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Sighing, he looked back at the mirror. The words still stared back at him. The letters bright red. Slashes of blood across the glass.

Slashes of blood across his hands, her dress, her body, the floor...
Oh, god! mecry This is why I was scared. Paragraph six... hurts already. frown

And, as he watched, a lipstick moved in front of him and letters appeared as if out of nowhere.

/me giggles...

Like lightening, another message appeared on his mirror.

OMG! Forget the first message, Julie, *this* is where he should by all rights drop dead. eek

And then he noticed that something - someone? - was holding the towel against the mirror, trying to erase some of the writing. With one stride, he was there, grabbing the towel and wiping furiously, using his heat vision to melt the lipstick a little to make it easier to remove.
I don't know why I do, but I really, really love that amidst all this insanity he's assuming, he's still a gentleman like that. But not just that, he's disbelieving, but eager to read more. I probably just butchered what I was trying to say, but hopefully you'll know what I mean. smile

Yeah, right. More evidence that this wasn’t Lois. She’d never been lost for words in her life.
Good point, but given the situation...

Oh, this is good, Wendy <g> I liked the bit where he was hugging what his eyes told him was empty air <g> Very evocative, really. He's got part of her there -- but only part. *Loved* the snuggling on the bed.

Being dead sucks. Fix it soon, wouldja? wink


That's all I really have to say for now. Being dead does suck.

The whole touching thing had me confused. "she's a ghost, all those touches should go right through!" But you seem to be explaining that.. she's becoming more and more solid? So, maybe, just perhaps there's no need for a body? Or.. something.

My mind's trying to figure out how it's going to end up, so hurry up with the story so I can get it back on other things! laugh
/me swallows lump in throat

Oh, my God, Wendy... I think my heart just did several trips around my body!

The second her lips touched his, she felt him still. And then he made an inarticulate sound and one arm tightened around her. The other slid up to cup the back of her head, holding her against him. And then he was kissing her back, the way she’d yearned for, dreamed of, longed for, needed.
Poor Lois!!! help

Her hand squeezed his again, lingeringly this time.

One squeeze. She understood. And, perhaps, if he was luckier than he deserved, she even forgave him.
*Love* these lines!

She shifted. Unable to see her, he had no idea what she was doing. And so he was taken completely by surprise when soft lips pressed against his.
hyper Thank you! wink

For the first time, she’d been grateful that he couldn’t see her. She didn’t want him to see her crying.

No matter that, for all she knew, she could disappear at any second. She needed this.
Awww!!! (Though... if you have her disappear, Wendy, I really will stop speaking to you. ;P)

Unable to hold the words back, she whispered, “I love you, Clark.”
AWWWWW!!!!! *sigh*

“Oh, god, Lois, I love you too. So much...”

Shock made her rigid. “You can hear me?”
eek ... hyper

“I... well, I was probably crushing you...”

“Lois, I’m Superman, remember? Trust me, you couldn’t crush me.
whinging *Such* emotion!!! frown

But, still, nothing had changed. She was still dead. They were never going to be together. What a time to discover that she loved him and that he loved her back!
Awww!!! mecry

Sara (who dreads waiting for... tomorrow wink ... to read more frown )
mecry mecry mecry

I liked the lines Lois wrote on the mirror. They felt fairly like things she would say. And her choice of words for proving who she was (Clark's crack as Superman about being lead-lined) was not only a good quote to refer to (as only the two of them would know it), but it also let Clark know that she KNEW. For some reason, I can see Lois preferring double meanings like that. wink
This chapter had a nice mix of humor, romance, and angst. I'm quite eager to see more. laugh

Random questions: How does being a ghost affect bodily functions? I assume she doesn't need to eat and all that? But if he can touch her, what else can he do with her? And if her normal bodily functions don't work, that means there's no danger of anything, right? Lol, what a weird bunch of questions for me to ask . . .
Great part, Wendy! Lots of emotion: sad and waffy and awwwwwwy...

I am so glad he finally knows that Lois is there and that Lois can better and better communicate with him... But it makes me wonder... What is going on with Lois? She slowly seems to be regaining everything she lots with that bullet. And it makes me wonder why that is so? Wishes? Her realizing her feelings for Clark?

[I have to admit I have this weird scene running through my slightly crazy head where all they need to do is make love and Lois will be back again, safe and whole... I know it's completely out there, but I can't help it...]

Post the next two parts soon, please! Or I'll go crazy with that weird idea in my head...

-Sira thumbsup thumbsup
They hold and kiss! How could being with a ghost be so romantic! They should be back together that's why Lois are hanging around Clark. clap
Curious about how are you going to fix this, Wendy laugh

Jose smile1
I am loving this story. Heartwrenching yet romantic. Great work. Can't wait for more.
I'm alternating between saying ARRRRGGGGHHHH and a very contemplative "hmmmmmm." This part was VERY interesting, Wendy! Especially since they've been showing "Ghost" on HBO in the mornings lately while I've been getting ready for work, the timing of this story has been perfect (apropos of nothing). :p

One little niggle - you might want to change the words "dressing table" to something else - in my mind, women have dressing tables (maybe) while men have dressers, bureaus, vanity tops to their sinks (I can't remember if the mirror is in Clark's bathroom or bedroom, sorry), etc. "Dressing table" sounded too feminine for a man's apartment.

I'm just figuring that Clark can touch her and now hear her because of his superpowers - especially now that he's aware that she's ...er...there, he can push his senses beyond the boundaries of mortal men (sorry :rolleyes: ) to pick up sensory cues that the rest of us probably still wouldn't notice. VERY nice - I loved that they could hold each other, Clark's joy at being able to hold and touch her, the lifting of some of Lois's desperation by knowing that she's not alone, the kiss was wonderful, and then we come crashing down to earth at the realization that as wonderful and miraculous as it is for them to be togethr and close and holding each other and aware that each loves the other, Lois is *still* dead. Damn. smile1
Oh Godddddd!!!!!!! grumble

Lane and Kent working here so everything is gonna be ok soon.

How about posting part 5 now so we can see the famous team of Lane and Kent pool their remarkable brainpower to figure out how to resurrect Lois before an autopsy -
An autopsy!!!! Oh God grumble

Ooooooh... thumbsup , notworthy and cannot WAIT for the next part!!!!! smile

Sara [snuffling quietly to herself]
Wendy, what a fantastic idea! And such moving scnenes, likes Clark moving from one sentiment to other:


Yeah, right. More evidence that this wasn’t Lois. She’d never been lost for words in her life.

Then more words appeared.

So, Clark began to hear Lois's voice - did their physical contact cause it? Would he see her if they had even more contact?
whinging whinging whinging
And I know it's been mentioned but...
since they've been showing "Ghost" on HBO in the mornings
I just have had repeats of "Unchained Melody" ramping through my head all day since I read this...arrrrrrgh!!!

Bring her back!

Kick A$$ story by the way! clap

Ok so now I know she isn't dead, she is just having an out of body experience. :p Supposedly one can even have sex out of body, smile1 So how does this sitation get resolved? whinging Anyway, if she were really dead she would be cold. They say ghosts can bring the temp in a room 10 degrees rapidly. cool Although Clark doesn't feel cold he senses it, I think. dizzy Whatever! Just get to it and post more soon! I need to know what happens next! huh Laura
Where is Lois' body, by the way? Did you tell us? You are exploring the supernatural side here and it's very interesting! I'm really into "New Age" stuff myself.

What the Hell, true love can bring a body back from the dead...


Maybe Clark is really the one who's dead and this is just like that Nicole Kidman movie where she was the dead one and everyone else was alive???

Can't wait for the next part!!

WOW, WOW, WOW! smile1

Tricia cool

/memo to myself: don't read the next part during the next little trip in train: it's embarassing to have tears in your eyes when you are with complete strangers /

I'm already a little sad because there'll be only two parts!

Simona smile
Forget Lois. Rescusitate me! hyper
Excellent! I heart your stories Wendy!

This is my evil fanfic side comming out but I love the angst with Lois dead! It makes for such a unique piece of writing. notworthy

I love it!

~Lois Lane Wanna Be (who is probably going to get stuff thrown at her for wanting Lois to remain in limbo) smile eek
I think your av should say 'angst for breakfast, lunch, and dinner'!

How in the world are they going to fix this???

The dialogue is great, as always, even when they have to use lipstick and a mirror as a conduit!

Wow! Again, I'm (almost wink ) speechless at all your lovely comments on this section! goofy Would there really be autopsies in the case of death by gunshot? But apart from that, who says Lois needs a body? wink One possible solution, as some of you have already pointed out, is for Clark to die too... eek

Questions, too, about how it is that Lois and Clark can touch each other and how he can hear her. This isn't something I spelt out - it's a bit hard to do it considering I'm sticking to very strictly limited point of view. One of them would have to figure out an explanation - not easy - and in any case they're too happy that these things are happening to question it. wink But I see it as being related to emotional intimacy. As they get closer, Clark becomes more attuned to Lois's presence.

I guess, when you're writing about ghosts, there's a certain degree of creative licence. wink Anyway, I hope it works for you all!

I'm not going to answer any more questions. Suffice to say that there are only two more parts and so your questions will get answered... in due course.

Thank you, all of you who are following this and giving me feedback - you're wonderful encouragement, Muse-inspiration and naggers!

Wendy smile
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