Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: ErinK The Long Road Home 9/? - 11/01/04 10:18 AM
From part 8...

Turning back to Lois, he shrugged apologetically. "Lois, I have to go. We'll talk later. You can find your way back to the Planet or your hotel from here, right?" Without waiting for an answer, he hailed an approaching cab and jumped in before she could respond. Then the cab sped away, leaving Lois staring after them in a confused silence.

Clark hadn't realized he'd been holding his breath until he let it out in a rush the instant they rounded the corner. Knowing they were out of Lois's sight, he leaned toward the front seat.

"This is good," he told the driver, eliciting a surprised look from the man. But the driver obediently pulled the cab over, and Clark handed him a couple of dollars before jumping out. He waited anxiously until the cab drove off, then looked around to make sure nobody was watching. Confident nobody was, he darted into the nearest alley, then changed into his costume and rocketed into the sky toward the distant sirens.


Now on to part 9...


Lois looked around the limo she was riding in. It boasted gorgeous black leather seats that were luxurious and supple to the touch, a high-resolution television and expensive stereo system for the occupant's use, and darkly tinted windows that blocked the view of outside observers. When Lex had said he would send a car for her, she had assumed the vehicle would be nice--maybe a Cadillac or some other luxury car; a limousine had been the last thing she had expected. If he'd been trying to impress her, it was working.

Unexpectedly, Lois wondered what Clark might say to all of this. The thought made Lois smile. When she'd mentioned her dinner appointment with Lex to him earlier that day, she could have sworn he'd been jealous. She remembered being amused by that, since they hardly knew each other. But if her instincts had been right, and she'd read him correctly and he *had* been jealous, wouldn't that mean he felt some kind of attracted toward her? Was interested in her?

She almost laughed out loud. That was ridiculous. He didn't even know her! How could he be attracted to her? With a sudden burst of inspiration, she remembered her arrival at the Planet. She'd been looking her very best, wearing her most curve-flattering sweater, a short black skirt that revealed much of her long, shapely legs--what she considered to be one of her best features--and realized that her feminine attempts at capturing Metropolis's new hero's attention must have caught somebody *else's* attention.

She shook her head. No, that couldn't be it. Clark seemed like the last person who would let himself be ruled by his libido. She realized she didn't actually know him that well, but she credited herself as a good judge of character...and he didn't seem like the type to fall for every pretty face he saw. In the short time she'd worked with him on his beat that morning, she had gotten a better idea of who he was. He was smart and kind, and a true gentleman--she couldn't remember the last time she'd had so many doors opened for her. He did have his strange quirks, that was non-debatable. He'd all but dragged her from his apartment and then abandoned her for a breaking story. What was that all about? That didn't seem in line with all that door holding. Overall, though, he seemed like a genuinely nice guy.

'And incredibly handsome,' the voice in her head chimed in.

Lois rolled her eyes at the voice. Sure, he was handsome. Much more so than your average man. If Agnes were here, she would definitely have something to say about his looks. Lois could just picture her. She would elbow Lois in the ribs, then lean toward her and whisper, "He is *hot*! I think you should go for him!"

That brought a smile to Lois's face. Yep, that was definitely Agnes. If she were there, Lois was certain her neighbor would be pushing her straight into Clark's eligible arms.

'How do you know he's eligible?' the annoying voice spoke up again.

'Of course he's eligible,' Lois argued back silently. 'He's not wearing a ring...and no, that doesn't mean I was actually looking for one. It just means I'm a good reporter and notice those kinds of things.'

The voice continued to debate. 'Well, then, what if he's not married, but in a serious relationship?'

'Not a chance,' she argued back. 'Would a guy in a serious relationship spend the morning with me, invite me into his apartment for lunch, and act jealous--or at least interested--the second I mention having a dinner date?'

The voice remained silent, and Lois smiled smugly, knowing she'd won the argument with the annoying voice of reason in her head. At any rate, yes, he was good looking and single, but she wasn't ready to fall for somebody she'd just met. Besides, she was leaving in a little over a day. That wasn't the most opportune time frame to try to strike up a romance, not matter how handsome or eligible the guy was.

Regardless, she had to admit she had really enjoyed the time she'd spent working with him that morning. He was obviously a hard worker, good at what he did, and easy to talk to--once you got past the deer-in-the-headlights thing. He had warmed up quickly, she noticed, and she had liked what she'd seen. They worked well together in the short time they'd talked about Clark's investigations, their minds strangely in tune. She'd always hated working with a partner, but for whatever reason, she found herself wondering what it might be like to work with him as a partner on a full-time basis.

As quickly as the thought came, though, Lois realized that was impossible. They worked for different newspapers, on completely opposite coasts. But then she remembered the idea of a bi-coastal investigation of sorts, to get to the bottom of the shipping company similarities, and the mysterious company, Mesopotamia, Inc. With a start, she realized she might like forming a tentative, long-distance partnership with him over this story. It wouldn't really be the same as working with somebody you could see, but the mere idea of not saying goodbye to him forever seemed comforting somehow.

The reminder that she was here in Metropolis to investigate a certain elusive hero brought her back to reality with a bump. Her afternoon had been a frustrating one--one that had taken a long, hot bubble bath with her favorite bath scent to ease away the frustrations of being no closer to catching up to the super hero than she had been at the start of the day.

With Clark missing in action, she had had to fend for herself that afternoon, perched part of the time in front of the loaned police scanner, listening for possible clues as to the hero's whereabouts during his many good deeds of the afternoon. But not once in the handful of times she'd chased out to the reported scene had she managed to catch up with him. He'd always been too far away, deliberately ignoring any and all reporters, or simply too busy to pay heed to anything but his work. It had taken almost more will power than she had to stay away from the roofs of tall buildings.

She was practically at wits end. She was quickly running out of options, and she knew her best shot at going home with her tell-all expose lay with a certain mild-mannered reporter, one who seemed to be doing everything in his power to avoid talking about his super hero interviewee.

She shook her head. If Clark Kent was the key, as her lack of options suggested, she was going to have to keep pestering him. Maybe if he got sick enough of her, he would tell her what she wanted to know so he could get on with his life. If she had been back in San Francisco, and was meeting with this kind of resistance from a potential source, she knew she would have ripped the man apart to find out what he knew. But Clark.... For whatever reason, she found herself having a hard time doing that. There was more to the man than she'd first anticipated, and she found herself intrigued by that realization. More than she wanted to admit, she had liked working with him and spending time with him. And there was no question he was heart-stoppingly handsome....

'Stop that,' she commanded her heart. 'If you start thinking about him as anything else except the means to getting your story, you're never going to get what you came here for.'

The limousine slowed, bringing Lois's attention back to the present. They had turned off the streets of Metropolis and pulling into the entrance of an underground parking lot. Two security guards stood at a metal and glass booth, and one of them stepped out at their arrival. A moment later he was waving them on through, and the driver parked next to the elevators. Lois waited for him to open her door, assuming that was what was expected of her, then followed the driver to a private elevator. He punched in a code and the elevator door opened, revealing a luxuriously decorated compartment with plush fabric-covered walls, cherry wood paneling, and soft lighting.

She looked around as the elevator began its ascent. If the limo and the elevator were any indication of what was to come, she couldn't wait to see Lex Luthor's penthouse. It was sure to be spectacular.

When they finally reached the top floor, the elevator bell chimed, announcing their arrival. The doors opened slowly, and Lois realized that "spectacular" was an understatement. It was clear no expense had been spared in the construction or decoration of Lex Luthor's penthouse. Rich, plush carpeting in soft earth tones stretched the entire expanse of the open greeting room, tall, vaulted ceilings made the room feel even bigger than it was, and a wall of windows overlooked the city from what seemed to be heaven's view. Gorgeous, intricately carved furniture was placed around the room, and a large, extra wide doorway with beautiful cherry double doors separated them from the rest of the penthouse.

A moment later those very doors opened, announcing her host's arrival. She looked over at the tall, slim, immaculately dressed man came through the entrance, and immediately recognized Lex Luthor from the pictures she'd seen of him. If anything, he was more cultured-looking and handsome in person.

He smiled and approached in confident, measured strides. "Ah, Ms. Lane. What a pleasure to finally meet you." He stopped in front of her and took the hand she held out for him to shake. But instead of shaking her hand, he pressed a light kiss to her knuckles.

His eyes sparkled at the look of surprise in her eyes. "I trust your trip here was enjoyable."

A grin slipped out before she could stop it. 'In other words, he's asking if you were duly impressed,' the voice in her head chimed in. She shoved the voice back into its little closet.

"The limo was great," she answered with a smile to reflect her thanks. "If you were trying to impress me, I can honestly say it worked." She met his gaze for a moment, then glanced around the room again. "Your home is equally as impressive, Mr. Luthor."

"Please, call me Lex."

"Lex," she corrected.

He smiled. "Better. And thank you," he answered, indicating her admiration of his home. "It suits my needs well. Would you like to see a bit more of it?"

Lois nodded. She knew one could tell a lot about a person from their home, and she was eager to see if Clark really had any reason to suspect this man of something. From what she'd glimpsed of his surroundings already, she would wager his home was much like him--intent upon impressing and intimidating others, while constantly reminding others of Lex's wealth and power. The hard woods and cold glass attested to that. Lex's penthouse had none of the openness, warmth, or homey-ness that Clark's place did. Without question, she found herself more at home in Clark's place than she did here.

Before she could further analyze what significance that had, if any, a well-dressed butler appeared from a door to their right, announcing that dinner was ready.

Lex turned to Lois apologetically. "Shall we have dinner first, and then have the grand tour?"

"That sounds great."

Lex bowed his head graciously and made a sweeping gesture toward the doors at the far end of the room from which the butler had come. "Shall we?"

He led the way through the doors and into an expansive dining area where a large, intricately carved table had been set for two. Fine linens and china adorned the tabletop, and a beautiful, low arrangement of flowers served as a centerpiece. Lex appeared at her side as she stood, taking it all in, and pulled a chair out for her.

She smiled her thanks, then sat, admiring her impeccably arranged place setting. Lex went around the table and sat across from her in the chair the butler held out for him, then shook out his linen napkin with a flourish and laid it on his lap. Lois did the same, then watched as several servants emerged from the dining room doors with silver serving trays.

For the next hour, Lois enjoyed the feeling of being pampered as she enjoyed gourmet food, beautiful surroundings, and good company. Lex, she learned, was well educated, and she was surprised to realize how much she was enjoying herself as they talked about books, politics, current events, and how many of today's events related to the events of world history--one of his passions, she had been surprised to learn. Lois had always enjoyed learning about world history herself, but his knowledge of historical events, places, and the lessons learned from each was truly fascinating.

When they were done with their meal, Lex leaned back in his chair and smiled. "I'm afraid we've spent most of the meal talking about me and my passions," he apologized. "Maybe the time would be better spent talking about you."

The corners of Lois's mouth curved upward. "There's not much to tell. I spend most of my time working."

But Lex shook his head. "Surely there's more to you than work. To do the kind of stories you do, the research involved tells me you're quite well versed in politics, history, and a myriad of other subjects. You must have interests that lend to your exposure to those things? Maybe involving yourself in political groups or art circles perhaps?"

"Nothing so exciting as that." Lois smiled sheepishly. "I've always loved learning, and I took a wide range of classes in college when I was majoring in journalism. Since then, though, my life's pretty much been about work. I also love to read whenever I get the chance, but my busy schedule allows little time for it. Most of my reading comes from staying up-to-date on current events for my research. I've had to work non-stop since graduating years ago just to get where I am."

"I can understand that. The world of journalism can be a brutal profession."

"Especially for you, I imagine."

Lex pursed his lips and regarded her curiously. "Why do you say that?"

"Well, you're wealthy, powerful, and influential. I imagine you must get your share of interview requests."

"Ah, yes." He smiled as he reached for his glass of wine. He turned the glass in his hand slightly, swirling the small amount of dark liquid in the bottom. "I do at that. I agree it can be tough to live your life when everybody wants to know everything about you."

Lois decided this was the perfect opportunity to play her card. She raised her glass to her lips and watched him closely. "Even the things you want to keep hidden?"

Lex's hand stilled. An indiscernible look flickered across his eyes. "Pardon?"

Bingo. Lex's reaction and the look in his eyes gave her plenty of reasons to side with Clark. Lex was definitely hiding something.

Putting on a practiced smile, Lois continued. "I'm not saying that you, in particular, have anything to hide," she hurried to add, making it seem as if she hadn't meant to imply anything. "I'm just saying that there's nothing a newspaper loves more than headlines, and if one of those reporters can uncover something about someone high up in society, it's always news. Knowing that, I can imagine you must feel rather picked on by the press. I mean, I'm part of that press, and even I recognize what a pain we can be." She laughed.

Lex relaxed. He chuckled along with her and took a sip of his wine. Their conversation quickly returned to the easy one of before, and they continued to talk through dessert. When they were finished, Lex slid his chair back from the table.

"Would you like that tour now?"

Lois nodded, rising from her chair, as well. "I'd love one."

The tour took them through several more rooms that proved to be just as impeccably decorated and beautiful as the greeting and dining rooms. Some of her favorite discoveries were a library with floor to ceiling bookcases, a sun room with an incredible view of the city, and a gallery showcasing various pieces of art, antiques, and ancient artifacts. Lex seemed to take particular pride in his collection of one-of-a-kind artifacts, including a Macedonian sword that had been used by Alexander the Great.

Lois had to admit, she was impressed. She would never have thought such a valuable item with such historical significance would be kept in a private collection instead of in a prestigious museum.

When their tour at last ended in the greeting room at the elevators, Lois turned to Lex and smiled. "Thank you for the wonderful dinner, Lex, and for showing me through your home. I was thrilled you invited me tonight."

Lex smiled and took her hand in his and kissed it for the second time that evening. "The pleasure's been all mine. I'm glad we got to meet while you were in town. Perhaps we can do this again the next time you're in Metropolis?"

Lois met Lex's gaze and tried to determine his intentions. Was he being polite? Or was he sincere about wanting to see her again? She couldn't decide for sure. There was definitely something lurking behind those eyes...something she couldn't put her finger on. Clark was right. There did seem to be something this man was hiding. For a moment, she wondered if anybody else had ever thought to look closely enough to consider that.

Suspicious or not, she knew better than most how important it was to have friends in high places. She smiled back at him graciously. "Or the next time you're in San Francisco. Do call me to let me know when you're in town, will you? I'd love to return your hospitality."

Lex smiled. "I'd like that. I do make periodic business trips to San Francisco, so I'll get in touch with you when I do."

He walked with her the few steps to the elevator, and Lois turned to him as the doors opened. "The fact that you'll need to call me to tell me you're in town reminds me...how did you know *I* was in town?"

If her question had caught him off guard, he didn't show it. "I stumbled across the information quite by accident yesterday," he told her confidently. "I was having a business lunch with a couple of executives at the Planet yesterday, and one of them mentioned Perry was expecting you. He said you were hoping to do a story on Metropolis's new hero, is that right?"

"That's right." She nodded. Forgetting about the elevator, she looked curiously at Lex. "What do you think of this hero's sudden arrival?"

Lex pursed his lips and managed an indifferent smile. "He's definitely an eye opener."

Lois cocked an eyebrow. "That's it? An eye opener?"

"Did you expect me to say something different?" Lex asked evasively.

Investigator Lois fought to overtake Social Lois. She nodded. "Everyone seems to have something to say about him. Most citizens are welcoming him with open arms, while a minority of others slightly less so. Some are even worried that he'll create a real problem for them."

This caught Lex's interest, and Lois chalked a point down in her column of the conversation. She'd managed to pose something unexpected, which she'd learned was the best way to unsuspectingly interview somebody--to find out something about that person they hadn't wanted to reveal.

"A problem?" Lex asked, his brow furrowing slightly. "How so?"

Lois shrugged. "Word is out on the street that the criminal element worries he'll cut into their profits. It's harder to hide black marketing and other illegal underground activities when you're dealing with a man who can see through walls and is invulnerable." Her eyes stared intently into his as she said her next words, eager to judge his reaction. "There are those who will have their underhanded business dealings compromised because of him. Don't you agree?"

To his credit, the man didn't flinch. His gaze met Lois's fearlessly, and for a moment she was disappointed. If he were hiding something, he was really good at keeping it hidden. It was obviously going to take more than a couple of innocently proposed suggestions to get a reaction out of him. Of course, that shouldn't have surprised her. He was the third richest man in the world, after all. He couldn't have gotten where he was without covering whatever shady business dealings he might have.

"I suppose those people would have to worry about that, Miss Lane," he replied, his voice changing from Social Lex to Interviewee Luthor. He motioned toward the open elevator doors and she acquiescingly entered the upholstered compartment.

"Thank you again," she told him, letting the subject drop. "I had a lovely evening."

"As have I." Lex smiled. "I look forward to doing this again soon."

She smiled back and nodded her agreement. "Goodnight, Lex."

As the elevator descended with only the silent doorman for company, Lois mentally reviewed her evening with the man she had only before read about. She could see why he was considered the world's most eligible bachelor. He was definitely good-looking, and certainly charming. She didn't know if he'd really been serious about wanting to see her again, but she wasn't sure she cared, other than the fact that she would relish the opportunity to interview him or use the time she spent with him to really find out what was lurking behind those polished smiles and cultured good graces. She simply wasn't interested in him as a man. There was no chemistry there, no sparks...

'Like there had been that moment Clark held your arm in his apartment?' the voice in her mind suddenly chimed in, disrupting her train of thoughts.

She almost laughed out loud. While she could see that Clark's boy-next-door good looks and old fashioned values were much more appealing to her than Lex's sophisticated, high society life-style, she didn't see herself falling for either of them. Men were just too much of a complication, one she didn't have time in her life for right now. There were too many stories to write, too many investigations to do.

She sighed and looked at the plush limo she was helped into when the elevator reached the underground parking garage she'd arrived in earlier. Lex Luthor's illustrious enterprises was one investigation she would love to sink her teeth into. Clark had been right. Lex Luthor was definitely hiding something. 'Call it a hunch,' she thought to herself, 'but I live by hunches. If I weren't so wrapped up in trying to track down the story on this hero guy, I might do a little digging on Lex while I'm here in Metropolis.'

'Too many stories, too little time,' she thought to herself as the limo whisked her back to her hotel. 'But right now I've got a super hero to track down, and that means I've got to talk to a certain reporter who, if I didn't know any better, seems to be trying to distract me from the story.'

She shook her head. Clark Kent, whether he had intended to or not, had certainly distracted her today. She knew she was short on time in this city, but still she had gotten so wrapped up in working with Clark and learning more about what investigations he was working on that she'd momentarily forgotten about the hero. And when she'd remembered, it had been too late. Clark had gone rushing off in bold fashion. Because of it, day two had been a total waste.

She decided that as soon as she got back to her hotel, she was going to call Clark, even if she had to track down Jimmy Olsen to get the phone number. She just prayed Clark would cooperate. With day three--her final one--looming on the horizon, Lois knew she was almost out of time.


Lex continued to stare at the closed elevator doors for almost a full minute after Lois had gone. Nigel approached and stopped a few paces behind him. "She's quite charming, I would say."

Lex pursed his lips and smiled. "Very charming indeed. She's quite a prize to be won. If only she didn't have that inquisitive streak about her..." He shook his head. "I'd say she's definitely a force to be reckoned with."

"Does she know anything?"

"About our little import business?" Lex glanced over his shoulder and Nigel, then looked back at the closed elevator doors. "If she does, she's hiding it well." He paused for another few moments, then turned to Nigel. "Continue to have her followed." And with that, he hurried from the room.


Lois woke up the next morning, tired and frustrated. She'd stayed up until long after midnight the night before, trying to get hold of Clark. Her attempts had proven futile. She'd gotten his home phone number from Jimmy, who had been more than happy to help. If she hadn't felt so pressured to get the story, she might have been flattered by how intent he seemed on getting into her good graces. But all her efforts to get hold of Clark had been a waste. He either was out incredibly late, or he wasn't answering his phone.

She sighed. Her best bet was to track Clark down that morning at the Planet. Surely he wouldn't skip work to avoid sharing hero contact information with her. That's what she was beginning to suspect, anyway--that he was avoiding the subject. Why he would do that, though, was a mystery to her. What was he hiding? Did he know more about this hero guy than he was letting on, and feel the need to protect him?

Deciding she wasn't going to come to any conclusions right then, she put the questions out of her mind and turned her attention to what to wear. She wanted to look great in case Clark *was* able to put her in touch with the handsome hero. She glanced through the relatively small amount of clothing choices in her closet and finally decided on her professional yet provocative nearly ankle-length black skirt with a thigh-high slit on each side, and her long-sleeved, white silk blouse.

After she was dressed and had her makeup on, she took one last look in the mirror. Just as she had done the last two days, she looked great. But 'great' didn't seem to be getting quite the results she'd been hoping for. With a sigh, she grabbed her attaché and headed for the hotel door.

When she was only a step away, the sound of a firm knock on the door startled her. She opened the door and was surprised to see a hotel delivery boy standing there, holding a large bouquet of flowers. Her eyes widened. Who would send her flowers? And such a large, gorgeous arrangement at that. She was certain it must have cost a fortune.

She smiled her thanks at the hotel delivery boy, then took the arrangement and set them down on the credenza. She reached for the small white envelope contained within the bouquet and pulled out the enclosed note. It read:


Just wanted to thank you again for a wonderful evening. It was a real pleasure to finally meet you. I hope we can do it again soon.

More a fan than ever,


Lois wondered why she felt somewhat disappointed as she returned the note to the envelope. The bouquet was gorgeous, and it was definitely a thoughtful thing for Lex to do. Or maybe it was something he did for every beautiful woman he dined with? Lois frowned slightly as she studied the card. She couldn't be sure, but she supposed it was a possibility. Regardless, she didn't understand why she'd felt disappointed at seeing Lex's name at the bottom of the card. Who had she been hoping it was from?

Before she could analyze her hidden emotions and perhaps discover something she wasn't ready to learn, she gave the flowers one last glance, then hurried from her room. She wanted to make sure to catch Clark before he left to do whatever it was he had to do this morning.


stay tuned for part 10 on Wednesday...
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