Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Sorcha MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/03/05 10:05 AM
I'm assuming all of you have read the post Sara made for me explaining why there was no post this week, and let me take a minute to apologise to you all for that frown I absolutely hated having to leave you guys hanging like that but there simply wasn't time to make further arrangements or wrap the story up :p

And now that I'm back home I find myself on the horns of a dilemma. I'm only back for about six days in which I strongly strongly doubt I'll be writing. I'll be spending next Thursday-Sunday in the UK and I'll possibly be out of the country from the 15th-23rd as well, and after *that* I'll be gone from the 10th-29th of July.

So I'm wondering what's the best thing to do here. Right now I don't have a tangible, makes-sense, flows-with-the-rest-of-the-story ending, and nor do I have any idea about how I could go about writing one [crossing my fingers that that last thing is just because of my somewhat distracted mind nowadays]. However, I do have... I think two parts which I could post... but I don't know whether it would be best to hold off for [maybe a couple of months frown ] and post them all together or post the rest of my buffer now and have no idea how to wrap the story up :p

Basically, I need advice as to what readers would prefer... I would be so grateful for any response to this smile And once again, I am so sorry about having to do this :p Feeling horribly guilty about it, if that's any consolation help
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/03/05 12:35 PM
No apologies necessary as far as I'm concerned, you're going through alot right now.

As much as I'd love to see the story wrap up nicely now (you gotta admit, this is quite the cliff you left us on) you should take the time you need and keep your buffer handy to perhaps help you with writing the ending!

I love this story but I'd rather you take care of you! It's hard to get over a loss.. frown Take care and post when you can and you're happy with what you've written! We'll be here! twins

Posted By: Shadow Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/03/05 01:53 PM
Don't even worry about us. Sure, you could post what you have...but there's no rush at all. I vote, take care of yourself and your family right now. We'll be around whenever you feel like your ready to finish the story.

Posted By: Karla Kent Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/03/05 03:33 PM
Take your time and take care of yourself.

We´ll be here. sloppy

Posted By: Aria Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/03/05 03:43 PM
I wouldn't rush anything. Do what you need to do to take care of you and your family. We'll still be here when you're ready to deal with the story again smile Do what feels best to *you*.
Posted By: TriciaW Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/04/05 04:58 AM

Don't rush! Take care of yourself and your family.

Don't worry about the story until you feel ready. We'll still be here.

Tricia cool
Posted By: Dave Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/04/05 09:24 PM
Ditto on what was said.

As much as we'd love to see what happens (me especially wink ), we're more than happy to wait.

What's important right now is you and your family. If the story goes on the back burner for a few months, we'll understand. If it goes on the back burner for a few years, we'll understand. If it never gets finished, we'll be heart broken, but we'll understand.

You take the time that you need and if you need anything, don't hesitate to ask.
Posted By: Sorcha Re: MtBB - Apology and Opinions Needed - 06/07/05 03:43 PM
I am so touched by the response to this thread smile Thank you all so much for your kind words, and your patience.

I can't guarantee I'll be ready to start posting again before the summer is out whinging but this story will *definitely* be finished before this year, at least. And I'm going to want to finish it even more because of you guys. Thank you all so much - you're wonderful notworthy hail

Sara smile
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