Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 11/29/05 02:18 PM

Great part. clap

More ASAP, please.

MAF clap
Posted By: shells Re: FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 11/29/05 07:34 PM

So many waffs! This might be my favorite
“Good morning, Lois,” he whispered, smiling at her with all his love in his eyes.

She caught her breath as she stared at him, then whispered, “Wow, flyboy… You really put your heart into your good mornings, Clark.”

“Only for you,” he murmured. Their mouths met again in a kiss that was gentle and reverent, full of promises… a kiss that seemed to reach to their souls.
But it's actually really hard to decide.

“After this is over, how about that tropical paradise you mentioned? I know one that’s pretty secluded and just beautiful…”

“I’d like that,” she told him. “I’m not really ready to share you with anyone yet.”

Clark made a huge effort to stay grounded.

It didn’t work - he floated a few inches off the bed.

Laughing, Lois sat up, then rose to her feet, saying, “C’mon, hoverboy, let’s get busy and get these guys caught so we can go on with what’s really important - us.”
Had me about ready to melt, as well!

And then there were the parts that Maria quoted, as well!

You're doing such a wonderful job with this story - on such a great premise! Although I'm looking forward to the next part, I'm sad to see that it might be the last frown

Any possibility of a sequel in the future? laugh

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 11/29/05 08:12 PM
Whew that one had me floating! Laura
Posted By: Capes Re: FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 12/01/05 08:47 PM
I guess I won after all
Trust Lois to think of that.

I’ll call Inspector Henderson
Are you sure that Wendy didn't have a hand in this? smile I'm suspicious.

Still great stuff! Keep at it wink
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 12/01/05 08:59 PM
Janet, I haven't had a chance to drop in here for a while, but I had to remind you just how much I love the way you changed HiM here. The revelation is so funny and so sweet and, as others have said, the aftermath scenes are just so delightfully WAFFy. twins

And now Lois knows about his little problem! Now she's on the case and she'll find a solution. Woohoo!!

Wendy smile
Posted By: TicAndToc Re: FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 12/02/05 11:26 PM
Thank you all for your comments! I appreciate it, especially since this is my first story (technically, the... er, badfic goofy was first, but since it was written as a joke, I'm not counting it).

Any possibility of a sequel in the future?
Hmmm. I can't really say 'no' because I just don't know. I do know that while I was writing it, there were a couple of areas I thought I might expand in a second story. I'll have to think about it, although if the stories I've written so far are any indication, thinking about a story doesn't work for me. No, my muse just whacks me upside the head at about midnight (sometimes noon goofy ) with an idea, and I run with it until I doze off or I have to leave for work.

This story turned out to have 11.5 parts, really, but the last bit is so short it might be better considered an epilogue unless I post it all together. So I'm going to post the whole thing - it's a bit long but I suppose you won't mind... smile
Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK:Cloud Nine-Part 10 - 12/03/05 05:11 PM
I know from badfic and this is goodfic. laugh
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