Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Queen of the Capes Fdk: A Story With Kissing In It - 04/01/20 03:46 AM
Clicking on this link will take you to A Story With Kissing In It: http://www.lcficmbs.com/ubb/ubbthreads.php/topics/286783/a-story-with-kissing-in-it-1-1#Post286783

Comments about A Story With Kissing In It can be posted in this thread.

This is a smiley face. smile
This is a story about kissing. It is interesting, like a NASCAR race with many serious accidents is interesting.

I think you have read part of "My Immortal." It is like this story fragment. Except it is many times worse. The author appeared to be serious.

The story produced suppressed laughter. It is still night here. I do not wish to wake up my wife. I would have to explain why I was laughing.

This is a laughing face. rotflol

This is a good story. It made me laugh. Ha ha ha ha ha.
Posted By: Lynn S. M. Re: Fdk: A Story With Kissing In It - 04/01/20 11:00 AM
Hi Queenie,

I had figured, given the date, that this was an April Fool's joke. I was, however, mystified until near the end why your writing was soooooo stilted and otherwise amateurish; you usually write much better than this. Well played. smile

- Lynn
Posted By: Morgana Re: Fdk: A Story With Kissing In It - 04/01/20 01:34 PM
I'm sooo confused! dizzy
@Morgana: The story is an example of something called "badfic." It's badly written, badly plotted, badly handled, and quite deliberately awful. Queenie was quite intentional in her choice of - well, everything, which is why Lois is astounded by Clark's continued attention to it.

Queenie, I think you write badfic better than the "authors" who don't know that's what they're writing.

For those of you who've never seen the Hogwarts fanfic "My Immortal," please do not seek it out. Reading it will cost you IQ points. To call it "awful" is a compliment.
Posted By: Mouserocks Re: Fdk: A Story With Kissing In It - 04/02/20 05:24 AM
Love this! Cracked me up! I think the worst (re: best) part was Clark's attention... After all, was it just the tag that kept him reading? We certainly know it hooked him. lol
Posted By: Darth Michael Re: Fdk: A Story With Kissing In It - 04/02/20 06:49 PM
Hi Mary, you’re on a roll!

Lois stood on her feet too, now that they were no longer flying in the sky. Lois’s face frowned. “I do not want to go to work…”


“Clark, what on Earth are you reading?” Lois asked,
rotflol I was reading and reading and I knew there was something up with the prose of the story. It was very deliberately bad prose. Okay, while I was reading it, I was waiting to learn if this was some type of modern-art prose meant to evoke some kind of ultra-realistic descriptive style or something. You know, mapping out every little step that happens to a character in the physical world instead of having them do the things they do because it’s the natural thing to do.

Erotica-Clark: Hey, are you saying kissing Lois wouldn’t be the natural thing to do?
Erotica-Lois: Why are you wearing a cape?
Erotica-Clark: Why are you naked?
Erotica-Lois: And why is there straw on the floor?

peering over his shoulder at the screen. His lip was curled into a horrified grimace, yet he seemed unable to look away.

“I don’t know,” he whispered hoarsely, “but it’s 85 chapters long and labelled ‘Erotica'!”
rotflol Someone needs a Beta Reader! Actually, before they do part 3 or so…

So, when is this? And is it after PML?

wave Michael
Posted By: Deadly Chakram Re: Fdk: A Story With Kissing In It - 04/03/20 04:14 AM
Okay, you fooled me. My first thought reading it was "Wow, quarantine is REALLY getting to Queenie. This writing is so stilted and reads like a bad-fic."

Bravo on taking me off guard! The punchline was great!

(Please don't tell me Jimmy was writing the story....)
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