Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: NostalgiaKick FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/24/17 01:48 AM
Feedback folder.

Apologies for the delay! I'm trying to make sure I'm at least a chapter ahead of what I'm posting, and I caught a heavy cold last week. Today was the first day since then that my head has been clear enough to write a thing.

Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/24/17 01:58 AM
I have a new name for this chapter. The Fall of Lois Lane. dizzy Clark deserves better. wallbash splat
Posted By: NostalgiaKick Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/25/17 09:05 PM
Yeah, she's definitely showing her worst side in this chapter
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/26/17 12:20 PM
Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Yeah, she's definitely showing her worst side in this chapter

She is a bad friend. Clark deserves better. razz

It made me not even feel bad when Jack was pointing out her missing the biggest story under her own nose.

Poor Clark!

whinging Someone needs to give him a hug.
Posted By: NostalgiaKick Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/26/17 09:20 PM
Well. That chapter went up like a lead balloon. Remind me why I do this again?

Lois is hurt, furious, embarrassed... so she's lashing out.
Posted By: Morgana Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/27/17 01:48 AM

I am trying to understand how Lois could be so blinded by her own fury that she refuses to see the truth right in front of her. Yes, Clark has been lying not just to her, but to everyone. Now he is willing to come clean about a secret that if Lex knew they knew would endanger their lives. As Clark said, he only wanted to protect his family and have a normal existence. Certainly there is no harm in that.

This scene was written beautifully, it is not easy to get the reactions of five very different characters and stay within canon this task was accomplished in perfect balance.

Now, it will be fascinating to see how Lois is going to survive in the Bullpen without the backup of the men in her life.

Please don't take too long posting the next part!
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/27/17 02:17 AM
Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Well. That chapter went up like a lead balloon. Remind me why I do this again?

Lois is hurt, furious, embarrassed... so she's lashing out.

Yeah, I think you've got a lot of lurkers waiting for the end before they chime in laugh

I get she's hurt and furious and embarrassed but she's still being a jerk to Clark/ Superman. Looking forward to the next part. Hopefully Lois will start to see reason soon and take the rose colored glasses off and see Lex for who and what he really is.

I have to agree with Morgana here:

Originally Posted by Morgana
This scene was written beautifully, it is not easy to get the reactions of five very different characters and stay within canon this task was accomplished in perfect balance.

You've got us on the edge of our seats biting our nails as we wait to see what Clark's going to do and what Lois does when she leaves the Conference Room. Does she go to Lex? Does she pout? Maybe a trip to the Fudge Castle is in order?

GREAT story here!!!

**PS if anyone wants to catch up TOC is here ***

Posted By: RJS Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/27/17 04:55 PM
Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Well. That chapter went up like a lead balloon. Remind me why I do this again?

Lois is hurt, furious, embarrassed... so she's lashing out.

This is why even "constructive" feedback is rarely written and people feel uncomfortable writing it. Whose definition do we use? The writer's, or the reader's? The two have different definitions in this case.
There might not be an exact written rule saying negative or "constructive" feedback is not welcome, but there are plenty of reactions and other comments making it unwelcome.

P.S. Will she lash out that brutally at Lex when she discovers the truth? Or is this just how she treats Clark? (Run away fast, Clark. She's not worth it. Come on! Jack will have a car waiting.)
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 07/27/17 06:27 PM
Originally Posted by RJS
Originally Posted by NostalgiaKick
Well. That chapter went up like a lead balloon. Remind me why I do this again?

Lois is hurt, furious, embarrassed... so she's lashing out.

This is why even "constructive" feedback is rarely written and people feel uncomfortable writing it. Whose definition do we use? The writer's, or the reader's? The two have different definitions in this case.
There might not be an exact written rule saying negative or "constructive" feedback is not welcome, but there are plenty of reactions and other comments making it unwelcome.

P.S. Will she lash out that brutally at Lex when she discovers the truth? Or is this just how she treats Clark? (Run away fast, Clark. She's not worth it. Come on! Jack will have a car waiting.)

Personally, I think you just take away what you feel (as the reader). There may be certain points that don't come across as the writer intended and pointing that out can always be a benefit. smile We all read the same sentence differently sometimes too depending on our own emotions and backgrounds and experiences. It's what helps make reading so enjoyable time and again. thumbsup

rotflol Yes! Jack will have the car waiting...I'm interested to see what happens when Lois FINALLY realizes how badly Luthor has been playing her like a fiddle and betraying her trust. (Takes down note: Keep knives away from Lois...)

I don't see forgiveness coming very easily from Clark this time, but I may be proven wrong. **bites nails in anticipation** peep

**Next part, please??**
Posted By: CarrieRene Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 08/02/17 09:08 PM
Okay I am all caught up on this story. Please update soon. I really want to see what happens next. I can't believe Lois is so upset, she needs to trust Clark.
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 08/05/17 07:54 PM
I'm gonna be the annoying one and sit here and ask: Feli ~ Where's Part 15?? You have a Wallpaper! You're the only one that has a Wallpaper! It has to be finished by December 31st.....

Please post more! I'm having dreams about what bad things could happen...cuz I kinda re-read Unmasked yesterday...waiting grumble

Part 15 please whinging Make Lois listen to Clark. Make someone go kick Luthor's behind and someone take that green rock away from Lex before he gives himself cancer from the radiation.

wallbash ~ Me frustrated with all the if scenarios...
Posted By: folc4evernaday Re: FDK- Unmasked 14/25? - 10/17/17 01:22 PM

huh Alright Feli's muse this is your notice. Get to work! dizzy

You can't create this much angst and leave us hanging. wallbash

How does Clark stop Luthor?
Will Lois ever see Lex for the psychopathic killer he is and help Clark bring him down? Will Clark have to face Luthor alone? How will these two ever recover?
Where are Jonathan and Martha? Will they ever be able to go back home?

So many burning questions continue to plague this story.
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