Lois & Clark Forums
A long part -- hope you all didn't mind.
Anxious to hear from you. Especially now, as we are nearing the end.

Mind? Heck no, we want more! Of course we don't mind!

Ohmyohmyohmy. Luthor's trussed up, oddly Tempus is heading to Smallville with Lex's twin<?!!!!!>, and in the immortal words of the Muppets, "Somebody's getting married!" The question is, will Lois say yes?


I'm pretty sure no one will mind about the length smile

This entire part was great - but now I still want the rest! I loved the kids piecing together the history of the home - Henderson coming back for a guest appearance - Lois realizing that the lines were written specifically to clue her in - and even better realizing *why* she hadn't been told of the changes.

“You know I love him,” Lois said softly.

“Then tell him and make him tell you. Together you can get through this.”
Martha's always so smart! Hopefully Lois will remember Martha's words now that Clark's overcome his lunkheaded-ness smile

more soon, please!

Wow! smile1

WOW! Things are coming together nicely. smile1

Lois has to say 'yes' now. goofy

I'm looking forward to reading the next part.

Tricia cool
If you just give me a sec, I think I'll have fully recovered... This was simply... WOW! smile1

ditto others
great part
lose ends coming together
more soon please
Wow guys,

Thanks for the incredible compliments. Tomorrow is the last segment and I'm actually sad to see it end for awhile.

All of you have made this a wonderful experience. Your support has thrilled me and provided me with the encouragement to do some writing in RL -- thank you all!!!!

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