Lois & Clark Forums
Yeah, I made her post it, and now she's collecting a fee called FDK. goofy So here's my FDK:

rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol
rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol rotflol

Okay, I think I reached the limit of graelins per post.

Other various flying artifacts go here. <eg>

laugh laugh laugh
rotflol rotflol rotflol

*wheeze* can't breathe, can't stop laughing long enough to *wheeze* breathe!

[Just one nit: the word is "nemesis."]
Well... Ms. Gal-Who's-So-Incredibly-Silly-She's-Almost-Insane... (Mary for short wink )... that was goofy
Well, I was going to comment, but I see that I was beaten to the punch. So, I'm going to have to leave it at...

Yeah, what they said.

rotflol Mary! Very fun!!

Specifically, though, I'm interested in this line:

Narrator: And so ends our little adventure! Tune in next week and every week for the further adventures of The-Man-Who's-So-Incredibly-Strong-It's-Almost-Like-He's-Made-Out-Of-Steel!
So, next week...? [Linked Image]

I linked a non-FoLC (but comic fan) to the fic. These are her reactions:
Peter Lorre is in it!? That's awesome.
(a few minutes later)
What. The. Hell. That was hilarious.
Mary, you have another fan! thumbsup
Great parody, and LOL at poor Rob -- er, Rooster seeking hither and yon for someone to sidekick!

Just one question: who is Peter Lorre? confused

Hazel, still snickering at "mild hotdog"
clap clap

Peter Lorre smile
UP, up and away! Who was that masked man anyway?
rofl, Mary... you are a genius. That was *perfect* The "mild hotdogs" were a great touch goofy

That was amazinggggggggg!!!!!!!!!!

I canĀ“t stop laughing laugh

Karla(who is hoping to read more soon)
That was ROFL! rotflol rotflol rotflol

Lax: What is it, Henchman? Did you get the xylophite I wanted for my plan to stop The-Man-Who's-So-Incredibly-Strong-It's-Almost-Like-He's-Made-Out-Of-Steel?

Henchman: Got it right here, Lax! See?
(SFX: Xylophone music)
This one particularly cracked me up rotflol rotflol

See ya,

ROTFL!! smile1

Tricia cool
I just came across this after what seems like a very long absence from the boards-- and what a great welcome back it was!

Like the others, I was rotflol rotflol rotflol

Henchman: Got it right here, Lax! See?
(SFX: Xylophone music)
and this:
Extra #3: No, it's a Mouseketeer!
and this:
in his clever guise as a mild hotdog salesman named Manny Strongsteel---
Hero: Get yer mild hotdogs!
were my favorite lines! rotflol

And we're all apparently ready to tune in next week for more adventures of MWSISiALHMooS... have you got any more of 'em?

Thanks, everyone! smile1

I must say, I wasn't expecting such a huge reaction! dizzy

Glad you liked it so much! laugh

Um, more? Well, to be honest, I don't really have more written---though I do have a couple episode ideas. So...I guess we'll see, but I woudn't plan on anything for the near future. Sorry. peep

But I'm glad you like it! smile

Cute. goofy

Great parody.

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