Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Karla Kent FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 01:39 PM
eek thumbsup dizzy

Great part!!!!!

Clark has to tell her the truth but he is deadddddddddddd, so dead.....

I want to see him dead, killed by Lois, lol

No, I hope to read a happy ending.

“The point is, she’s a great investigative reporter. And you two are a team. Together, you’re the best there is. And if anyone’s going to be able to work out a way to explain how Clark Kent can be apparently shot dead and yet still be alive, that’s you and Lois. That’s why we think you should tell her.”

One look at his parents’ faces was enough to tell that arguing would be useless. They were obviously convinced that his only way out was through talking to Lois and telling her the whole truth. And he probably would have agreed if it wasn’t for the previous night.

“I’ll think about it,” he said, to avoid further discussion. His parents were not fooled by his lukewarm reaction to their idea, but at least they didn’t push the matter. “Anyway, I’d better get back.”
Just do it Clark, tell her the whole truth pleaseeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee, listen to your parents.

Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 02:30 PM
Sigh...so sad. poor Lois and silly Clark. LAura

Great part. hyper
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 03:03 PM
Tell her the truth NOW

Sometimes Clark, you're all brawn but no common sense!
Posted By: Artemis Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 03:55 PM
Oh my, oh my, he's stubborn. And Lois is determined to go ahead alone. Just a nit:
“Clark, honey, you can’t hide here for ever, and you know it,” his father interjected.
I have found it really rare that my husband calls our son "honey." He usually says "son". This line screams Martha as the speaker to me, not Jonathan.
Posted By: dundan8 Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 03:56 PM
Oh, no will Lois get herself killed??

Uh, no! I think I know the ending...

*Dundan being put in a straitjacket*

At this point I agree too that Clark is way past telling Lois the truth, way way past. thud
Posted By: Julie S Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 05:39 PM
The First part of this chapter just makes me want to give Clark a hug (or a hit on the head, haven't decided yet <g>). I feel for him - he's dead, but not really dead, and he doesn't know what to do from this point on. The impression of his feeling generally lost - he can't even stay on the farm! - is very effective. Poor Clark. frown
There's also the part of him that thinks he can't move on because of Lois - he loves her, feels obligated to protect her, and also - you didn't mention that, but still - if Superman left right after Clark, it would leave her even more upset. Even if she's not so happy with Superman at the moment.

The conversation with Martha is great. I can just see Lois crying over the phone - and then it occurs to her that Martha lost her son and should be grieving probably more than Lois. Martha's calm voice is probably making her feel even worse, because she's a mental wreck while Clark's mother is so calm and wise - and Lois is probably imagining Martha is suppressing the pain for her sake.

And poor Clark can't even tell his parents the whole story. He deserves a thwap for that. Which gives an even stronger effect of loneliness. frown I really want to give his a hug now, even, though he's such an ultra-lunkhead.

The last part gives us some action. <g> I like it that she's looking for his body, even though she knows there's a slim chance of finding it, simply because she needs that closure (and perhaps some action to make her feel slightly less like a sack of potatoes after all the crying).

Now I want to give her a hug. mecry

Hurry with the next part!

Better yet, hurry with the revelation! <g>

Julie smile
Posted By: TicAndToc Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 09:35 PM
I agree with Julie on the Lois/Martha conversation-- that was well done, and very believable. Lois probably does think that Martha, a very giving person, is suppressing her own pain to console Lois. Knowing Lois, while this conversation has, indeed, given comfort, she probably feels even more guilt now: she's not at all convinced she's not to blame, she's feeling guilt for her actions with Superman, and now she's taking comfort from a grieving mother...

I found it interesting (was it intentional?) that Martha, who is definitely very wise and loving, has slipped slightly a couple of times. She tells Lois that "not even Clark" could have forseen the situation-- one could wonder, why Clark over any one else? And she says, "Clark's always loved you" which is a bit more present tense than one might expect-- instead of "Clark always loved you." These were very, very subtle, and Lois probably won't remember every word of the conversation (people usually don't remember conversations word for word, especially emotional conversations). But still-- there's potential for continued slips in future conversations. Whether that wording was intentional or not, it sure works-- not only is it hard for Lois and Clark, it's hard for his parents. They have to pretend to grief they don't feel, and they have to stay in the past tense forever-- with people they've known all their lives, including other relatives, as well as with people they've met through Clark (like Perry).

I also agree with just about everyone that Clark should have told Lois the truth: should tell her as soon as possible, but probably won't; and that whenever he does tell her, she's going to kill him, his invulnerability notwithstanding. I still don't see how on earth they're going to get around this: regardless of their degrees of culpability, and regardless of how or why the encounter happened, the fact is that Clark did take advantage of Lois in her grief, and Lois did take an agressor's role in the encounter-- however unintentionally on either's part. So there's going to be a lot of angst, isn't there?

I liked the expanded insight into how this is affecting them both. You've shown how isolated Clark is now, even from his parents because of the need for extreme descretion. He truly believes he has lost his life, doesn't he? He's lost his real himself: he can't go home to the farm, he can't stay in the city as Clark, but he can't just move elsewhere and leave Lois to future danger, either. But he also can't live just as Superman-- he never felt that Superman was a real person. He has lost the person he's been all his life, and all the details of that life.

And Lois-- she's not going to go back to the happy person she was since Clark, but she's also not going to give up. Yay, Lois! I said after part two that she could conceivably just give it all up, but she's not going to, I see. Of course, her heart won't be in it quite like before (at least, not for awhile). And I do still think that if this story ended along the lines it's traveling now (and it's not going to, RIGHT, Wendy and Kae??? wildguy )-- with Clark dead to Lois, and Lois facing a future without him-- that she could very possibly revert back to the person she was before she met Clark, and possibly even worse. (By the way, what's worse than Mad Dog Lane?)

I've read TOGOM variations where Clark tells Lois the truth, then deals with the aftermath of her anger. I've read other versions where Lois figures it out on her own-- sometimes he's around, sometimes he's moved on, and sometimes he's at the farm. I've also read versions where she stumbles across it by accident-- by showing up at the farm, or by a slipup on Superman's part, or by some technical missing detail (such as no blood). And there've been versions where Clark tells Lois almost immediately-- either at the club or at her place (or his). There are obviously many, many variations of the revelation-after-TOGOM story. But I still don't see where this version is going to go.

So I wonder what your clever minds are concocting. And I hope you're going to keep to the current fast posting speed, because I'm hooked.

Posted By: ethnica Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/20/04 09:54 PM
He's gonna wish he had some Kryptonite in his pocket when Lois gets through with him. whinging Man, is he in trouble! thud
Posted By: SJH Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/21/04 01:20 AM
Why is Lois really looking for Clark's body? I think she wants to confirm what she intuitively already knows.
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/22/04 12:27 AM
Hmmm... will he tell her? Or will she find out alone? wink

Jose smile1
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/22/04 08:55 AM
...So good...! Don't have time for any pondering comments...but so good...!

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/22/04 04:00 PM
I've always been someone who can see Clark justifying not telling Lois the secret because he believes that Clark Kent is dead, and thus there is no point in telling Lois he's not, because he truly believes that the person, who was her partner is no more.

Better to let Lois go through the normal grieving process, and get on with her life. To me, that's a rational, and justifiable rationale.

But, we all know that a revelation has to happen so together they can figure out a way to ressurect Clark Kent. This, of course, leads to the expected troubles between the two, which after heartfelt conversations, explanations, and groveling, finally leads to the happy ever after.

BUT... in this case, that can never happen. No matter what rationale Clark may argue for witholding the secret, Lois will (nor should she) ever forgive him for his duplicitous behavior in sleeping with her. It doesn't matter that Lois was just as much the aggressor. She wasn't privy to certain vital information which would alter the scenario in her mind.

Lois' actions were tacky and less than honorable, but Clark's were unforgivable.

Tank (who thinks it would be a nice change to have a fic that doesn't have a happy ever after ending)
UGH!! dizzy
I want to slap clark upside the head. TELL HER!!!!
I'm impatient what can I say.

Love the story so far. I hope you at least knock some sense into clark's head. If not call me I'll do it. Thanks for the part. Can't wait til the next one.

Posted By: SJH Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/23/04 05:10 AM
I have no problem with Clark and Lois having sex.It was by mutual agreement so to speak. He should have stayed the night. Clark may not have told her his secret,but he has not lied about his love for her.
I do have a problem with Lois's failure to recognize him at this point.
Posted By: Sira Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/23/04 05:41 AM
Posted By: Kaethel Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/23/04 10:44 AM
Well, it's time for another section, but first we wanted to thank you all for sticking with us for the ride. smile

Lots of interesting guess-work from some of you... how will Lois take it when (if? <g>) she learns about Superman being Clark? Will Clark tell her? Will she figure it out first? Will she ever forgive Clark? Can there be a happy ending?

Janet, the wording and slips in the Lois/Martha conversation were indeed intentional, and we're glad they worked so well for you. smile We wanted Lois to believe that Martha was holding herself together for Lois's sake; we also didn't want Martha to deliberately lie, but at the same time, she coulnd't reveal Clark's secret. So that's what led us to the conversation as you guys read it. smile

SJH, Lois is looking for Clark's body because she needs some kind of closure if she wants to move on. Whether she will actually find it or not might have to wait until she really does kill Clark. wink

Tank, all we can say is... never say never. goofy

Artemis, thanks for catching that line - it was definitely a mistake on our part, and has now been fixed. smile

Thanks again for your comments, guys! They're very much appreciated. smile

Wendy and Kaethel smile
Posted By: KSaraSara Re: FDK:Whisper from the Dying part 3/? - 11/27/04 02:12 AM
It had been totally unlike he’d ever dreamt of - passionate, yes... but not loving and tender like he had always pictured it in his fantasies. He’d been starving for her, so much that her needs had come second to his. He’d been selfish. Incredibly selfish.

Where to go, then? London? Paris?
Ooh! Don't go to Paris! I hear it's nothing but heartache over there! wink

Clark winced at the sarcasm. No, Lois hadn’t forgotten last night yet either, and it looked like no matter how convincing she had tried to sound when she’d claimed that nobody was responsible for it, she was blaming him.
frown frown

He’d been there. He’d flown through the window and caught every single bullet at super speed. Every single one of them. No-one had been hit.
Wow! Ouch! The implications of that hurt! frown

“Why? Because you’re hiding out here?” his mom retorted.

“Of course!” he exclaimed; it was obvious, wasn’t it?
Go Martha!!

“Clark, your father and I really think that you should consider telling Lois the truth.”

He froze. It wasn’t as if the thought of confessing everything to Lois hadn’t occurred to him at least a hundred times since that split-second decision to play dead. But there’d been a time for that, and that time had been before he’d made love to her.
Why isn't there a graemlin for speechless, goggling, and I think it's a slight gurgling coming out of my mouth instead of words. razz

She held back a yelp of pain and crouched back into the darkness. Too late. Their steps were getting closer now. They would find her...
No!! Is that an a-plot I see barrelling towards me? frown

Sara (who's finally catching up on some reading goofy )
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