Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/09/04 07:04 PM

Great part. wave
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/09/04 07:45 PM
WoooHooo! they are safe, so far. More soon. laura
Posted By: avia Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/09/04 11:36 PM
I love the way you had Lois escape and run into Clark - absolutely brilliant!

The A plot is very intriguing. I'm really curious to see which of Lex's evil deeds will bring him down and you rovided us with so many options. confused

One nitpick:
Perry White, the Planet’s former editor, was on record as refusing to believe that Olsen, whom he seemed to consider a protege, was incapable of burning down the paper.
I think you meant 'capable'.

Bring on the next part! Please?

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/09/04 11:37 PM
Luthor is going to be really annoyed... however I don't think anybody could believe him if he says that Clark recued her!!! laugh

Jose hyper
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/10/04 03:24 AM
Great part. I'm so glad that Lois is free again. Now on to bringing down Luthor!

And, unless the forest rangers were into constructing underground shelters, or the government really was concealing the existence of aliens from outer space, Clark was pretty sure that this had to be where Luthor was hiding Lois.

...concealing the existence of aliens from outer space... And that coming from Clark of all people! Nice touch!

Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/10/04 06:37 AM
I LOVE kick-@ss Lois! She is great!

Posted By: Nicole S Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/11/04 02:35 AM
I love your writing style! The final line is great; it can go so many ways! I think she's talking about Lex, but the same is true for Clark and his nature, which in ways she had also failed to notice! This story is so intriguing, I can't wait for more smile1
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/11/04 12:24 PM
Ooooh, Wendy, nice! I love the rescue scene.

Also really like how she kicked his butt. <g>

We get a lot of developements here. Lois is going to Metropolis - that's a big thing. Also, Lois and Clark are suspecting Luthor had something to do with the Planet explosion (poo Jimmy!!! frown ).

And then she turned a corner and ran smack into someone standing there. Someone tall and muscular and...

Oh god. She'd been caught.

His hands were on her arms, holding her firmly. She tried to struggle, but he was way too strong for her. Think, Lois! She tried to hook her ankle around his the way she'd done with Lex, but before she could even make contact he'd wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet.

Feeling sick inside, she tried to wriggle. And then a soft, blissfully familiar voice met her ears.

&#8220;Are you that unhappy to see me?&#8221;
I love this part, because it's such awesome comic relief. Not to mention, Lois and Clark are together again. laugh

&#8220;People don't change that much,&#8221; Clark said softly. &#8220;So, unless your friend Jimmy was hiding his true nature all along, he didn't do it.&#8221;
I thought this line, though, was a little mean of Clark - isn't it like rubbing it in? Didn't it occur to him that she doesn't need reminders?

Hurry up and post - we want more of them together again. smile

Julie smile
Posted By: Wendymr Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/11/04 12:51 PM
Again, guys, thank you so much for your comments here! smile I'm glad you liked the bit of kick-butt Lois you got. wink She's far too feisty to sit around and just wait for Clark to rescue her - especially once she started remembering what she used to be like before Lex took over her life. smile1 Good to see you here, and thank you for the lovely compliment! blush I'm glad you're enjoying this so far, and that you liked that line you picked out.

Now, I said last time that I'm speeding up the posting schedule on this one - and also the writing schedule, as it happens wink - because I want it all posted by Christmas, if I can manage it. I just hope I'm not going too fast for some of you... but anyway, Part 4's coming in a few minutes. smile

Thank you all very much again!!

Wendy smile
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK:Finding Freedom-Part 3 - 12/25/04 01:23 AM
Clark had known that the Rocky Mountain National Park was huge, but he’d never appreciated just how big it was until he’d had to search every inch of it. Right now, looking for Lois felt like trying to find a needle in a haystack.
Awww!! frown

And if, as Clark was convinced, her husband intended to stage another ‘accident’, there were plenty of steep drops, deep lakes, slopes with loose scree and deserted trails.
How about a remote frozen cliff someone could fall off of and get snagged and maybe freeze to death? And maybe there are some birds that could be quite hungry and... oh... sorry... never mind me blush

From what he remembered, Olsen had gone to prison continually protesting his innocence.
Eek!! Poor Jimmy's still in jail?! frown

Bingo! It was an underground building of some sort. And, unless the forest rangers were into constructing underground shelters, or the government really was concealing the existence of aliens from outer space, Clark was pretty sure that this had to be where Luthor was hiding Lois.

Now, he just had to get inside and find her.
Yay!!! Except... this has 7 more parts to it... Is is too much to hope for a wrap up in the next part or two... then have the rest be waffy goodness? laugh I'm thinking Lois will be trapped for a while longer... or... actually, maybe not, maybe Lab just traumatized me and the rest of the story will be L&C bringing Luthor down? I know, I know... shut up, RAFO. wink


She raised her head slowly and flicked her gaze carefully around the room. Why hadn’t it occurred to her earlier that Lex probably had cameras installed so that he could keep an eye on what she was doing? This room seemed to have been constructed especially for its purpose, so adding a few cameras wouldn’t exactly have been difficult. Which meant, of course, that he’d have seen her frantic search, the sheet she’d plaited and the knives she’d carefully broken...
See!! Told you so!!

But she darted out of his reach, at the same time jabbing the knife in. He yelped in pain. While he was distracted, she hooked her foot around his ankle and pulled. Caught off-balance, he fell, but as he went down he tried to grab her. Again, she jumped out of his reach.
Go Lois!!!!! Now, just when you think there's no way out... your "ride" will show up. laugh

First, though, he needed to deal with the couple of tiny objects he’d seen embedded in the nearby rock. Shorting the cameras was the work of less than a second. Smiling at the satisfying sizzle each made as he destroyed it,
Hee hee!!

He pulled his glasses down his nose again and began the job of cutting out a hole in the steel.
LOL... I forgot that he wasn't in the Suit for a second. <g> Which brings up a good point... is Superman to emerge in this trilogy? Certainly at least the idea, right? Hmmm...

And what he saw made him smile in reluctant admiration, while at the same time his heart leapt into his throat. He supposed that was just typical of Lois Lane, multiple Kerth award-winner. She couldn’t possibly just sit back and wait patiently for him to rescue her, could she? No. She had to risk life and limb to rescue herself.

Setting off at a pace no human could match, he sped along the corridors until he got to where he wanted to be. And then he stopped, and waited.
Would it be just plain wrong to call Clark a stinker? <g> He's going to wait for her to run into him? :rolleyes:

Oh god. She’d been caught.

His hands were on her arms, holding her firmly. She tried to struggle, but he was way too strong for her. Think, Lois! She tried to hook her ankle around his the way she’d done with Lex, but before she could even make contact he’d wrapped his arms around her and lifted her off her feet.

Feeling sick inside, she tried to wriggle. And then a soft, blissfully familiar voice met her ears.

“Are you that unhappy to see me?”
rotflol Stinker!! <g>

But then she remembered that they weren’t out of danger yet. “Clark! He’s got guards, and they’ll have guns...”
I wonder if Clark knows that he's bullet-proof...

“Don’t be. Didn’t I tell you that I’m invulnerable?”

“Now you tell me?” she exclaimed.
LOL!! (Even though it feels sorta inappropriate to laugh at a time like this... <g>)

“I kicked him,” she said in satisfaction, and saw him wince. “Not there!

“Rachel?” Lois was taken aback by her reaction to the name of a woman she didn’t even know. Was she actually jealous?
/me snickers <g>

Lois fell silent as it occurred to her who had been hiding his true nature all along - and how she had completely failed to notice.
Awww!! Poor Lois!! frown

Sara (who's dying to read more... but figures since Lois is safe and it's after 2am - technically Christmas - she ought to get to sleep before Santa gets here wink )
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