Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Karla Kent Home Sweet Home - 01/16/05 02:09 PM
Hi Everyone

Here is the english version of my first fic.
Thanks to Erica, she made this possible, girl you are so great and funny, thaks for helping me with this and be so patient with me and my mistakes blush

Ok, There it is:

By : Karla Kent

The rain kept on falling on her shoulders, but it didn’t bother her. After all it’s been raining every day for the last month.

*It doesn’t matter if it rains today,* she thought.

Her face reflected a great pain. One that she never thought she could ever feel one day; one that took little by little the life out of her – one she couldn’t possibly get rid of. The pain of the loss, the pain of the abssence of what she loved the most – a part of her existence, and her reason for living.

Streched and long seemed the days to her. It was now a painful existence, useless, and meaningless. She knew that even if she wished, she could not ease her pain. She wished him to come back so badly that she could almost touch it.

She was deep in thoughts, scheming, planning, dreaming of many ways she could end her suffering. The sadness, the dispair were so overwhelming that she hardly noticed someone, sitting by her side.

“Are you OK? You’ve been here for almost an hour, getting wet,” he told her while he put his hand on her shoulder.

I’m fine. Well, at least the best that I can be,” she paused for a second, looking at him. “Jimmy, you shouldn’t be here, getting all wet. You’ll end up getting a cold. Go inside and get a towel to get yourself dry,” she told him him without even turning around, motionless. Even if she could move, she wouldn’t try. It was already painful enough to even breathe.

“I wanted to check on you. We haven’t talked and I think that it would make you feel better… you know… sharing.”

Sharing? What do you want to share?” her angry tone surprised Jimmy so she breathed in and continued. “What I feel won’t go away. I want him to come back. You can’t change what I feel right now."

“Well, Lois. I just wanted to say that I understand the feeling."

“Thanks, Jimmy. I knew you would.”

Tears drops started rolling down her cheeks. The pain was so immense that she couldn’t resist no longer. She turned around and hugged her friend, squeezing him hard it seemed that it hold her life on it. “Oh, Jimmy, how could this happen to me?”

“Lois, no one knows how these things happen. That’s just the way it is.” They pulled off.

“I…I should’ve forseen this… I…” her voice trailled off, failing her.

“Lois, I know it’s hard for you, but you’ll be fine. He’ll be back soon and everything is gonna be fine. Have faith.” Jimmy’s reassuring squeeze on her arm.

“Oh, Jimmy… waiting is so hard. I should’ve gone with him. If I could just see him return… I’d know everything is fine.”

“It will, Lois. Clark will be here soon. You’ll see.”

Meanwhile, Clark was coming closer. When Jimmy saw him, he decided to leave. Lois seeing her friend leaving, turned. As she saw Clark finally coming back, she ran and hugged him so tight that he thought she would break him in pieces.

Oh, Clark, you are here! I can’t believe it!” Tears rolled by her cheeks while she started touching his checking if he was really in front of her. “You’re here… finally.” She put her hands on Calrk’s shoulders and moved away a little bit. “Clark… do you… did you…” she didn’t know how to make that question. Her happiness engulfed her.

Clark inserted his hand on his coat pocket, bringing a tiny bag and handing it Lois. “Here it is – the last Swiss chocolate bar they had in all Metropolis. “Are you happy now?”

Lois smiled, grabbed him by the collar of his coat, and thanked him. “You’re a superhero, Clark Kent.” She turned, started to unwrap the tiny box inside the bag, leaving him in the rain by himself.

Clark smiled and murmered to himself, following her back inside the Daily Planet. “I’m glad, Lois… I’m glad.”

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