Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: L FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 11:49 AM
Excellent ... I'm loving this. But.

She. Is. Going. To. Kill. Him.

I mean, at this point, to not tell her - it's almost like he's manipulated her into this intimacy with him by dying - by driving her into grief - and while that wasn't ever his intent, to keep the deception - i'd find that *very* hard to forgive.
Posted By: Ank. K. S. Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 12:08 PM
He was so like Clark in lots of ways
More than you realize, Lois. evil

Looking forward to more angst wink

I think maybe, if and when Lois and Superman grow closer, she'll see through the disguise by herself, or... maybe this is non-revelation fic and... and life will go on. eek cool

<ok, ill stop speculating now and await as patiently as feasible for the resolution laugh >
Posted By: metwin1 Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 12:33 PM
I'm really sorry, but I can't help but see Clark as offering a relationship with Lois under false premises. I don't care how he's justifying the situation. What Lois is saying doesn't count because she does not know the truth yet. If she knows the truth, and is still willing to risk all to be with Superman, that's a different story.

I don't know why Clark's prepared to have a relationship with Lois as Superman. All the arguments as to why Superman cannot have a relationship still holds, even if "Clark" is no longer a factor or not.

The writing is wonderful as always, but I think I'm going to stop reading until this story finishes. If I read on right now, my dislike for this Clark Kent will be dragged on for weeks in real time, while waiting for a new part.

My problem is that I become involved personally, whether it's watching the character on TV or reading it. :p

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 02:37 PM

“Then even if all you can offer is a few nights like this, Superman, I’ll take it,” she said immediately. “I’ll take you.” Lois bit her lip. “I never took what I could have had with one man I loved, and I’ll regret that for the rest of my life. I can’t risk losing out on love a second time.”

“Then, if you’re sure...” He trailed off, watching her. She nodded, reassuring him once more. And he gathered her closer, kissing her deeply and letting her know through his caresses, his soft whispers and his tender kisses, how much he wanted her.

And this time, when they made love, she had no regrets at all.
mad What excuse of a man! hyper

mad It so humiliating to let Lois play hiding lover and not in Superman character. cat
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 04:16 PM
CLark /Superman...is such an IDIOT when it comes to women!!

I'm dying to see how you're going to resolve this!
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 05:01 PM
This is not good. I'm afraid that she may never forgive him after this little chat..ahem etc. blush they had. I don't think I could if it were me.

How in the heck is he going to get outta this?

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 07:30 PM
Ohmygod. Ok, I need to regroup. Lois is starting to speculate about Clark and Superman. She's going to figure it out. I can feel it. Well okay, maybe I won't be feeling it by the next installment, but for now...watch out. Like Liz said, she's gonna kill him. And it ain't gonna be pretty! Well for us readers, it would be great...

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 08:09 PM
Aw that was sweet but Clark needs to come clean. laura
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/01/04 11:56 PM
wow eek

She's soooo close to the truth that she can't see it!! goofy

Jose wave
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/02/04 04:29 AM
Superman/Clark, whatever, love Lois with all your
might. If Lois is the woman I hope she is, she will discover that she has nothing to forgive. What is she going to be upset about anyway? Clark for being Superman? Superman for being Clark? Clark for saving her life?That he's not dead? Clark/Superman for being in love with her? for having a secret identity?And not just any old secret identity either.Seems to me the girl got to eat her cake and have it too.
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/02/04 08:50 AM
Well, Clark's as good as dead. Well, that's the point of any TOGOM rewrite. But this time around Superman is as good as dead, too.

Lois is soooo close to the truth. And when she discovers it (not if, when!!!!) I don't want to be anywhere near her.

Can't wait to find out what other idiocies Superman/Clark has in store for us...

Posted By: Ultra Woman Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/02/04 08:53 AM
She. Is. Going. To. Kill. Him.
If she didn't do this, I would do. mad

Clark you're an IDIOT! [Linked Image]

Clark's been selfish and coward. How can he see Lois's suffering and doesn't tell her the truth? He's behaving as all the others men of Lois's past, the typic male, coming near her only thinking in sex [Linked Image]. She's blaming herself because Clark's "death" and thinking she is betrying his memory and he does nothing (except to think in sex) [Linked Image] ! How can he be so stupid? [Linked Image]

I want punch him [Linked Image]! No, wait, this would useless. I want fulminate him with a kryptonite ray [Linked Image] ! He didn't tell the truth to Lois because he could offer her nothing. But then, how can he offer her a relationship with Superman [Linked Image]??? Clark's "logic" is too weird [Linked Image] . Lois doesn't deserve this. He need to tell the truth and face his mess. If Lois go mad, she'll be with good reason. [Linked Image]

Don't be coward, Clark! Speak out! [Linked Image]

~ Andreia (who will be mad with Clark for a long time) [Linked Image]
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/03/04 12:43 AM
Kaethel and Wendy

WOW! This is excellent. smile1 I love this story.

Tricia cool
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/03/04 10:45 AM
Wow. This is getting way complicated. I don't know he'll get out of this mess.

Well, I guess he didn't lie when he said Clark is dead, but he loves her and then told her what he can offer her. But seeing her grief like that and not doing anything about it, like maybe telling her Clark is not, in fact, dead, is reason enough for her to kill him.

One nitpick:

Lois loved someone else? Already? But he'd only been dead a couple of weeks!
She loved Clark, but she also loved Superman. A week earlier, he would have considered this his dream come true, but now...
What happened to time? goofy

Excellent part. The last segment, especially. /me melts Really love that part.

Julie smile
Posted By: Trenna Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/04/04 09:32 AM
Love this sloppy

I especially liked Lois' comparisons of Clark and Superman. I think the fact that Superman needs her is a big part of the relationship. It feels good to be needed. wink

And we NEED you to write more!
Posted By: Kaethel Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/06/04 10:38 AM
Hey guys! smile

Sorry for taking a bit longer than usual to reply and post the next part - we've both had a very busy weekend, and we wouldn't mind if RL slowed down a little to let us catch up. :p

So... is Lois going to kill Clark or not? Will she have any reason to kill him? In other words, will she find out what he's hiding from her? These seem to be the questions that occupy your minds at the moment.

Julie, thanks for catching the timeline issue! We've now fixed it, thanks to you. smile

Metwin1, we hope that when you do get back to the story, you'll be able to forgive Clark for his behaviour. Now, we're not saying that Lois won't be mad when (if) she figures him out. We can't say more about this so as not to spoil the story. But be sure that Clark's lies won't stay unpunished. wink

Maybe Lois will ride off into the sunset with Nigel and -

Hey!! Put those shears away!! We'll be good! Or we'll try to be. evil

Wendy and Kaethel smile (both very innocent wink )
Posted By: Karla Kent Re: FDK: Whisper from the Dying - 6 - 12/06/04 05:37 PM
I want Kill Clark with a kryptonite ray !
Come On Clark just tell her and be killed laugh

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