Lois & Clark Forums
I guess I should explain.

This story is somewhat autobiographical.

I started reading DC comics when I was 9 years old.

I've dreamed about flying under my own power all of my life.

I don't know if the kind of love that Clark and Lois have for each other exists.

But it would sure be nice to find out....

Feedback welcome and appreciated.
hey Chaabreh, wave

First of all, I loved your story! It is really cool and something that I guess everybody really wished for their lives - a sensitive husband, a friend, a hot lover....

About your question if relationships like this happen, I am lucky enough to say they do.

I have a relationship for 5 years and, although we are thousands of miles away now (I'm in Rio and he is currently in London), he calls me up in the middle of the night just to tell me how much he misses me and loves me.

We have been appart for one year now. He used to live here in Brazil, but he had to move away to study. (Like Clark had to go away for New Krypton - Luckily we have phones and e-mails wink )

Oh, he wears glasses too wink

Finally, this year in june, we will be together again.

Yes... I'm as stubborn as Lois Lane. I don't really like the kind of music he likes or the way he dresses with those weird ties, but the thing is... I love him with all his quirks and he is soooooo soooo sweet and sensitive and caring that I couldn't resist. (Luckily it took only two days from the day we met for me to realize he was the man of my life. Er... According to him it was love at first sight at his end. :rolleyes: )

I don't know if this makes any sense. blush Maybe I should shut up now and just say how much your story moved me. I am thankful for the one who chose me and for him chosing me.

Omar, if you ever read this, I love you more than anything... even more than Lex. love
Sure, relationships like that exist, but did you have to talk about cellulite and puffy things?
MDL - thanks for sharing your love story. Good to know it's out there. I appreciate your feedback!

As for cellulite and puffy things under the covers...well, I did say up front it was autobiographical!! LOL!

I think that women are probably far more critical about their bodies than their partners are - especially since, with age, they ain't what they used to be either LOL!..(THANK GOD)

Just thinking though what it would be like to wake up in a hot new body...would be awesome! Hey I can dream!(Gonna go to the gym this week for sure!)
Oh, yeah, autobiographical, autobiographical,auto-bio-graphical...
I'm ok now.

Cute! wave

I already wrote my comments on the N Fic Section but here I am, hehehehe

I Loveeeeeeeee It!!!!!

I wish I could dream something like that blush

I´ll watch L&C episodes three day without sleeping and I hope that works,hehehehe

Thanks everyone for your kind words. I'm still trying to finish 2 fics (CJL and the Third World) but this little fantasy kept cropping up and the MUSE made me sit down and write it. It's the most personal thing I ever wrote and it was a bit scary putting it out there. Glad most could relate to it!

Love to be able to fly!!!
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