Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: TriciaW Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 03:22 AM

WOW! A wonderful start! smile1 Please post it soon.

Happy birthday, Pam and Rivka! party
And happy anniversary, everyone! smile

Tricia cool
Posted By: daneel Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 05:07 AM
Well done Lois!! laugh

Jose smile1

P.S. Happy Birthday Pam and Rivka!! hyper
Posted By: Laurach Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 06:55 AM
Wow I like this twist much better then the original! Great job as usual Wendy. You have a way with putting a twist on episodes like no one else. I really love your style. Laura
Posted By: YConnell Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 06:59 AM
Wow, Wendy! This is so well written, it's scary. Never mind the rivalry between Lois and Linda - I want some of whatever you've got.

What's more, it's fun. I like this Clark - he knows his mind, and he's not scared of acting on it. So far, I make it Clark:1 Lois:0. How will the scores stack up after the next part?

Oh, and happy birthday, Pam. smile1

Posted By: Sira Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 07:12 AM
Great story. I couldn't stop giggling and grinning even if I wanted to!

I was cheering Clark on and consoling Lois all through it. Can't wait where all of that ends!

It's great that there's this birthday/anniversary fanfic tradition. I just love it. And the stories it produces!

-Sira dance
Posted By: gerry Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 07:37 AM
I've always liked the Rival. (is that the name of the show?)

This version gives us a strong Lois and Clark, both who don't waste their time overthinking the other's response. Instead they each know what they want and what is important to them.

Now, all they have to do is go on to work things out and get Preston Carpenter so Linda King can leave town.

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 08:13 AM
Excellent! I like that you chose a story that hasn't been written about much (at least I haven't read about it much) and put you're unique, wonderful twist on it.


And HAPPY ANNIVERSARY EVERYONE! Cake and champagne all around!

Posted By: Karla Kent Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 09:19 AM

I love the way you changed things, I like it more than the original one thumbsup

I can´t wait to read the next part clap

Happy birthday, Pam and Rivka!
And happy anniversary, everyone!!! party

Posted By: Julia Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 11:13 AM
Oh wow, great story thumbsup !!

Next part please! wave
Posted By: Simona Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 12:28 PM
clap clap clap
One of my favourite S1 episode! I loved S1's glimpses of Lois' feelings for Clark, which she tried to suffocate, above all because in the show she hadn't a clear grasp of her own feelings; but your Lois is more conscious of them, and in the presence of a possible danger, she resolves to act. Good for you, Lois!
When your next post, Wendy? wink

Simona smile
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 01:28 PM
Why do most nice stories have more than 1 part smile1
Posted By: Kaethel Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 01:50 PM
Well, you know what I think, O Master of Angsty Waffiness (or is that Waffy Angst?). Once again you brought tears to my eyes, and you chose the very line that brought me so close to crying as a final line for this part.

“She’s not going to steal me away from you, Lois.”


Great stopping point, btw! Wait, shouldn't say that aloud. laugh

Happy Birthday, Pam and Rivka! party

Kaethel smile
Posted By: Sheila Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 04:44 PM

This is great. Don't make us wait too long for the next part! hail
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 05:56 PM
Hi all! smile

Thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked part 1 of this - and I hope that Pam and Rivka enjoy it too when they see it. goofy It's fun taking less-frequently-adapted episodes and tweaking them a little. Watching The Rival again the other day, as I did with Fly Hard, it struck me how many nice moments those episodes had, even along with the ones which made me go arrgh!!.

Of course, there's the moment where Lois barges into Clark's apartment after he quits the Planet, because she wants to know what he's up to - she finds Perry there and discovers the plan, and says this:
Lois: You mean I've been going through all these feelings for nothing?

Clark: What feelings?

Lois: Forget it. I'm not feeling them anymore.
Arrrrgh!!! goofy I'd better go and post it!

Wendy smile
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/09/05 06:19 PM
Ooh! smile1 A birthday story! For me! smile Wendy, I saw you'd posted and couldn't figure out why I hadn't heard about this story yet... goofy

This is great. It's so Lois to have the truth slip out and then not have the faintest idea what to do about it. And *thank* you for keeping Clark from being nasty! I always hated that...

So, where's part 2?

not impatient or anyth-- oh, who am I kidding? wink
Posted By: Xanabee Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/11/05 02:47 AM
Wow, Wendy! This is so much better than the original ep! I especially like this line:

He couldn’t possibly go through with the plan now. She’d already experienced too many acts of betrayal from people she’d trusted and cared about.
I'm so glad Clark understands. thumbsup

Off to read part 2!

Posted By: KSaraSara Re: Comments: Rival Derailed - Part 1 - 04/13/05 01:59 PM
*sigh* You know, Wendy... If you guilt trip me into reading *all* the stories of yours that I haven't read (which isn't too many, I think), I'll never have time to finish that sequel of mine. wink

Anyway... Since this one's only two parts and I enjoy doing the fdk thing, here ya go: wink

Clark Kent stared at his partner, dumbfounded. Had someone kidnapped Lois Lane and replaced her with Cat Grant while his attention was distracted?

Open hostility towards Linda, both to the other woman’s face and to him, was also to be expected, together with an undercurrent of possessiveness - but not, of course, because Lois was jealous.
*snicker* Of course not. wink

That would absolutely guarantee the end result they’d planned for, and quicker than he’d expected.

But... Lois had said he was taken.

Lois had implied that he was taken by her.

How could he ignore what that meant to him? Even if she’d only said it as a tactic to make Linda stop coming on to him. Even if she’d retract it once they were alone.

“I’m sorry, Linda.” Turning to Lois, he gave her a blazing smile and reached for her hand. “Like Lois said, we’re seeing each other.”

Lois gasped. And Linda looked shocked.
*snicker* Go Clark!

“Anyway,” he continued, getting to his feet, “I’ll be happy to walk you to the station, Linda. I’ll be back in a couple of minutes, honey,” he added to Lois.

The last thing he saw, as he walked out of the Press Club with Linda, was Lois’s wide-eyed, almost thunderstruck, expression.
ROTFL!!!! "Honey?!" laugh

Lois sighed. It was even possible that, by staking a claim on Clark, she’d only presented Linda with more of a challenge. Now, instead of just flirting with Clark, she’d go all out to steal him away.

She was probably starting right now...


Oh, god. Oh, god...
Go ahead, Lois, admit it! Admit how much you loved the way that sounded coming from him!! smile1

Sara (who's off to see if she can fdk part 2 before Wendy sees this... she seems to have an uncanny sixth sense about this sort of thing... perk of being evil? huh )
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