know that Rachel has known for a long time.

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/15/21 06:22 AM
Guess I missed this line or forgot about it. Now that I read it, I'm rather sure that I forgot about it. At the beginning of this story my focus was on Lois.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/16/21 08:38 PM
I read that line, and didn't comment. I just thought it made sense that she knew and kept the secret. I've always thought she was likely one of the smartest people in Smallville. Maybe she and Clark both graduated at the top of their class. I do like your flashback of how she found out. clap

Nice camaraderie of Rachel and Clark working together, both with her helping him and then he returns the favor. I just hope neither one of them ends up too hurt.

As far as Cade rear-ending me, I hope he gave up drinking and driving long ago. I wonder if he targets vehicles from Cale's dealership, or if the family name on the vehicle is a deterrent. I'll add keeping a lookout for fictional characters driving to my list of things and people to watch out for on the roads. lol
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/20/21 02:44 PM
I missed my Saturday post because my Internet-provider-supplied modem bit the dust Friday night and had to be replaced Monday morning. Since I work from home, this was something of a problem, but I'm back now.

Looks like everyone is happy with at least part of the story line. We'll see more about Lois in the next chapter.

Which is coming up in moments!
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/20/21 07:37 PM
I like the interaction between Clark and Rachel. They're a nice couple.

Perry is still trying to make Lois see reason. I doubt he'll be successful unless he acknowledges how much Lois suffers from Clark's betrayal. And even more through the treatment of her colleagues. It's heart-wrenching to see how much she suffers in that hole she has dug for herself.
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/21/21 03:28 AM
I really enjoyed the interaction between Perry and Lois. He's absolutely right, and I love seeing it come out in your story. Without Clark's 'human interest' angle, Lois's writing would be hard nosed investigative journalism, without the touchy feely stuff that makes the reader feel the story. The difference between reading a textbook and reading a fiction based on truth. I don't think I've really appreciated that aspect of their partnership before.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/22/21 12:38 PM
It barely bothered her now that women chatting away in the ladies’ room or around the morning donuts would suddenly act as if a Cone of Silence descended on them when they saw her.

Great description, and I loved the reference! thumbsup

Mad Dog Lane may be her protective armor, but it apparently hasn't occurred to her that she could thank Jimmy or at least acknowledge his work. I suppose she left that to Clark in the past or just in her anger refuses to do anything he would have done, even simple courtesies. I'm guessing she also isn't in return acknowledging her coworkers. Looking forward to seeing if their actions will go beyond verbal shunning.

Her work is already beginning to suffer. Would enjoy seeing Franklin Stern finding out Lois' role in Clark's long-distance assignment. Could be interesting to see how he or another "suit" reacts to that and to the discord she apparently is causing in the newsroom, and maybe more of the building. Mad Dog could find herself in a much larger doghouse than snubbing by her coworkers.

Denise gives good advice, although it looks like circumstances are making it even more challenging for Rachel to follow it. If she even wants to.

I'm sorry about your modem, although glad it was something that could be fixed fairly easily.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/27/21 12:29 AM
I love Perry more and more in this. He isn't going to just let Lois forget Clark and is continuing to point out the consequences of her decisions.
And, awwww, a hug from Clark? :3 So sweet that he gave her a heads up.

Still rooting for Rachel :P
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/27/21 11:36 AM
Hey, fellow FoLCs, I'm back. I was out of state over the weekend for a family emergency - our daughter-in-law two states over passed away suddenly. Her memorial was brief but touching, and we spent some quality time with our son and his kids. The near future will surely bring more changes for them, and we're probably going to need to help him more. I ask for your prayers and good thoughts for all of us, as this is a very stressful time.

Now back to our regularly scheduled escape from reality. Before we get to chapter 15, though, I must respond to the excellent comments.

Bakasi, I'm glad you think Clark and Rachel make a good couple. There is certainly less stress in Clark's life without the tension of the Daily Planet and investigating with Lois and from simply having Lois around all the time. I'm also glad you like the way Perry is working with and putting a little pressure on her. I'm not sure he'll ever acknowledge Lois' betrayal because he thinks she's overreacting in her overreaction (like someone else in Lois' life). Unless she backs down from hating Clark's very existence, she'll have no internal peace.

Toomi8, thank you for your observation on the different writing styles of our former partners. This is part of the "don't tell it, show it" precept that fiction writing books and aids and teachers emphasize. If you want your readers to see something, you can't just mention it in passing. I'm glad it came through for you.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you caught the Get Smart reference with the Cone of Silence. Younger readers may not know of this secret agent satire from the 60's, but I still think it's hilarious in its utter over-the-top idiocy on everyone's part. You're right that Lois' alter ego - Mad Dog Lane - is a protective armor for her heart. Now, though, she feels as if Clark wormed his way inside that armor for the sole purpose of stabbing her in that very organ. He didn't, and we know that, but until she learns it she won't back away from her unjustified fury. And you're right also in that it's poisoning her other work relationships. Many of them blame her for Clark's departure, and we'll see more of that very soon. I agree that Rachel doesn't have much reason to back away from Clark, and we'll see more of her mind and heart in the next chapter.

Blueowl, thanks for the kind words. You're right that Lois needs to face the consequences of her idiocy, and Perry is the one to gently remind her of them. Remember that Clark gave Rachel that warning, because there is a parallel scene later on where a warning isn't given. You'll know it when you see it.

Next chapter coming up! More Clark and Rachel, plus a real twist I'm fairly certain was foretold by no one.

You might need the following musical references. A few of them have some pertinence to the action in the chapter.

Twist and Shout
Jambalaya (not the original but my favorite cover)
Workin' On a Full House
Centerfield (not really country but someone requests it)
Boot Scootin' Boogie and a line dance to it (like the one Clark and Rachel do)

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/27/21 06:46 PM
Well, that was a nice first date. And yay for the kiss. Poor Lois is already starting to regret her reaction. She just doesn't know it, yet. I'm wondering how long it will take her.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/28/21 12:34 AM
Glad Rachel knows when to hold herself back and when not to. Yet another thing Lois should learn smirk
Also, I'm glad she told him! Will there be any Superman scenes?

Anyway, Lois beginning to see a glimmer of truth.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/31/21 02:19 AM
What a nice get together. Love the small town banding together to help some of their own. Rachel's humility is a nice contrast to Lois' personality. Both of them are women in traditional men's jobs, although Rachel has the support of her parents in her chosen profession, which Lois didn't have very often if at all.

Lois got a lot to think about from Clark's letter to Lucy. I may be detecting some jealousy there. She certainly is thinking a lot about Clark if she really wanted him out of her life forever.

I am beginning to wonder if anyone in Metropolis has noted Superman's absence during the day. I've also been wondering if any action from the series, like Calvin's accident, will have different results with Superman not in the city as often. And I don't expect any answers now, remaining perfectly happy to see how this story unfolds without any spoilers.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 07/31/21 09:40 PM
Before we get to chapter 16, let me respond to the readers.

Bakasi, I'm glad you're seeing what I hoped the readers would see. And you're right - Lois's attitude is shifting. We'll soon see if it's soon enough.

Blueowl, thank you for the kind words about this version of Rachel. This is how I've always envisioned her. Yes, she finally told him that she's known for years that he was more than just good-looking and charming. We will have an extended Superman segment soon.

Cuidadora, there are pluses and minuses to living anywhere, but small towns tend to band together when one family needs help. I wanted to make Rachel as different from Lois as I could to give him a real choice. You're right, solid family support makes a difference in people's lives. Has Metropolis noticed Superman's reduced presence? Good question, but one I chose not to explore just yet due to time and space limitations (this isn't a Doctor Who story, after all). Superman will show up soon. We can imagine that the speaker cabinet clobbered poor Calvin, gave him frontal lobe damage, and he's now studying to be a pharmacist and is a happy, committed husband.

Next up in moments! We'll see a possible resolution for Lana's "situation" and some WAFFy stuff. Enjoy!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/01/21 12:24 AM
Good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, good thing, ......
Definitely coming in first to me smile
Looking forward to more.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/01/21 07:22 AM
The talking to the furniture part was very funny. It's good that Clark was able to help Lana.

And Yay! for the kissing
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/03/21 12:10 AM
What a delightful chapter! I enjoyed how Rachel recruited Clark to help.

Loved the humor. My favorite lines were:

“She did tell me her friend was asking her furniture for advice,” he added.

“That’s what got you here?”

He shrugged. “I didn’t think I could do worse than the coffee table.”

I also enjoyed the banter between Rachel and Clark. Rachel certainly knows what she wants. Glad to see her open about it with Clark and patient. Another interesting contrast to Lois whose impatience can be legendary.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/03/21 02:00 PM
Chapter 17 will be up in moments, but first let's do our housekeeping. I really appreciate all those who have commented, and I want to make sure I acknowledge their efforts.

Blueowl, thank you for all the goodness you sent along. Not real sure what's "coming in first" to you, but I'm glad you're enjoying it.

Bakasi, I'm glad you liked Lana's attempt to receive comfort or consolation or counsel from her furniture. And I'm glad you liked the kissing part. There is more to come.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you liked my attempts at humor. My funny isn't always someone else's funny, so I'm glad this came across so well. And yes, Rachel is deliberately not a Lois clone. Clark knows it too, and that will figure in the final resolution.

Now on to the next post!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/03/21 03:21 PM
I'm with Perry here. I was wondering, why Clark hadn't exploded before now. But I think this was just the perfect moment to blow up in Lois' face. Now, she got a taste of her own medicine. It really wasn't fair of her to expect Superman to treat her like he always has.

I really like this chapter, because it's a turning point. Up until now, I always thought that Clark would forgive Lois, if only she asked him. Now, I think there will be a lot of groveling involved. Perhaps more than she could possibly imagine. My guess would be that her first attempt to reconcile will backfire, and painfully so.
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/03/21 04:49 PM
Glad she's finally, /finally/ seeing sense. And I'm glad he blew up on her. Sometimes it's necessary. And yay Perry, sticking to his guns and frankly laying down the truth.

I did find it really touching that even Bobby Bigmouth is annoyed with her.

I do wonder if Bobby knows the truth.

Anyway, really liked the rescue ^_^
Posted By: SupesFan Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/04/21 06:15 AM
I love the fact that Perry is always so far ahead of Lois. Good for him. hail
In my opinion, this chapter certainly establishes itself to begin the "Taming of the Shrew." And, Clark definitely is capable of doing so. It will not be a pretty picture as Lois attempts to resolve the conflict between them. cat
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/06/21 10:30 PM
Clark's reaction and conditions were perfect, as was his timing. He gave her time and space to change her mind, which she didn't do on her own. I also found it amusing that she didn't listen to Lucy, Perry, Jimmy, or even Clark until he gave her an ultimatum as Superman.

I'm glad Perry backed up Clark. It's long past time she understood the consequences of her nuclear overreaction.

Clark's explanation to his parents of why he did what he did is concise, emotional, and poignant. Looking forward to finding out whether or not it's going to take a lot for Clark to trust her enough to even believe her apology is sincere.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/07/21 04:28 PM
Wow. It looks like everyone who commented - Bakasi, Blueowl, Supesfan, and Cuidadora - all think that Clark has had enough and shouldn't take it any more. And Perry is getting some love, too, for which he and I both thank you. I wanted him to be the voice of reason in this tale, and he seems to be coming across as I intended.

The "Taming of the Shrew?" In that play, the hero pursued and conquered the heroine because of a bet (and her father's wealth). Not sure that applies, although the turning point several have indicated is indeed a turning point and things will change going forward. We'll see how that works itself out in the next few chapters. True, Lois has done nothing up to now to induce Clark to trust her, and in typical Lois dive-in-without-checking-the-water-level fashion, she'll do something that will be both in and out of character. You'll see it when it happens.

Right now we have the next chapter to peruse. Onward and upward! Wait, no, it's Up, Up, and Away!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/07/21 11:59 PM
Wow, so Lois does seem to understand how much she's messed up, but I doubt she has grasped how much she may have lost because of it yet.....

Anyway, I'm glad Clark is being honest about his feelings and how upfront he's being about his fears with Rachel who continues to show how considerate and patient she is. She's really a great woman. Also, that kiss from Clark at the end sloppy So sweet ^_^

Looking forward to more.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/08/21 08:14 PM
Another delightful chapter with advancing the story both in Metropolis and Smallville. Nice banter and meal between Lois and Lucy. I'm enjoying Lucy in this story.

Rachel and Clark's banter definitely reminiscent of what Clark once had with Lois. Very sweet scene in the truck where Clark opens up and is honest with Rachel. It was beautifully done, although I now have more questions about where Clark is heading both professionally and personally. Looking forward to where you take this story next.
Posted By: SupesFan Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/09/21 02:43 AM

Okay, me bad. I meant "Taming of the Shrew" literally, not in the Shakespearean sense. eek If I stop replying in the middle of the night, I am sure to be more coherent!

I. too, loved this part. I love Rachel. With her, what you see is what you get. She is no drama queen and doesn't deserve a "rebound" relationship. Clark is trying to reach out to Rachel while sorting out his own feelings. Good for Clark. Can't wait to hear (read) the "Please forgive me Clark" speech when Lois tries it out loud to Clark!

My inbox is anxiously waiting for the next part. Keep writing and I will keep reading. thumbsup

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/11/21 01:46 AM
Time for response to feedback before chapter 19! Which will answer some questions and pose new ones.

Blueowl, I wrote in the author's notes at the beginning that I thought Rachel was criminally underused (that's a pun for those with a taste for such). I wanted to portray her as a serious alternative romantic choice for Clark. We'll see how that works out fairly soon. Lois will also be faced with the level of damage she's inflicted on Clark soon, too. And it won't be a chuckle-fest, either.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you like Lucy in this narrative. I needed a female voice of reason to balance Perry's gentle counsel so Lois couldn't insist to herself that "Perry's just saying this because he and Clark are both men!" I'm glad you liked Clark's openness with Rachel. He's learned that big secrets tend to bite a person where and when the bite is least expected and can do the most damage. As to where Clark is heading, either personally or professionally, some answers are in the next chapter.

Supesfan, I wasn't trying to correct you, just understand where you were coming from. Lois certainly is a shrew in this tale - at least she has been up to now. We'll see how that changes in the next chapters. Let me know if you approve of her conversation with Clark.

Nineteen will be up momentarily! Happy reading and feedbacking! (I don't care if it's not really a word.)

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/11/21 02:24 AM
Just wow.
She's been given a glimpse of what she has done, but she still isn't fully understanding what Clark needs (with her still setting terms). It really is sad. Granted, at least she's improving.

As for Rachel. She is a lady of upstanding class. Very impressive.
I hope Rachel comforts Clark over their lunch wink
Posted By: SupesFan Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/11/21 05:30 AM
Always knew Clark had a spine. Just needed a very good reason to overtly display it. Good for Clark. However, Lois is possibly just finding out how tough Superman can be when pushed. She no longer can twirl his cape around her little finger. Rachel, stand by your man. He's kissed you more than once. He may literally sweep you off your feet! Chapter 20 can't come soon enough.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/11/21 09:29 AM
I like the way you handled Lois' apology and Clark's reaction to it. This was a very tense chapter. And as I expected there will be a lot more groveling involved until Clark will be ready to forgive Lois, let alone come back to her. And at this stage I'm not sure I'd want him to.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/11/21 05:19 PM
Wow, this chapter really packed an emotional wallop, especially the last two lines. clap

The two women stood gazing directly at each other for perhaps fifteen seconds. It was almost a challenge. Rachel could just about hear the Western gunfighter music in her head.

I heard it. laugh I enjoyed the descriptions and thoughts of all three characters, and especially Rachel's.

Clark's reaction to Lois' intrusion unannounced into his domain (Smallville and his office) was absolutely justified and at the same time in character with his emotions. If he feels guilty, it likely will be as soon as she's out of sight.

Now it seems Lois has a pretty good idea of the destruction her temper wrecked. Even her last comment about Clark and Rachel's relationship still could be taken as her dictating his life. It will be interesting to see if she attempts another reconciliation; and how her relationship with Clark affects her professional life, which may be nonexistent as an investigative reporter if Superman remains off limits.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/14/21 04:20 AM
Ooh, more delicious feedbacks! Yummy!

Blueowl, thank you. You're picking up exactly what I'd hoped my readers would see: Lois trying to set things right but failing, Clark holding on to his hurt, and Rachel supporting and helping as best she can. Comfort over lunch? I dunno. Clark's invulnerable, true, but in his current emotional state I'm not sure he's very hungry. We'll see what happens next.

SupesFan, thanks for believing in Clark. He told his parents that he wouldn't go through with his threat to poison Lois' reputation in Metropolis, but that doesn't mean he's not still heartbroken. The problem - for Lois, anyway - is that he's too angry at her to forgive her at this time.

Bakasi, thank you. This was one of the harder chapters to assemble. It appears that I did a pretty fair job with it. And we'll soon see what he decides to do and when he decides to do it.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you felt the impact of the close. Believe it or not, it's a cliffhanger, one which will be partially resolved in the next chapter. And I'm glad you liked the gunfight music, too. I imagined the theme from the TV show Gunsmoke in Rachel's mind. I also see that you've been peeking into my hard drive again. You're quite prescient, although not exactly on the button (just a tad off-center).

Chapter 20 up now!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/14/21 07:53 AM
Another great chapter with three miserable main characters. Your Rachel is a very wise woman and I'd say that at least in her case it's true love. But she's also right about Clark's feelings for Lois. He wouldn't be as mad at her as he is, if he wasn't still in love with Lois.

I'm eagerly awaiting your next chapter. And I'm still a bit torn here - I don't want Clark to severe his bond with Lois, but I don't want him to say goodbye to Lois either.
But I guess he's not becoming a Mormon, huh? (But I suppose that's not a fair solution to their problems either
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/15/21 09:59 PM
What a delightful chapter! I loved the introspection of not one but four characters. Rachel really knows unselfish love, putting Clark's happiness above her own. Although the history she shared with him gives a wonderful glimpse into why she made her decision.

I love Perry's thinking and decisions. While he may think he's being petty, I think of it more as Lois needing to see she can't fix this with a single apology, and she should have some pain to really understand what she's put Clark and the whole newsroom through. She needs to hear Clark's thoughts about her making decisions for him, which is an interesting twist on what happened in the show when he made at least one unilateral decision for the couple.

Counting the days until the next chapter.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/17/21 08:07 PM
bakasi wrote:

Another great chapter with three miserable main characters. Your Rachel is a very wise woman and I'd say that at least in her case it's true love. But she's also right about Clark's feelings for Lois. He wouldn't be as mad at her as he is, if he wasn't still in love with Lois.

Thank you. That's exactly where I wanted people to go at this point - nobody's happy because Clark doesn't know his own heart.

Cuidadora, your counting is done! And thank you for agreeing that Lois doesn't need to be let off the hook because she apologized, irrespective of her sincerity. I'm also happy to see FoLCs anticipate the next set of actions, some of which will come about as have been predicted. Of course, that means that some won't. And isn't that part of the fun?

Chapter 21 up in moments!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/18/21 01:35 AM
Caught up.

Anyway, I think Clark deciding who he really loves is super important. Rachel is certainly right and she really loves Clark a lot to encourage him to ensure that he is sure.
I am glad that Lois is waking up to how she has been behaving. I think no matter what happens, she'll become a better person after this. And if her friendship with Clark is repaired along the way, that's an added bonus.

Looking forward to more.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/18/21 01:21 PM
Terry, you're a tease. I actually thought that the elevator incident would give them the opportunity to really talk and listen to each other. But instead the elevator problem gets fixed at the missed opportunity. Maybe the problem will occur again?

Other than my slight disappointment with that scene, it was the usual great chapter. Thanks for sharing
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/21/21 12:09 AM
More great scenes in this chapter, each advancing the story. I enjoyed the scene in Perry's office where Lois thinks she'll be chewed out for being late. Her demeanor is subdued, definitely showing her despair. I could picture that even her hair is limp and dull, matching her voice. The elevator scene was great and too short. Hopefully there will be more friendly encounters between the two. Looking forward to seeing where you take this story next.

Addendum: I forgot to mention how much I enjoyed the contrast of Clark's original lack of gentlemanly manners in Perry's office with their return at least partially in the second visit to Perry's office. Also I found Lois' thought about coffee amusing.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/21/21 02:21 PM
Now for feedback on the feedback!

Blueowl, I'm glad you liked Rachel in this chapter. I wanted to portray her and honest and upright, so much so that she wouldn't accept being second choice even if she got who she wanted. I always knew the first-season Lois would come around to loving Clark, but there were times when I thought she was being really horrible. Sometimes one must pass through the dark valley to appreciate the light.

Bakasi, I wasn't trying to tease you with the elevator scene. Remember, though, that their relationship is still in the "don't rock the boat" stage. They're not quite ready to have that deep and meaningful talk. It's coming, I promise.

Cuidadora, your vision of Lois' hair as limp and dull is a detail I wish I'd thought of! Thank you. If you're "seeing" the scene as I write it, that means that you're into the story. The contrast between Clark's early conversation with Lois in Perry's office and the most recent one was deliberate. It was meant to show how badly Clark had been hurt, and apparently it succeeded.

Chapter 22 up in moments! There are some surprises in store for some characters - not all of them pleasant. (The surprises, I mean, not that the characters are unpleasant.)

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/22/21 08:02 PM
I love this chapter! What a gamut of emotions it packs.

Just when I thought the angst of the Rachel-Clark interaction would be overwhelming, you gave us this line...

So he bound up his heart with duct tape and safety pins and didn’t ask.

All I could think of was a book I'd read years ago. It's a memoir of a Vermont Country Doctor's experiences.

[Linked Image]

The title comes from his comment about some of his patients who would only see him if they developed something that neither could fix.

I also especially loved the references to Star Wars and The Muppets.

The description of Lois' hair in a previous chapter is yours to use in this story or a future one, should your muses not be offended. After all, your writing inspired the image.

And I love the non-hanging-over-the-jaws-of-death cliffhanger! clap
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/23/21 12:30 AM
I suppose like houses, location is everything. Location, Location, Location.
I'm still squinting though. Lois better not whizz away this likely second chance. razz
You weren't joking when you said there would be emotional torture.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/24/21 10:12 PM
Cuidadora, thank you for your kind words. I like to toss in appropriate cultural references occasionally to link my intended emotional impact to a commonly known event, whether factual or fictional. And thank you for the release to use Lois' hair description. My three muses slapped each other and demanded to know why the others didn't think it first. It was not unlike an episode of The Three Stooges.

Cliffhangers - I like to call them "reader incentives" - don't have to involve mortal danger. This time it's just emotional danger. peep

Blueowl, I thought the park would be an appropriate venue for a try at reconciliation. And yes, I fully and deliberately intended to create emotional torture, both for my characters and for my readers. evil Bwa-ha-ha.

Chapter 23 will be up in moments!

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/25/21 01:21 AM
You know, I'm sorta beginning to think/wonder if it would be healthier and better for both of them to only become/remain good friends and nothing more.
*shrug* Would be an interesting path and allow for an opening of a sequel where they move on with their romantic lives with different people while maintaining a good friendship.
Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/25/21 03:08 AM
I had a whole pile of chapters to catch up on! How wonderful. smile1

Rachel is a an incredible woman. I found myself thinking if I was in her shoes, there's no way I'd let Clark go back to Metropolis, let alone encourage it! However, it would doom the relationship, I'm sure, though that would be one of those hindsight things.

I love the idea of the 'do-over.' How many times in life would we do things differently with several months perspective to look back on? I appreciate how Lois still got angry, still had unresolved frustrations, yet voiced them without overreacting.
Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/25/21 02:27 PM
I guess I forgot to leave some feedback. I loved Chapter 22. It was good to see Lois and Clark talk to each other. I also liked that Clark decided to confront Lois on her feelings toward him. Great that he's giving Lois a second chance.

Chapter 23 was great. We finally got to see a much more composed Lois. She really should have reacted that way.

I'm eagerly waiting for the last two chapters
Posted By: SupesFan Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/26/21 03:58 AM
I have read every word of this riveting story. I kinda agree with Blueowl. Leave it with rebuilding the friendship. SEQUEL!!!

Posted By: L Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/26/21 09:15 PM
Wow. I actually want him to go back to Rachel. Lois threatening him was abusive to me... it's hard to get past that. But lovely story and obviously any ending you write will be lovely
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/27/21 01:31 AM
Another excellent chapter. I'm enjoying Snarky Lois. I don't have an opinion just now about how I want this to end. Looking forward to seeing how they solve their trust issues (if they do), whether their hearts can heal, and where you take this next.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/28/21 03:36 AM
Time to respond to the sagacious feedback y'all have dropped!

Blueowl, you want them to stay as just friends? Interesting. I agree that a lot of turbulent water has passed under a couple of bridges, but this is, after all a "Lois AND Clark" board. We'll see how the relationship develops from here on in. I promise that they won't jump into the bed at the Luxor any time soon. But your suggestion is one a bold and daring author might undertake. Hmm...

Thank you, Toomi8. I seem to have succeeded in portraying Rachel as a heroine. And she's braver than I would have been had I ever found myself in a similar situation. Many are the times I've wished for a do-over in my own life. I think both of them handled it pretty well.

Bakasi, you don't owe me any feedback. But I always enjoy reading your comments because they're always intelligent and thoughtful. They both needed to talk, and even more important, they both needed to listen.

Supesfan, you cast your vote for Clachel (Clark/Rachel) too, eh? I've learned that a man and woman don't really love one another as they should unless they're already friends. I'd hate to be married to a woman I didn't want to be around. (I think my wife feels the same about me.) At this point, I'm not planning a sequel, but the best-laid plans of mice and men gang aft aglay (or "oft go astray" as the common translation phrases it). We'll see what the muses give me, assuming they give me anything.

And L, you agree with the friendship path. You're right that Lois was abusive to Clark, but she's turned 180 degrees around on her attitude and asked him to forgive her. Now it's Clark's job to either do so or hold a grudge, and we all know that can lead to shotguns pointed at sheriffs.

Cuidadora, I'm glad you like Snarky Lois. I hope Inner Rachel also pleases you. I have a hard time doing introspection, so using an imaginary or inner antagonist helps to get the conflict described to the reader without taking up too much space or time. And I'm glad you're along for the ride. I hope you find "the rest of the story" at least as interesting as it has been so far.

I will reveal now that there is an epilogue for this epic. Two, actually, and I haven't quite decide which path to choose. Who knows? I might post both and let the readers decide which one to keep.

If it weren't a bad pun, I 'd suggest that doing the above would be a novel idea.

Chapter 24 up in moments!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/28/21 06:22 AM
The scene underneath the mistletoe was an interesting read. I don't think that either of them was ready yet for that kiss. A 'poke the bear with a stick-kiss? How do you come up with these expressions, Terry? Really, although I have to admit that my vocabulary still is a far cry from rivaling the aptitude of a native speaker, I think that I've got a decent knowledge of ideoms. But somehow, with you, I always end up having to resort to the dictionary.

Okay, I do get what you mean this time, and actually that was supposed to be a compliment, if you didn't get that.
I love your humor showing in so many scenes. And I can't wait to read those final chapters.

Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/30/21 01:27 AM
Glad to see that Lois really is learning from her mistakes, and I enjoyed seeing Friskin's point of view. I'm still of the belief that Lois and Clark becoming good friends again would be impressive in itself and doesn't require romance to follow. *shrug* Granted, that may be due to my own life experiences.
Curious to see how you end this.
Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 08/31/21 11:34 PM
Terry, I enjoyed Inner Rachel. Actually, I've enjoyed all the introspections you've shared with us. Glad to see a more mature Lois who is approaching her feelings and problems instead of burying them by focusing on her work. Dr. Friskin was a lovely addition to this chapter. I can see how her success with Lois made her day, if not her decade. Glad she did, too. Looking forward to more.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/01/21 02:49 AM
Bakasi, I'm glad you liked the mistletoe scene. And thank you for the compliment. Colloquial expressions like "poke-the-bear" aren't uncommon in flyover country (the middle states in the US), so I like to drop them in occasionally just to see if anyone is paying attention. You obviously were. And I'm glad you liked the understated humor. I didn't want their relationship to rebuild on anger and sharp exchanges, so the hesitant and tentative moves on both their parts seemed appropriate.

Blueowl, I'm glad you liked seeing Dana Friskin. The show never, to my knowledge, gave her a first name, so I landed on Dana a few stories ago and I really think it fits her. As far as Lois and Clark becoming friends and stopping there - well, this is a Lois AND Clark board, after all. The few stories of mine where they have not ended up together have created lots of heated feedback, so we'll have to see what happens in the next chapter and the epilogue.

Cuidadora, thanks for the thumbs-up for Inner Rachel. I worked really hard on those introspection scenes, and they felt best to me when the inner character "spoke" to the outer one. Internal dialogues are hard, y'all. I'm very glad they came across as I intended.

Final chapter coming up! And, of course, an epilogue follows.

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/01/21 02:25 PM
Yay, they're dating again. I understand why Clark is not sure about his feelings toward both his women. Somehow this reminds me of the chocolate and Rocky road icecream analogy. It was rocky road, wasn't it? In the Herman version Scardino is walnut ice cream, but that's beside the point. Rachel is stable and trustworthy, but might be a bit boring. But she's loving him unconditionally. I.still feel incredibly sorry for her.

I guess we will be seeing her again in the epilogue when he tells her that he's loving Lois. Poor girl.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/04/21 12:44 PM
Bakasi, you're right that Clark's life with Lois would be a "rocky road" and not plain chocolate like life with Rachel would be, but sometimes that's the choice we each must make, even on less important matters. I'm glad Rachel came across to you as well as she did.

You might recall that I mentioned earlier that I'd written two epilogues. This is the original version, and I felt that the story should end on this note instead of heading in the direction the second version went. Who knows? I might include the second version on the archive as an alternate ending.

Epilogue up in moments!

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/04/21 03:22 PM
Somehow, I'd expected a bit more interaction between Lois and Clark. But I liked your epilogue and the final talk between Clark and Rachel. They were a nice couple and I really hope that she will find someone who really loves her.

Thank you for sharing this story, Terry. It sure was an emotional roller coaster ride. One I thoroughly enjoyed, by the way. clap clap clap
Posted By: Blueowl Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/05/21 01:01 AM
I really hope Rachel finds someone awesome. I really like her and hope to see her more in other fics. She's such an under used character. I'm also glad Clark didn't leave her hanging and officially ended things so hopefully she can move on with her life instead of holding onto a false hope.
Anyway, thanks for writing and sharing.
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/05/21 01:45 AM
I just wanted to reiterate that I warned you.

There will, however, be emotional torture. You have been warned! evil

I hope everyone is as happy as I am that Clark and Lois are together at the end. That doesn't always happen in the stories my muses sneak into my inbox.

I'm going to post the other version of the epilogue and label it as a "cutting-room floor" scene. Let me know if you like that one better.

Posted By: bakasi Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/05/21 08:01 PM
I read the second version of your epilogue. I was suprised, because somehow I thought Rachel and Clark would end up together in that version. Might have misunderstood. Anyway, I must admit I liked the second version a bit better, because I felt that it showed more clearly how much Lois had learned from that episode. I don't know if I'm making myself clear or not. The only thing that I found a bit odd is that Lois is wearing exactly the same attire as Clark. Somehow, they never struck me as this type of a couple where the guy gets a tie matching her Burberry scarf and such. Ugh!
Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/05/21 08:03 PM
RJS added a comment to the alternate epilogue complaining that Kansas is not a Southern state and that Rachel shouldn't have a Southern accent. No, it isn't Southern, it's Western if it's anything other than Central U.S. geographically. If one reads the entire tale, it's evident that Rachel Harris is the only character with that accent. She had that accent in the episode "Green, Green Glow of Home," and that's why she has it here. I replicated the accent to make her stand out from the rest of the cast and differentiate her from Lois. It's one of the markers to identify and individualize her in each scene.

As far as Rachel calling Lois a "Yankee," that term also refers to people who live and work in the Northeast part of the country. That use is a bit archaic, but it's still legit. I've been called a Yankee by people in Oklahoma (which wasn't a state in 1865) because I've mentioned that I once lived in Ohio.

I'm sorry that Rachel's accent was RJS' takeaway from the story. I lived there for several years when I was a "yonker" (very young) and I remember the place fairly well even now.

Kansas was the literal battleground state for slavery in the U.S. before the Civil War. The population of the territory was supposed to vote whether the state would be admitted to the Union with legal slavery or without. Both pro- and anti-slavery groups flooded the territory with people with the intention of tilting the election their way. This state was the location for some of the bloodiest civilian massacres during that war, "Bloody" Lawrence being one of the most prominent. For a more in-depth discussion, see this site.

The alternate take now has a link to these comments. I assume that's why RJS added that response there.

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/06/21 01:12 AM
Sorry to fool you, Bakasi, but I never planned to end with Clark and Rachel as a couple. I like the common theme of L&C together forever - just not as reincarnated soulmates. And I would've had to backtrack quite a bit to have a Clark/Rachel pairing appear reasonable after the previous two chapters. Lois would've had to go utterly insane and be committed to an institution.

They weren't quite wearing the same outfits. Clark:

...stood in her doorway in jeans, tennis shoes, light green golf shirt, and a dark blue windbreaker.


...stood in her doorway in jeans, tennis shoes, dark green golf shirt, and a light blue windbreaker.

Granted, it's not a huge difference, but Lois flew with Clark to Texas and then to Smallville. Hard to maintain modesty in a dress. And the Riverwalk in San Antonio is always casual unless you're headed to a formal restaurant. Mexican food places in Texas are almost never formal. Most Americans like to be casual when traveling. I used to have a 200-mile one-way weekend trip from a job to home and back again, and I'd often kick off my shoes and drive in socks.

Posted By: Toomi8 Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/06/21 03:18 AM
Despite the warning at the beginning of the story, I've really enjoyed this fic! Rachel became so much more than a one episode, one dimensional person, and I thoroughly appreciated your version of her.

I read both epilogues, and couldn't say I preferred one over the other.

Have you ever seen the movie 'Up In The Air'? (Spoiler for the major plot spoiler for that movie... If you haven't seen the movie and want to, this will give most of it away....)

Everything ticks along, just like any old rom com, but then, the twist... the love of his life is married! That movie ends and he doesn't get the girl. At the time it felt like the biggest let down, yet after a bit of time, it felt like the right ending.

Now, while this is a Lois and Clark board, and I doubt anyone would appreciate Clark not ending up with Lois, part of me was rooting for Rachel to end up with her!

Posted By: cuidadora Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/06/21 01:12 PM
Great endings to a great story. clap

I'm glad to see Lois and Clark together, and their journey was riveting. While I wasn't sure that Lois and Clark did belong together after her nuclear explosion, I can see how they both changed, and their love grew much deeper.

Although I enjoyed Lois' explanations in the second epilogue, I actually prefer the first. I thought it was Clark's job to tell Rachel. He disappointed me by allowing Lois to insert herself in (and take over) something that I thought should have been a private talk between Clark and Rachel. Although, "what ifs" make fanfiction fun. Thanks for giving us a choice of endings. thumbsup

Kerth! clap clap
Posted By: MDS21 Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/06/21 08:59 PM

Amazing story! I am usually a lurker and post after the completion of a story. You had so many emotions that I cycled through during the journey from a different perspective. Even though I enjoyed Rachel as a character, I was hoping that Lois and Clark would find their way back to each other again.

I do like the choice of endings but prefer Clark having the conversation. One aspect that I would like to have seen, was when Clark found he was in love with Lois again and that declaration. Either way, thank you so much for the amazing ride!

Posted By: Terry Leatherwood Re: FDK: Going Home - 09/09/21 02:40 PM
Thank you, Toomi8. I'm glad you found Rachel to be a real person in my tale. I find that I can't write throwaway or stereotyped characters, even secondary ones, and even though it adds length to the chapters. Hence all the information on Mrs. Howard, Tommy, Lana, Madge the rental clerk, Deidre the waitress, Bob Clay the cattle rancher, even Whit Bascombe the railroad station manager and Gary Plunkett the erstwhile cattle buyer. I hope you enjoyed them too. And it's okay if you don't have a preference on the epilogues.

Cuidadora, thank you for your kind words. I can understand why you'd prefer that Clark tell Rachel that he plans to marry Lois, but this gave me the opportunity to show a bit more of Lois' growth over the time the story covers. It also very quietly highlights one key thing: Lois has flown with Clark and Rachel has never flown with him. I wanted to - very sneakily - show that while Rachel never minded that Clark was also Superman and certainly wasn't put off by the fact, Lois embraced Clark's dual identity (by the end of the story, anyway) more completely than Rachel did. And you're right, the "what if?" question makes fanfiction so much fun.

MDS21, thank you for coming out of lurkerhood. I'm glad you weren't tossed off the roller coaster by the ups and downs of this epic. And I'm glad you liked the choice of endings. I chose to "tell" about the conversation between Clark and Lois mainly to save space (this thing clocked in at over 124,000 words!) and to retain a little surprise for the epilogue.

I have a third epilogue which I can send anyone who wishes to see it. Polly was the one who pushed the first version, Trope liked the second, and Harley gave me the third. I doubt that I'll post that one here unless there is a hue and cry to see it. I'm pretty sure the only epilogue in the archive version will be the first one.

Thanks to everyone who commented, everyone who read my offering, and everyone who enjoyed it even a little. See you on the boards!

Posted By: Sorbus Re: FDK: Going Home - 01/20/22 09:51 PM
I read the story in the Archive yesterday. I have a spot for those stories where the characters have difficulties and must fight to get back together. I do feel sorry for any third characters so I prefer those where the two characters are in trouble alone.

Although Lois was so awful in the beginning that even I hated her and would have understood Clark leaving her behind. At points it felt like Lucy was the only sane and logical character in this mess as she told Lois how wrong her doings were (even when Lois might have kicked her out in anger). I was somewhat puzzled why Perry didn't lay the law with Lois but allowed her to blackmail a coworker. Is he seeing his daughter-figure through pink-tinted lenses? Too scared to lose her? In fear that his action could endanger Clark's family? He did tell her later but not at first. Clark is usually so nice and head over heels in love that I can see him not dumping her on an unhabitated tropical island to cool down and think about it with a chest of canned food and a water purifier which was my first reaction to the blackmail. Her behavior went way over the line.

Rachel's character was so awesome I almost wanted to read the stories about the adventures of a Smallville sheriff. And half expected an epilogue's epilogue where she runs into that nurse again once she has healed after Clark and we are left wondering if they got along.
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