Lois & Clark Forums
Thorton Wilder, author of one of the most classic pieces of theatre every "Our Town" stated:

I regard the theatre as the greatest of all art forms, the most immeditate way in which a human being can share with another the sense of what it is to be a human being.

I love this quote (which may appear in SPIV -- a little preview) because I love its concept.

Hopefully the use of theatre in this fic has allowed all of you to share with me. Thanks again for all of your support, comments and encouragement.

And thanks once more to Laswa.

Hope to hear from you again.


Great part. smile1 Getting good.

More soon, please.

MAF smile1
Hi Barb -

Just catching up after the weekend and still entralled with your tale.

‘...we change’, the note had read. Both of Lois’ hands went around her neck where she unclasped the necklace and set it on the table next to the bracelet. Eyeing both of them, she gently picked up Clark’s gift, his perfect gift and put in around her wrist. She touched the pink quartz and looked back at the necklace on the table. What should she do? “Tomorrow, I’ll decide tomorrow.”
Will we find out tomorrow?
more soon please!
Thanks everyone for the nice comments -- even Cristina.
SO much for my worrying about you! goofy

This part was really amazing, with some really beautiful parts (yes, even though Lois rejected Clark). I always enjoy reading your new installments, but that was truer this time. Lois and Clark's need for each other is so strong and you portrayed it perfectly. I have no trouble picturing this story or the characters' feelings. Your descriptions are amazing. It's also really nice to see how the plots seem to slowly resolve. Plus, you gotta love Martha! (which, btw, in this part applies too to Beatrice and Libby, for their great understanding of the situation between Lois and Clark and their 'help') One thing, though. Lois tells Clark that she isn't running to Lex (or Richard, whatever) but away from him, Clark. Yet, at the end, it seems she is facing a choice between Clark and Lex, and not really deciding to be either with or without Clark (I think I just made a nice mess trying to explain myself... Does the idea get across? Let me try again... By what she said to Clark, her choices seemed being with or without Clark; at the end, however, it seemed it was a matter of Clark vs. Richard. Do I make more sense now?)

Anyway, the closer we come to the end, the harder the wait for your new post becomes!!! I need to know what everybody is up to! Any chance of talking you into posting... now?

Thanks for the comments - Maria and Shells.

Cristina -- I *do* see what you mean. And I guess that part is muddled. I'll try to mess with it and clarify it. Yes, Lois said she was running away from Clark -- but Richard is her way of doing that. I'll try to rework it.

Thanks for the tip.

Maria -- watch this next part to see if you were right about something!!!

Oh wow. I've been waiting until the final parts to read this, and I'm so glad I did. I can't imagine waiting days between parts, though I'm now going to have to wait for the last two parts. I love the way you tied everything together. And I like how you wove "War of the Worlds" into it, even though any story having to do with that play scares me, considering the how it affected its listeners. It's amazing how you wove it into the story. I got real confused over all of the relationships (but figured most of them out now!), and I'm still wondering about a few of them, especially the poor little girl in the hospital. I can't wait to see how this ends and how you tie up the loose ends. So... when's the next part?
good segment
hurry up and let Lex get his
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