Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Wendymr Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/27/04 09:45 AM
Michael, welcome back and congratulations on finishing this story at last! I have to catch up on it properly, as I think I missed a few sections along the way and it's been so long since the last post.

I wanted to start this thread to encourage (read 'nag, threaten, cajole' wink ) you to send this story to the Fanfic Archive in the next few days. In case you've missed the posts elsewhere about the Archive Christmas deadline, it's 1 December. And why does that matter? Well, because if a story is uploaded to the Archive by the end of the year it's eligible for the Lois and Clark Fanfic Kerth Awards . And you, as a new author this year, will be eligible for the Best New Author category.

Got questions about how to send your story to the Archive? Take a look here for the full story. And feel free to ask us any other questions you might have.

Wendy smile (always delighted to see yet more new authors join the fandom and wanting to add more deserving names to her nominations list smile1 )

Great story. drool Beautiful!

“You’d trust me to move at my own pace?” Clark asked looking incredulously at Lois. “Who are you and what have you done with the real Lois Lane?”

“Hey, goofball,” Lois said playfully slapping her partner on the chest as she took his arm again and continued walking with him down the street, “I’m not that pushy and besides, you’re talking to the number one investigative reporter in the country. How do you know I haven’t already figured all of your secrets out?”

“You think so, huh?” Clark asked laughing.

“Of course,” Lois replied beginning to laugh with him. “After all, what do you think I am, galactically stupid?”
Great story! wave
Posted By: L Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/27/04 03:56 PM
Great story, and I also wanted to offer up my deepest sympathies. Your father-in-law's health, which has to cut deeply, and then the 8 yo nephew. As a mom to two kids - I shuddered in horror when I read it. VERY sad, and I'm VERY sorry.
Posted By: Michael Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/27/04 05:15 PM
I appreciate all of your thoughts. My brother-in-law gained my undying admiration during all of this. He was only a month home from spending 22 months in active combat and he was in the process of moving cross country with his wife and 2 sons to his next posting in Calf.

He and his wife were in separate vehicles when she lost control just outside of Oklahoma City. She was taken with a broken neck to one hospital and the two boys to yet another and they themselves in separate rooms. Rick was all alone in a strange city in the middle of the night when they told him about his son. The fact that he held it together shows me a strength that I doubt seriously that I would ever have.

I have to also offer my admiration to the US Army. We contacted them when we got the news and they had people dispatched with amazing speed and were there by the next morning. They took care of flying the family home and were on hand for all of their needs including a military honor guard at the funeral.

Its comforting to know that when things are at their worst others rise to the occasion to do what they can.
Posted By: Nan Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/27/04 06:15 PM
First, let me express my sympathy about the accident. There really isn't anything you can say except I'm sorry.

Second, and on a lighter subject, be certain that you submit this to the Archive. It's definitely a story that should be there for people to read. As Wendy pointed out, the deadline for Kerth eligibility is December first, so don't delay.

Posted By: L Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/28/04 04:34 AM

My warmest thoughts go to Rick - his wife, his surviving son, and all of you who are enduring this. I cried when I read your post.

Posted By: Michael Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/28/04 07:42 AM
I appreciate your kind thoughts L and the family has gotten better everyday because of kind people such as yourself.

On to brighter thoughts though, I took Wendy's advice and emailed my story to the archive last night. I'm just hoping I didn't screw something up so if it's not there or terribly mangled let me know.

I also want to thank everyone for their kind feedback. It's been hard at times to find the time or the motivation to sit down and write, but when I do time flies because I'm having so much fun. I want to especially thank Maria who has been there from day one with comments and never missed a part no matter how crazy my posting schedule became.

I do promise that next time (and there will be a next time) I'll have a completed story before I start posting so I can have a regular posting schedule.

Thanks again everyone,

Posted By: Tank Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 11/28/04 08:53 AM
Michael, and excellant story.

Elements from the comics have been included into fanfic stories in the past but few have done so as successfully as you have in this fic.

It's hard to include characters like Deathstroke, and Black Adam in stories where the relationship is one of the most important aspects to your audience.

I said it in the comments on your other parts, but I really liked your Lois. She seemed to really emcompass the qualities of Lois Lane from both mediums.

Again, well done.

Tank (who is looking forward to Michael's next effort)
Posted By: TriciaW Re: Just One Bad Day Away FINAL - Comments - 12/02/04 11:51 PM

This is a superb story.
Extremely well-written! smile1
I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to your next venture.

Tricia cool
Originally Posted by Michael
I took Wendy's advice and emailed my story to the archive last night.

I just got through reading it on the archive,
link to story on archive

Delightful tale, well developed and great fun.
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