Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ChiefPam FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 05:17 AM
Oh my, this one was really a roller-coaster... you're breaking my heart all over again, Leela! But I'll try to focus on the idea that Lois is opening up to the idea of maybe someday opening up to Clark...

Horrible nightmare. I feel so awful for Clark, overhearing that much... but I was worried at first that she'd have been projecting, and he could have seen *exactly* what she was afraid of. That would have hurt him far worse.

I wonder if Lois was also thinking about their experience when Clark had amnesia -- it was awful and traumatic, but it did end up with them on better terms, somewhat.

I'm glad she woke up and was able to be civil, at least... and they're still on for Saturday. I really like this Lana, too -- in stark contrast to how she is in some other fanfics wink Can't wait for the non-date for the wedding!

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 05:20 AM
Poor Lois smile1

May the Muse be with you

Jose wave
Posted By: KathyM Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 06:40 AM
A roller-coaster of emotion is right - just incredible, Leela! I'm not sure what to think at the thought of Lois telling Clark that she's not uninterested. Yes, we all know that he'll be willing to wait, and won't put any pressure on her, but as Lana said, she's putting a lot of pressure on herself either way.

And with this dream...this hasn't helped. Even if Lois tells Clark, probably the only thing that will soothe her fears and make this particular nightmare go away will be his *infinite* patience, for however long it takes... And at first when she woke up and felt threatened by him, it wasn't because she saw him as Kal, she saw him as Clark! Yes, I know it's because of the nightmare, but it hardly seems like progress here... And, on top of this, now she's worried that he got into her mind and read her thoughts, and is unsure how to ask him about it...

You're sure not making things easy for her, are you? eek

And I agree with Pam that it will hurt Clark tremendously when he does eventually find out about this particular nightmare. Oh, I can see it now: his heart soars with joy at the prospect of maybe one day having a future with Lois [Linked Image], and then suddenly he comes crashing down with the news that she fears that he will eventually tire of waiting and force her to... [Linked Image]

::sigh:: Well, I'm still trying to remain optimistic here, although I haven't forgotten about Tank's big wham that's coming. help But there's still the Saturday dinner, and I loved the idea of the non-date date. smile

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 07:46 AM
I'm with the rest on this..exhausted from the emotions pouring out of Lois! [Linked Image]

Great writing Leela, her dream is a perfect manifestation of the horrible pressure and tumultous feelings she's been struggling with. I wish she'd try and take it one step at a time!

Poor Clark, he's so decent and good..

Can't wait for Saturday's dinner too!

Posted By: Ingra Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 12:22 PM
I love this Clark he is so sweet!! blush They are both afraid and Clark doesn't want to scare her off, but doesn't know quite what to do.

“Well. There are a number of different interpretations. One is that you put yourself in the role of Clark. You've been pressuring yourself a lot, so you might have been venting your own frustrations at yourself in your dream. The other is that you were bothered by your Luthor encounter – and you mixed the two men up in your mind. And yet another is that you are genuinely worried that Clark might act this way if being together doesn't yield the benefits you think he'd be expecting. Does this make sense to you at all?”
I think it is all the three together. She is afraid of Clark getting tired of her, she is confusing him with Luthor and Lord Kal, and is also afraid she won't be good enough for him.

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 03:29 PM

Great part. drool

Now, where is saturday?

More soon, please.

MAF drool
Posted By: Ren Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 05:06 PM
Wow...great, wonderful, emotional part...I loved it. smile

I like the idea that she wants to tell him how she feels, and that she thinks it might be possible for them to be together some time in the future. She might feel some pressure because of this decision, but it is so Lois in my eyes. So much has been taken away from her, and she tries desperately to get her life back as fast as possible, so it makes sense to me that she would make such decisions, even if this means she could put pressure on herself.

For Clark, it would definitely be less pain to know that there might be hope...and even though, on the other side, it might not be easy for him, if he learns about her fears concerning him, I think he might even understand that, though she does realize that he is different than her former abusers, after everything she went throught, she simply can't help it but worrying about his reactions when letting him wait too long...but I see this actually as a wonderful chance that he can use with his understanding, compassionate, and patient way to show her that she can really trust him...that no matter what, he would never pressure her or hurt her...I even think, this could turn into a chance or opportunity for them -especially Lois- to achieve a deeper level of trust and less fear and could even be a help to them to get together sooner.

I too liked your Lana. smile

I can't wait to see what happens next. smile

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 06:51 PM
Okay, "L", I think I see what's happening here.

You've done an amazing job of showing us one really screwed-up woman. In fact, she's so screwed-up that if things continue on a normal path there is NO WAY that she'll ever recover enough to have any real, romantic, relationship with Clark. No way at all.

That means something else will have to happen. An outside force will have to enter into the equation. Something that not only forces Lois to recognize her 'inner' feelings but compels her to act on them. Something... like a really nasty wham.

I could speculate on what form this wham will take, but what would be the fun of that. Like the other gentle readers, I'll wait patiently for the worst to happen. wink

Tank (who says it may always be darkest before the dawn, but it gets pretty black around midnight too)
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/18/03 11:59 PM

WOW! This is amazing. whinging

Lois's conversation with Lana is excellent. clap

I'm completely hooked and look forward to reading the next part.

Tricia cool
Posted By: merry Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/19/03 07:29 AM
wonderful segment
loved it
ditto others
more soon please
Posted By: Rac Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/19/03 06:34 PM
Ack! Poor Lois! whinging

Ack!!!! Poor Clark!!!! whinging

Man, I hope that non-date they have improves things between them, that was one heck of a nightmare. mecry

More and soon, please?

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Long Strange Trip, part 40 - 06/22/03 09:26 PM
Up and down up and down, he loves me he loves me not, she loves me she loves me not, did she say what i think she did, what if what if what if what if--ahhhh. This makes me want to SCREAM. I love it. laugh But I swear, if she didn't have Lana to keep her sane (sort of)... thumbsup
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