Lois & Clark Forums
This is so beautiful! I had to read it twice, because it just struck such a chord in me! Beautiful Beautiful Beautiful!!! smile1
Chris, you are such a sweetheart! Thank you!!! blush

This is just beautiful, Chris! You've painted a poignant picture of Clark's aloneness and shown how afraid he was to let go of the protective wall he'd built up around himself (great image, by the way!) even when he'd met Lois and got close to her. What a lovely letter! goofy

Thank you again!!! thumbsup )
Wow whinging frown mecry notworthy and just about every other one you can use for extremely, extremely angsty, and very, very well done smile

Love it, Chris! He writes a good letter, and I loved the insights he gave us into his life - the one about being busy coping which each new difference when the other kids were learning how to date was particularly poignant. smile

Lucky Wendy!

Chris- It's Super! thumbsup LaurieD
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, WENDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! goofy )
Very very nice, Chris... beautiful, in fact, which is only what I'd expect from you smile

And you might as well resign yourself to writing a sequel. They're relentless, lemme tell ya... and this is really only half the story, when you think about it. And really I think Nan deserves her own story, don't you? goofy

I love it, Chris laugh . Just wonderful (like everything else of yours!! why should I ever expect anything else wink ).

I especially like this line
I wonder whether I should delete that last paragraph because I’m sure you’re now adding “stalker” to your ever-growing list of my personality failings.
laugh laugh laugh It lightens the mood so well for a moment without losing the tone of the story!

And I certainly wouldn't be opposed to a sequel wink .

- Laura laugh

WOW, this is beautifully written. smile1
I love it. It definitely deserves a sequel.

Happy birthday, Wendy and Nan! dance

Tricia cool
Hi Chris,

This is a wonderful letter.

You've said so much in such a short space that I'm lost for words. smile

And you know that's quite unusual for me. wink

Yours Jenni
Sorry to comment so late, but yesterday was so crowded I barely had time to boot up my computer -- and not from birthday stuff, unfortunately. I'm getting to the point when "Happy" and "Birthday" are kind of mutually exclusive <g>. Still, it's better than the alternative. I'm now officially 57, and the grandmother of 5 and 1/2 kids.

Wow, if Clark had sent a letter like that to Lois in the series, I doubt she'd have been able to resist forgiving him sooner, but then, of course, all the other stuff might not have happened, so naturally the writers couldn't have resolved the matter so easily. They made lack of communication into an art form all for the sake of conflict.

Still, it also brings Clark's screwy reasoning into a more understandable light. He wasn't thinking very straight out of confusion and inexperience, and that makes it more forgivable. He still acted like a dope, but it was more out of panic than actually trying to manage her life. I'd say he kind of freaked at the wrong time. laugh Clark has a habit of doing that.

Anyhow, this was great. Now, do we get to see Lois's response?

Aw Chris that was truly beautiful, what a wonderful birthday present! Happy Birthday Wendy! Laura
I'm echoing the others for a sequel I want to read about Lois' reaction to receiving the letter. This was beautiful there's no other word for it because I reckon that you've really captured Clark's emotions during that time.
Happy Birthday, Wendy and Nan party party

Chris, that was a wonderful story!! I love your writing and your ideas. So touching! (Poor Clark!! Lois better forgive him soon!!)

Allow me to point out a typo:
You should have been my parents’ faces when, one day at the dinner table, I asked them what a bastard was!
Keep writing and... keep in mind that a sequel of this little fic wouldn't be a bad idea. Not at all wink

See ya,
Wow! smile

Thank you all so much for the kind words about Life's Lessons. I'm delighted you enjoyed it so much. (Please forgive me for not answering each of you individually; rest assured I've appreciated each and every comment, however.)

Anna: thanks for pointing out that typo. I've now corrected it. Good catch! I'd read and reread that section, but clearly was completely blind to what I'd actually typed.

So... A sequel, huh? I'll bear it in mind, but I have no immediate plans to write one. I'd have to figure out what Lois would say or do first of all. Trouble is, she's stubbornly refusing to let me in on the secret at the moment.

OH!!!! Where is that puddle of waffy goo graemlin that everyone's been using?! Gah!! So *SO* sweet!!!!!
You mean this [Linked Image] ?

Yeah, that's about my reaction too. *happy sigh*

Beautiful letter. drool

But, from the first moment you burst into my job interview, I knew what love was all about. You filled the room. My senses exploded at the sight, sound and smell of you: the way your hair flicked around your face as you moved, the way you scrunched your mouth when Perry insisted on introducing you to me… Your heartbeat racing strong and fast, beating a staccato rhythm in your excitement… The soft, clean scent of shampoo and soap… the faint whiff of newsroom coffee.

You filled my mind and robbed me of coherent thought. You took my breath away and I knew with a certainty that defied reason that you were the only woman I would ever want to be with. More than that: you were the person I wanted to spend the rest of my life with, wanted to grow old with.

Beautiful letter. Poor Clark. frown








Just dropping by quickly to say a heartfelt thank you to Rivka, Maria and Karla for your feedback. It is most definitely appreciated, as indeed was everybody else's.

Chris smile
Chris, I just have to say "ditto" to everyone's comments about this story. It's just beautiful. You paint a very poignant picture of a young Clark who, despite feeling secure with the love and support of his parents, feels very isolated in trying to cope with his differences while growing up. And as Nan said, you provide some thoughtful motivation to his screwed-up behavior on the show.

I won't pester you for a sequel, but If the muse ever inspires you, I'll be right in line to read it. smile

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