Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont A Gift For Life: Chapter 18- Epilogue - 10/03/04 04:04 AM
Chapter 18
Smart Kids

Clark described his life as surreal... but amazing. Yeah, definitely amazing! Just a couple of weeks ago, he had felt his body start to die that night in his bedroom, yet here he was, alive and well, awaiting the results of what he and Lois hoped were the final tests for his illness.

Dr. Klein smiled brightly as he looked up from his microscope. "Days like today remind me why I've chosen this field."

"The results are good?" Lois couldn't stand the suspense.

"The results are remarkable. My theory was completely correct. Mira's super genes encouraged Clark's to regenerate. Not only did this reverse the process, it has completely rebuilt Clark's system."


"Clark, I'd say you'll feel even more super than you ever have."

"Does that mean he'll be more powerful?" Lois glanced at her husband.

"I'd say that and more. Continue to take in as much sun as you can. You should start to feel your powers coming back within the week." Klein stood and approached his patient. "I have to tell you. I am thrilled I could help," he said, laying a hand on Clark's shoulder.

"So am I. Bernie, you made this possible." Clark indicated his daughter with a nod of his head. "You gave me the chance to be her father. You'll never know what that means to me." He took the doctor's hand and gave it a heartfelt shake.

"Just take care of her. And her mother. Oh, and, Clark, try to stay away from Kryptonite as much as possible in future. I'll expect to see you for a check up... in about six months time. Unless you need me before that... which I'm sure you won't." Bernie quickly added as a shadow of apprehension clouded Lois' eyes. "The check up is just a precaution."

"Don't worry, Bernie, I'll make sure to call you at the first sign of trouble," Lois replied firmly. "We'll take care of each other."

"I know you will." Bernie winked at Lois and quickly left the room. It wasn't often he allowed his emotions to get the best of him. Today, though, he felt incredible. He'd come to think of Lois and Clark as friends and to be able to save the life of one of these friends was indescribable.

Moments later, Clark smiled brightly at his wife and daughter as they left Star Labs. He slipped his free arm around Lois' waist, Mira safely tucked next to his body on the other side, as they made their way toward the Jeep. The bustling scene around them drew Clark's attention. It was all so ordinary... ordinary but great, and he was still around to enjoy it because of one unique woman and a tiny child.

His father had been right the day he said Mira would accomplish many things in her life, and she'd already begun. By saving Clark's life, she'd unknowingly saved thousands of others. Yet the lives that mattered most to Clark, were those of his family. Yes, Mira would do great things in time to come, and he would be there to see her grow.

"Penny for you thoughts," Lois said softly as they made it to the Jeep.

"I was just thinking how special this little person is going to be."

"She's already special."

"Yeah. She did a very special thing in saving her father's life, as well as the world's hero. I can never repay her enough... or you."

Lois reached out to cup Clark's cheek. "I think when she's old enough to understand all of this, she'll be most proud because she saved her daddy. And you can repay us by staying well and loving us, that's all we ask."

If there was one thing he'd learned in the past year it was that even super beings were hostages to fate. "Honey, I can't promise much about the first part, though I will be more careful. But the second one is easy. I will always love you both." Clark kissed Lois' palm, then concentrated on moving Mira into the carseat very gently, taking care not to wake her.

When he stood back up, he pulled Lois to him, his thumb caressing her cheek as he gazed earnestly into her upturned face. "The best thing Mira did was to bring her parents together. Who would've thought that something that began as a gamble to save me would lead to this?"

"My intentions were fulfilled," Lois told him tenderly. "I started out to save my friend. I can't tell you how happy I am that I made that decision."

"I'll be with you till the end, Lois."

"I know." They shared a brief hug before she pulled back to hold his face in her hands. "I will never regret my decision to save my super man."

In the bright sun, she sealed her statement with a kiss.



The sixty point headline across the top of the Daily Planet the weekend of Mother's Day that year proclaimed. Over a year and a half after he'd been given just five short years to live, Clark Kent had made a full recovery with the help of his daughter's life-giving marrow. A month later, Superman made his debut back into Metropolis.

As he reviewed the front page, Perry White leaned back in his chair with a huge smile on his face... life sure was good. Elvis was still considered the King, his top reporting team had just returned from their second honeymoon, and had even hinted at the possibility of more children, and this time they'd be conceived naturally, he was sure.

Thankfully, one half of that team had regained his health, and Superman had returned to the skies. Of course, the boy in blue had to get over that nasty disease first.

The old editor chuckled softly. "I didn't become editor of a major Metropolitan newspaper because I can yodel."

But he would never tell... even an old newshound like himself knew there were some things more important than reporting the news. Not many, mind you, but... hey, what was all that commotion out there?

Perry stood and crossed to the window of his office, peering out at his newsroom. Lois and Clark had just arrived with their daughter, and most of his staff were milling around to coo at the baby. He'd just have to get out there and remind them that this was a work place, and that Mira should be dropped off at the daycare center, which she was attending while her grandparents settled into their new home.

And just maybe he'd say hello to his favorite little girl first... and bring her to take a look at his office....

Oh yes, Mira certainly was the sweetest baby in Metropolis, and he was positive no one would change a single thing.

Together, Lois and Clark had come through all the trauma stronger than they'd ever been, and he hadn't doubted for a moment that they would.... They were his 'kids'... his smart kids!

The End


I'd like to thank Jenni Debbage for all of her hard work and unwavering support for this monster. I approached her... how long ago now?... with a crazy idea, but never expected it to lead to a joint story. Writing with her has been a dream come true! My favorite author, Jenni has also become a valued friend. I treasure our relationship, even though after writing this story, I have to wonder if she'll ever work with me again! <bg>

Also, Carol Malo and LaurieD have been outstanding and unwavering beta-readers. We might have had to rewrite a few things, but I feel this piece is better because of it. Thanks, ladies, for tackling this monster with us. It's been a great ride!

Thanks to everyone reading this. Please feel free to send feedback to us both. We'd love to hear what you think.

In all things Super,


I'd also like to say a few words here. As SQD said, quite some time ago she approached me with a premise for a story and I have to say that it did intrigue me. At first, I was reluctant to do anything other than beta read, but very quickly I started to get a few ideas for the plot line and I agreed to co-write with SQD.

I have to say that it hasn't always been easy -- we have had differences of opinions -- but we've learnt to compromise, which they do say is good for the soul. <bg>

In both our circumstances the stresses of Real Life have sometimes interfered with the production of this story, but we've encouraged each other along the way and eventually come through to reach the end.

On the whole, it's been a very interesting and exhilarating ride and I hope we've come up with something that you the readers have enjoyed.

SQD is right on one thing, this monster has forged our friendship, but I have to wonder if it isn't SQD who would be reluctant to co-write with me ever again. <vbg>

I'd also like to thank Laurie and Carol for betaing and for offering wise suggestions and encouragement. This is a much improved story because of their input.

Finally, I'd like to thank Sarah for doing her usually expert job in GEing this story for the archive.

Yours as always,
Jenni Debbage
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