Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/14/04 05:06 PM

Great part. help Are they going to let other in the investigation like Perry, Henderson or bobby?

More ASAP, please.

MAF wave
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/14/04 06:57 PM
It's time for Clark to become Superman!
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/14/04 07:14 PM
Glad you're all right, Wendy, at least more or less. Nothing like skidding on an icy road to make you want to yell "Help, Superman!"

So, Lois has remembered what it was she saw. Why do I think Luthor's days are numbered? Lane and Kent are hot on his trail -- and will they be able to reconstitute the Daily Planet and save Jimmy? Here's hoping.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/14/04 08:07 PM
Oh what does she remember? I can't wait to find out so she can get Lex and divorce him. Then there will be sme heavy Kissing! Laura
Posted By: Nicole S Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/14/04 10:48 PM
oh.. my... are you leaving us THERE??? Please post soon! this is great, and i too agree that clark needs to become superman right about now! hyper
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 12:08 AM
Wouldn't Lex have Perry under vigilance? confused

Because they need Perry, don't they? laugh

Jose hyper
Posted By: Karen Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 06:20 AM
Ohboyohboyohboy. The investigation's heating up, and we're starting to see our lovable Lane & Kent team getting into gear. But what, pray tell, did Lois see? Guess we'll just have to wait. grumble Can't wait, tho!
Posted By: gerry Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 07:21 AM
Enjoyed this section very much, Wendy. Lots of A-plot development interwoven with some nice relationship moments as Lois and Clark get closer together. And now they're doing what they do best together...investigating.

I noticed that Clark mentioned to Lois a couple of times that Luthor put Lois in a 'desperate' position. Soon to be married, did that make her a desperate housewife? wink

I had a bit of a problem following this:
Her expression brightened, as if she’d needed the reassurance. “Yeah. You’re right. But anyway, Clark,” she added more soberly, “I know you can’t afford to lend me money. You don’t have a job either right now.”
“Tell you what,” he said suddenly, decisively. “You do need some stuff. I mean, I can lend you T-shirts, but my jeans are way too big for you. And I guess you wouldn’t really want to borrow my underwear.” He bet that his blush was even redder than hers. “So after breakfast I’ll fly you to a small town somewhere a long way from Metropolis or Smallville and you can buy a few things. Okay?”
I got the idea that Lois rejected financial help from Clark...so when they're in Georgia, I wondered where the money came from. I wonder if you need a sentence somewhere that says that Lois reluctantly agreed that she had no other choice.

Or is it just me? huh

I'm with everyone else wondering what Lois saw. Was it the treasure trove?

Posted By: jwb Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 07:59 AM
If this town had a JC Penney or a K-Mart, she’d get what she needed there. Even if once she’d never have dreamed of shopping at either place.
Lois Lane never dreamed of shopping at K-Mart or JC Penney's? She never had to? Ever? Boy - she must have always made a ton of money to never stoop so low as to shop at places where millions and millions of everyday people shop each day. (Actually, unless it's on sale, I don't shop at JC Penney's very often either - too expensive...)

Or is it because she "once" had all of Luthor's money to use and he didn't want her shopping there. Now that I can see. But, it's unclear.

Sorry - these sentences just jumped off the page and slapped me in the face. I was cruising along, then BOOM! I was in the ditch wondering who put that curve in the road.
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 08:08 AM
Great part. I love the way they're analysing what happened back then with the planet and all. They're on the righ trail and I can't wait to see Luthor's face when he realises what hit him! *eg*

So, Lois remembers, eh? Wonderful cliffhanger..., but I want to know WHAT it was!!!!


Next part soon, please!

Sira - clap
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 08:45 AM
Hi Jeff - I hadn't even realised you were reading this.

Sorry you had that reaction to the K-Mart stuff, but for a woman of Lois's kind of background and income, even before her marriage to Luthor, they wouldn't have been the kind of places she'd have shopped at. I could see her waiting for the sales at Neiman Marcus or Sears or Macy's, or grabbing bargains in the Metropolis equivalent of Filene's Basement. wink Certainly not Donna Karan or anything in that bracket, but I couldn't see a professional woman like Lois, who was also brought up by middle-class and professional parents (and even after her father walked out her mother wouldn't have been short of money for the girls' upbringing), needing - or being accustomed - to shop in low-budget shops.

She was a reporter who dressed well. I'm not sure how essential a good wardrobe really is to that kind of job, to be honest, wink but in a job where you're expected to dress smartly (for Americans, I don't know the equivalent of not-casual <g>), WalMart etc just doesn't cut it. But there's a lot of scope in between K-Mart and designer, and for a woman on the kind of income Lois had, with no kids to support, good-quality clothes, even from designer factory outlets, wouldn't have been beyond her budget.

I wasn't making a personal judgement on anyone who shops in K-Mart, Jeff. I was simply reflecting how I felt Lois might feel about buying clothes in a shop she probably never went into before and where she'd never have considered buying clothing.

But I've just had a quick chat on IRC about JC Penney and realised that I was considering it a discount store when it's not really. So I'm editing that. Thanks for drawing my attention to it.

Quick question, though: other than the nitpick, are you actually enjoying the story? wink

Gerry, you may be right that I need to phrase that exchange a little better, but there is a passage where Lois agrees to take some cash from Clark:

As much as it embarrassed her to borrow money from Clark, he was right. She desperately needed new underwear, whatever about outer wear. He’d given her fifty dollars in fives and tens before they’d left his apartment, telling her that he had his chequebook and ATM card with him if she needed more. She didn’t intend to need more.
But I'll go back to the exchange you quote and see if I can improve on it - thanks for pointing it out.

Wendy smile
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 10:24 AM
Works of art? Sculpture triggered her memory?? The first thing that jumps to my mind is a room Lex has with the rare works of art like the arms of Venus de Milo...but that seems too easy. I can't wait to find out what it is she remembers.

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/15/04 07:35 PM
Interesting place to stop.

Yeah, JCPenneys is a basic, upper- middle class department store.

K-Marts, and the sourge of retail, the kings of deceptive advertising and slimey business practices... Wal-Mart.

Tank (who is waiting for the obvious... Lois needs to get out and about and so she needs a disguise and what would be more natural than... YES, a haircut!)
Posted By: avia Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/16/04 02:05 AM
I'm loving this. So, when's the next part? wink

Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/16/04 06:12 PM
Avia asked:
I'm loving this. So, when's the next part?
Coming right up, Avia! Just as soon as I've thanked everyone for their lovely comments here!

As always, I'm really grateful for your feedback and suggestions. I'm glad to see that everyone's enthusiastic to see Lois and Clark get Lex! As to how... well, that would be telling. But Lois is very determined, as you saw!

I noticed that Clark mentioned to Lois a couple of times that Luthor put Lois in a 'desperate' position. Soon to be married, did that make her a desperate housewife?
ROFL, Gerry! rotflol

Oh what does she remember?
But what, pray tell, did Lois see?
So, Lois remembers, eh? Wonderful cliffhanger..., but I want to know WHAT it was!!!!
Next part, I promise! Though Jen has some very interesting speculation...

Works of art? Sculpture triggered her memory?? The first thing that jumps to my mind is a room Lex has with the rare works of art like the arms of Venus de Milo...but that seems too easy. I can't wait to find out what it is she remembers.
So, all will be revealed very soon.

Nan, thanks - and it was downright scary! We weren't the ones who skidded, which was even worse; our car had perfect traction, but the other driver's didn't. He caught us sideways on and spun us completely around. frown The scariest thing of all was the split second when I knew we were going to crash... horrible. sad But the important thing was that no-one got worse than bruises.

Okay, part 6 coming right up!

Wendy smile
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 5 - 12/25/04 01:55 PM
Ooh... halfway there!!

He shrugged. “It can wait. This is more important. You’re more important.”

He meant that trying to prove that her husband was a murderer and getting him safely locked away in prison was more important but, judging by the blush which crept over her face, Lois clearly interpreted his words more personally. Not that he minded. She was important to him in that way too.
Awwww!!! /me giggles blush

He smiled as he approached. “You look good.” And the admiration in his eyes was real.
Awww!!!! smile

Yesterday, she’d been petrified. Today, she was angry. Blisteringly, furiously, vengefully angry.

“I was just wondering if he’s still searching the Rockies for me,” Lois explained, still smiling.

“Actually, he’s back in Metropolis,” Clark told her, to her surprise.

He had been. It all sounded insane, in a way, though. That someone like Lex Luthor would scheme to buy a newspaper, and then blow it up, just to get one woman in his power. Could the man really be that Machiavellian? Or was he actually not quite sane?
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