Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Laurach FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/13/04 02:45 PM
Oh Wendy and Kaethel my heart is in my throat. Poor Lois, she is torturing herself and I can't even imagine how torn up Clark is. I hope she finds it in her heart to forgive him soon and figure out a way to get Clark back. Laura

Great part. drool Then she can kill him slowly and painful.

He gave her a concerned look. “Lois, honey, you know I’m worried about you. If you need some time... You know I can get you some compassionate leave - ”

She shook her head immediately. “No. I just - just have a headache, okay? Tell Rogers I’ll see him at Hartley’s tonight at nine. He’d better not be late.” And she turned and walked out of the office.
:rolleyes: She probably will be early so she don't have to deal with Roger and Clark have to save her.

More ASAP, please.

MAF wave
Posted By: Karla Kent Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/13/04 04:29 PM
I love this fic!!!!!!!!!!!

Girls this is great story....I can´t believe it,the poor Lois and I dont want to imagine the sorrow in Clark´s soul.

Please the next part ASAP!!! grovel

Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/13/04 05:49 PM
Great Part! evil
Posted By: wlcme7 Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/13/04 09:15 PM
Wendy and Kaethel
As usual a great story by two of my fav's. Lots of angst, and grand passion. Just what I expected to find after taking time off the boards. What a treat to find this story and Wendy's Eternity Trilogy. It's good to "come home" and find the nest still feathered.....
Great job
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/13/04 11:40 PM
Wow! eek

Of course she's going to be near death later and Superman will save the day wink

Jose hyper
Posted By: TicAndToc Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/14/04 08:57 AM
Wow!! This part had no real action in it at all, but was gripping all the same; it packed a powerful punch emotionally. Lois is proving once again why we all like her so much and why she and Clark really are soulmates.

Even though she's extremely angry and feeling very betrayed, her genuine love for Clark is showing through in the way her thoughts are unspooling. She's coming to understand, all on her own, with no help from Clark, exactly what his motivation in this whole thing was. She's right-- he wasn't thinking at all. He immediately stepped in to protect her with no thought whatsoever of what might happen next. And then he felt completely helpless to fix the resulting situation, to resolve it at all.

This is the first step towards forgiveness, and probably the first step in learning to trust him again. I hope she continues along these lines. I think figuring out on her own what his motivation was is more likely to result in her forgiving him, than if she just allowed him to explain.

I thought presence of the annonymous man who sits at Clark's desk was brilliant. Lois is just seething with conflicting emotions and thoughts. She's focused on her anger for the last three days, and now, regardless of how she works to suppress them, other thoughts and memories are surfacing. She's still 99.999998% convinced that Clark is a horrible, betraying liar-- then someone "takes his place". That gives her a jolt, and she can barely handle it. And in typical Lois fashion, she immediately starts to demonstrate to Perry exactly how little she is affected by this, in an effort to convince herself.

The serial killer worries me. Lois is just so likely to put herself right out there in the middle of things to get that story. And she told Superman point-blank to stay away, that she didn't even want him saving her from anything. (Not that he'd listen to that if she was in danger.) Of course, faced with death, one would likely rescind that sort of statement... but Clark's out there, as SJH said earlier, wandering around in the rain in his underwear-- or something. He may not be close by. He may not hear her. <gulp>

More soon?

Posted By: Gabriele Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/14/04 01:40 PM
No no no! I just can't believe that Lois is changing her mind *so* soon. If you believe the man you love betrayed you so callously you just can't forgive him so easily. You hate him just as much as you loved him.

I don't believe that it could be happen through Lois's thinking at all, it must happen only through Clark's act.
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/15/04 12:14 AM
I was really scared when I realized that Lois is lying to herself (Clark having done everything on purpose etc.). That's why I'm really glad to see her coming to understand why he did it this way. Ok, there are still some things that are unanswered, as to why he slept with her... But Lois is on the right path to figuring him out. Finally. And probably also on the path straight to danger.

Sira - thumbsup
Posted By: Nicole S Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/15/04 12:50 AM
oh my god, i just discovered this story, and it's so great! i love TOGOM stories so much and there have been so many different takes! This is so original.. I hope they think of a way soon to let Clark come back. And I feel so badly for Lois; she's hurting and you can FEEL her emotions! mecry

It's true, could they do what Perry said and blame his survival on a bullet-proof vest?? confused

This is awesome, please post soon, I am now addicted smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/15/04 08:21 AM
Well, the problem with a bullet-proof vest would be: if Clark thought the situation was dangerous enough to warrant one, then why wasn't Lois wearing one too? Why did he even agree to go there with her? So I don't think that would work... sad

Glad you're all still enjoying this! Kae and I are delighted by your comments and really honoured, too. blush There are still a couple of twists to come, of course, with three parts remaining, but we promise that this will all be over by Christmas. wink

Wendy smile
Posted By: Kaethel Re: FDK: Whisper From the Dying - 9/12 - 12/15/04 12:57 PM
Hey guys smile

It's fascinating to see your speculations about what can possibly make Lois forgive Clark 0 or at least make her willing to talk to him again - and what can help bring him back to life.

So... bulletproof vest? Well, Wendy mentioned the problem with that. Will Lois and Clark still take the risk of having their solution put under suspicion? Actually, will Lois help Clark at all? Will Clark get a chance at becoming Clark again? I think this is the first question we need to ask. wink

And some of you are speculating about that aspect as well. Janet, as you said, three days of hell without Clark, along with him being "replaced" at work, are starting to make her think more rationally. She's calmer, and she's trying to see things from his perspective and understand what motives are behind his lies. Gabriele, we don't mean that just thinking about what made him do it is going to make Lois forgive him. But it's a start, and other things might also help her later on. smile

Some of you are also worrying about the serial killer. You may have reason to be scared... also, keep in mind that Lois told Clark to stay out of her life for good and to not even try to save her if she's in danger. So maybe she'll stay out of danger so that he doesn't have a reason to be tempted to rescue her. What am I saying? This is Lois Lane we're talking about! laugh

Thank you all so much again for your fascinating comments (and Wanda, welcome back!! wave ). Part 10 coming up shortly. smile

Wendy and Kaethel smile
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