Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: CC Aiken Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 04:01 PM
Oh Nan, you are killing me.

Listen to the tape, Loooissss!!!!

I've caught up in one go, and what a great, tense, tightly woven story this is. Smart and exciting.

How do you do it? I want to know.

I love that Clark is integrating who he is throughout this whole process. Using his Superman powers and acting as Clark Kent, investigative reporter. All to one really good purpose. He wanted Lois to chose CK over Supes, but he is now using both to prevent the trainwreck he sees coming. (I think I garbled that, but there's a raving compliment in there somewhere.)

Too, love that he keeps reminding himself he's stronger and can fly. A mental pep talk because he knows Lois is a force of nature not to be underestimated.

Wonderful. Can't wait for the next part!

And speaking of that, I noticed the question mark beside the part 4. Just so you know, if this goes longer, fine by me!

Posted By: Tank Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 04:50 PM
It's too bad that Lois is going to flush the tape down the toilet and thus will never know what was on it.

Lois will marry Lex, Clark will be caught in the kryptonite cage, and by the time Perry and the munchkins get the proof they need it will be too late. Lois and Lex will be honeymooning in some romantic spot.

So sad.

Tank (who didn't actually believe Nan could keep a story down to only four parts)
Posted By: Wendymr Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 05:20 PM
LOL Tank!

And ditto to CC - I've been enjoying this, Nan, but haven't had time to post comments before now. I wasn't sure where you were going with part 1 - the idea of abandoning Lois on a deserted island was appealing, goofy though guaranteed to make her pretty mad at him. (I remember writing a story where he kidnapped her and took her somewhere similar, but at least he only kept her there for an hour or so. wink ). But he's being smart. Lots of investigating here.

And I love that Lex's messages got lost because of a little mishap with the answering machine! Yay! thumbsup

Now, all we need is for Lois to listen to that tape. Oh, and did I mention that I loved the part where she went inside her apartment and found Clark there? Plus the microphones. Actually, I think she should be a little more creeped out that her apartment was bugged, and that there were so many of them. And in her bedroom and bathroom too? Wouldn't she be wondering who was behind it, and whether it really could be Lex?


Wendy smile
Posted By: gerry Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 07:23 PM
Clark definitely has Lois going here. With Martha and Jonathan's help, he's found the way to her brain---curiosity.

Now, just listen to that damn tape, Lois.

I could also read more parts of this, but I'd like them to appear quickly.

Posted By: SuperGEM Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 07:36 PM
NO!! Don't flush it!! frown She's not gonna flush it, is she Nan??

Loving this story ... can't wait to see what happens next! You've got me on the edge of my seat! thumbsup
Posted By: rivka Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 07:38 PM
*on edge of seat*

*bites nails*
Posted By: metwin1 Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 07:55 PM
My guess is that Lois will flush the tape down the toilet. In fact, I'll be sorely disappointed if she doesn't. twins
Posted By: Laurach Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 07:57 PM
I can't see her actually flushing it. She has to face her fear of what is on the tape. Laura
Posted By: Nan Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 08:12 PM
<g> Actually, in some states, evidence obtained by covert recording *is* admissable. It just depends on what state you're in. In New Troy, it's up to the author's discretion. wink Considering the use of tape recordings in House of Luthor, I'd say the question is still open.

In any case, Clark isn't looking to use the tape for legal evidence. Perry, Jimmy and Jack took the important evidence to Henderson earlier in the day. Its purpose is to raise doubts in Lois's mind.

As to whether she flushes it, you'll have to wait and see. I'm babysitting my grandson for large parts of the next four days, but will try to squeeze in some writing time when I can.

Posted By: Sira Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/14/05 10:37 PM
Well, I'll go with most of the peope here: Don't let her flush the tape, please!!!!

*takes a deep breath*

love how Clark is acting. I propose introducing your grandson to Folcdom so you can write quickly more while he's totally blown by what you do and what others have done.

(Hey, no idea about his age, but I can dream, right?)

Sira - thumbsup
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/15/05 01:27 AM

An excellent part! smile1

Tricia cool
Posted By: Hazel Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/15/05 04:14 AM
Born and bred in a briar patch, Brer Lois! help


Posted By: Mister Data Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/15/05 09:59 AM
Another wonderful post! And if more are needed, that's okay, too.

I am sure that there are plenty of volunteers on this board for babysitting your grandson...

Posted By: Vicki K Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/15/05 02:01 PM
Count me in, Nan, with everyone who a) is loving this; b) wants more; c) knows that we'll be on the edges of our seats waiting for 4 days or more (no, please) for the next part!! wink

This is GREAT! And I love that Jack spilled his drink on the answering machine, that Lex and entourage can't locate Clark or Superman (keep that up, please!), that Perry, Jimmy and Jack are well aware that Clark's place is under surveillence, and that Lois found Clark sitting in her apartment with a pile of bugs. I found Lois's reaction of annoyance with Clark's actions EXTREMELY irritating - I was very tempted to give her a much needed smack, but didn't find her behavior at all out of character. Unfortunately. grumble Typical of Lois to be more annoyed with Clark for daring to question her judgment then trying to figure out who has bugged her apartment and why. We know she'll eventually get around to the patented Mad Dog Lane fury at Lex ...er...the person who placed the bugs wildguy , and there is NO WAY that she will get rid of that tape without listening to it. Not our Lois.

Bring on part 4...soon would be very nice. smile

Posted By: Karla Kent Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/15/05 03:19 PM
very good part Nan.

I canĀ“t wait for the next part.

Lois will listen the type...She is Lois :rolleyes:

Next part ASAP.

Posted By: Tarkas Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/16/05 01:29 AM
I wish I had Vicki's confidence in Lois' curiosity, but as she is not reacting as she normally would, courtesy of Luthor's machinations, I can see her actually flushing the tape out of pure determination to not have to deal with its contents; after all, it's only from Clark, and he's just a jealous hayseed.

Which is but one reason why the title of this story worries me. Unless I missed something, there hasn't been any reference to "Nuclear Options" in the text, leaving the only possible meaning that I can think of to be Mutual Assured Destruction -- and, frankly, I don't want to read that sort of story. It's all very well for Tank to go on about what he says he'd like to see as the outcome of this story, but others of us have no wish to read that.

So I hope I'm wrong. Go on, Nan, prove that I am -- please?

Posted By: Nan Re: Nuclear Option part 3 - Comments - 03/16/05 09:01 AM
Phil, you should have more faith in me! With all the stories I've written on this board, have I ever once given anyone a downbeat ending? wink I hate stories that end like that for the sake of "art", and I won't write them.

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