Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: tipiwoman A Future for Us pt 28 - 09/04/04 04:52 PM
Pt 28

Lois awoke at Clark’s encouragement in her mind. It was so nice to be together like this, even though they were across the city from one another.

<Rise and shine, sleepy head!>


<Today’s your wedding day.>

<It’s your wedding day.>

<Do we have to go in to work?>

<Only Superman does. He’s picking up Perry and Jimmy at noon.>

<Superman express to Smallville?>

<Darn tootin.>

<I’m getting my hair done in Smallville. I thought it would get wind blown on the Superman Express flight otherwise.>

<So what time is that for?>


It was rather pointless to talk these things out, since it was so redundant. They both knew the answers to their questions as soon as they thought them. At least the talking wasn’t at the same speed as speech, it was more instantaneous.

Lois rolled onto her back and stretched, looking at the pattern the sunlight made on the curtains overhead. She could feel the sun on her arm and moved over to feel it on her face. It felt good. Did it affect her like it did Clark, now that she too was invulnerable? She let her face soak it up a bit. It felt good. Who knows if it’s different than usual.

She rolled onto her side and sat up, her feet sliding out from under the covers to land on the soft carpet. She stood, stretched again and padded into the bathroom.

Standing in the shower, the warm water flowing over her face and down her body, she tuned in to Clark again. <So you can see me in the shower?>

He averted his mind. <Who me? I’ve got my own world to think about.>

<You’re a terrible liar. Get out of my mind now before I slam the door shut.> She heard sirens in Clark’s head and he was on his way to a rescue. <Good, keep your mind to yourself!>

She felt him smile as he flew to the expressway where a car threatened to burst into flames. His mind was seriously occupied, leaving her to her own thoughts and ponderings and a nice soothing shower.

She pulled her overnight bag out of the closet and put in a few outfits she’d bought for their honeymoon. They had a week off. She donned a dress, not her usual business suit attire. It was pale blue with a fitted bodice and a flared skirt..

She wiggled around to try to zip it up, but couldn’t reach the zipper. As she struggled, Superman suddenly appeared behind her and slid the zipper effortlessly up, bent in to kiss the side of her neck and was gone as quickly as he’d appeared.

<Thanks. How was the rescue?> Talking seemed so very redundant. She knew the answer before she’d coined the questioning thought. It had gone well. No injuries, just a shaken up driver. Had she known it was going to happen? No, she’d been talking to Clark. Would she have felt the driver’s fear if she’d been

Lois flew herself to Smallville. Being able to fly at the speed of light certainly took less time than their usual flight across the country.

The minister stood at the front of the chapel. They’d not had a rehearsal. Who didn’t know how to be part of a wedding, after all. The music was playing softly as the guests gathered. Superman had explained that he’d be watching from the air, so as not to attract attention. Perry had nodded as if in agreement. He sat on the second row behind Martha and Jonathan. Ellen sat in the front row on the other side.

Sam waited at the back of the chapel for Lois. Jimmy stood at the front with the ring box in his pocket. Clark stood beside him. He wore a black tuxedo with a white shirt and a black bowtie. His face was stretched in the biggest smile his mother had ever seen. Actually, every one was smiling. Martha and Ellen had a handful of tissues just in case.

Lucy was Lois’ bride’s maid, holding a bouquet of large daisies that matched the bride’s.

Lois entered the back of the chapel. The music changed to the wedding march and all eyes turned to watch as she walked slowly over to her father who extended his elbow to her. She slid her hand through his arm and let him lead her down the aisle, pausing rhythmically as the music played.

Clark and Lois’ minds were filled with each other, bonded together already. This wedding seemed more a formality than the real wedding. But this was the wedding they’d have photos of, the one their children would remember from the photos on the shelves.

Clark couldn’t believe Lois was actually walking up the aisle to marry him. He couldn’t imagine how life had gotten to this point. He remembered all the times when he’d thought she wouldn’t have anything to do with him, all his fears. But the picture of her coming down the aisle toward him filled him with joy. The beginning of the rest of their lives together.

Sam arrived with Lois on his arm. Clark took her hand and turned to stand in front of the minister. Their hands were electrified. Their minds were a blur. The music stopped playing and the minister began to speak.

Martha and Ellen were sniffling. Jonathan had his arm around his wife, remembering their wedding. Ellen was holding Sam’s hand. Lucy was rubbing her hands together, her face aglow. She was really doing it, her sister was really marrying Clark Kent, that handsome man she’d resisted for so long.

“I do.” Clark said, facing Lois, hardly coherent of what the minister had just said. Their eyes had locked.

“I do.” Lois said without taking her eyes from her partner.

“I now pronounce you man and wife! You may now kiss the bride.”

Their lips met, spectacularly, in no hurry of parting for the waiting guests.

The piano organ began to play again as Lois and Clark turned toward everyone and took a few steps down the aisle between their parents. They didn’t make it any farther before they were in the arms of their parents and best friends.

Tears of happiness were running down Lois’ eyes. Clark’s eyes glistened slightly as his mother hugged him, congratulating him and Lois in turn.

Jimmy waited till the hugging had settled down before arranging everyone for photos. Lois and Clark insisted on kissing for the first few shots. The group smiled as they patiently waited for the couple to remember that they were in the midst of a photo shoot.

“Now pay attention for just a minute.” Jimmy said as he adjusted Lois’ dress where it touched the floor. “Don’t step on it Clark!”

Clark looked down and obediently stood still. His arm was around his wife.

They were soon at the Kent’s home. The neighbors who had known Clark were there. Sandwiches were passed around. Congratulations were given and Lois and Clark headed back out, drawn to the tree fort and to the globe. Clark climbed up and retrieved it, bringing it down to Lois who stood in her flowing white gown on the neatly cut green lawn. They walked away, hand in hand to a cove in the midst of some trees that Clark had helped his mother tend over the years. Perennial flowers circled the area. Thyme covered the ground in the midst.

Lois and Clark stood together in the center of the circle. After a slow kiss, they stood facing each other with the globe between them. With all their hands on the globe, they waited to see what would happen.

As they had expected, the globe began to glow, encircling them in a ball of intensifying light. It became brighter and brighter. As it did so, they were infused with knowledge. They’d been drawn to the globe together, and this must have been why.

The history of krypton, the history of their souls, the reality of their callings in life, their future together and all that their lives were was made plain in their minds. Knowledge infused them. With it came understanding, wisdom and compassion. The Utopian Order would come through them. It wouldn’t be long before it happened, now that they were together. Only the consummation of the marriage remained. From it would come an heir of the Utopian order. It would be his role to lead the Utopian Order. He would be endowed with the powers of both of his parents, the yin and the yang, the male and the female traits needed to lead this order.

Time was superfluous as was space. The light encircled them, continuing to infuse them with knowledge, power and love. As they looked up, a space ship descended into the light. They glided upward and into it, finding themselves with the globe still in their hands.

The ship was a honeymoon suite, filled with the same light as on the ground beneath them.

Beside them on a tall narrow table made of what appeared to be white marble, awaited a white basin, just larger than the globe. In it was an indentation filled with soft white velvet, just the size of the globe. Knowing what to do, they reached out to it, gently depositing the globe on the softness.

Clark took Lois into his arms and the light exploded into the power of the sun.

Several hours later, Jimmy was beginning to become concerned when Superman hadn’t shown up to return them to Metropolis yet. The guests at the reception and the Kents had assumed that Lois and Clark had stolen away to be alone together somewhere on the property. They smiled knowingly and chatted with one another aimicably. Perry didn’t know if Superman would show up, as he was obviously otherwise engaged. However, he wasn’t at all worried about such things, let the young lovers be together. This was their special time. He really didn’t expect to see them for some time.

Martha and Jonathan were exchanging joyous glances as they doted over their guests. Ellen was becoming agitated that her daughter had left without saying even so much as a goodbye. Lois hadn’t told her where they’d be honeymooning or when they’d be back. Had she even changed? She could have sworn she’d seen her daughter leave with Clark, still wearing their wedding clothes.

Sam was patting her arm, trying to reassure her that they were just doing what any newlywed couple might do at their reception, after all, how important were the friends and relatives at a time like this.

Lois and Clark lay snuggled up together in the big white bed, still surrounded by the blindingly bright glow in the ship. Lois turned her head to look at the globe, from whence the light was coming. “Do you think we should go back to your parents house and to the reception?”

“We could, I suppose. Is there a reason we should do that?” Clark kissed her neck and they were lost to conversation again.

“Perry, would you and Jimmy like to stay overnight here? I’m sure Superman must have gotten called away on an emergency. I’ve made up the beds in Clark’s room and in the spare bedroom for you.”

“Thanks, Mrs. Kent.” Jimmy said, popping another apple tart into his mouth.

Perry nodded, “I imagine he’s very busy right now. I’m content to wait until he has time to come for us!”

Perry had wondered just how long he’d be staying in Smallville, with Clark being the groom and all. He was now certain that Superman was his star reporter. What would life at the planet be like now with Lois and Clark being a married reporting team? Would the stories improve? There would probably be a lot less negative vibes in the newsroom. Of course too much of the opposite could pose as serious a problem for getting the paper out on time!

Dressed once again in their wedding attire, the couple moved to pick up the globe to return to whatever was left of the reception. Superman needed to take Jimmy and Perry home.

Clark stepped over to the glowing orb and reached out to touch it, liftng it out of its resting spot. He faced Lois again and they both put their hands on the globe. Again Jor El and Lara appeared in front of them. They were dressed in white as they usually were.

“Congratulations Lord and Lady Kal-el on your union. Keep the globe safe. It will be a guide to you in all that you will need to do as you rule in the utopian order. You need only to wish it to be with you for it to be there. It must remain in this ship. This will be your home. It will be with you wherever you are, you need only wish to enter for it to be so.

“You are heir to the throne of Krypton. As Krypton will have been completely destroyed when you receive this message, it will be your duty to spread goodness and truth to Planet Earth. The Utopian Order now commences.

“Lady Kal-El, you now carry the heir who will grow to rule in the Utopian Order on Planet Earth. You will be protected from all harm by the globe and the power it gives to the ship, your new home and to your body. You have been given many powers. Lord Kal-El has chosen you as his companion and so your body has been endowed with all that you will need to escape the powers of evil that reign on the Earth and throughout the galaxies.

“You will be able to know the future as it affects yourself, your family and those on Planet Earth for goodness and truth. You will feel the presence of evil forces and be able to subdue and eradicate them with the power of your love. You will be able to know the hearts of those on the Earth. You will feel the complexities of their emotions and be able to heal them with your touch. Much goodness will come from you to the inhabitants of your home planet. Use your powers wisely. Heed the council of Lord Kal-El as he will lead you in wisdom and truth. Follow the power in the globe. Touch it when you feel you need to be healed from the evil that will try to oppose you. The evil may rage, but it cannot overcome you.

Seek to know one another. Take time now to learn all there is to know by exploring the telepathy you have been given. When you need more council than Lord Kal-el can give you, turn together to the globe. It will never fail you.

Jor-el, and Lara at his side, faded from view. The light remained as they held the globe together. They looked into one another’s eyes, amazed by what they had just heard, trying to take it all in, trying to make some sense out of it. They only had to wish to understand and comprehension dawned.

They replaced the globe in the basin and walked to the entrance way of the room. The wall disappeared and they were again standing on the thyme covered ground in the midst of Martha’s blossoming flowers. “Pretty cool, huh?” Lois held both of Clark’s hands as their eyes met. Then she reached down and touched her belly and smiled.

He nodded and enveloped her in his arms. They could feel the third life between them.

After awhile, Clark lifted his head from where it lay against her hair. “Superman has a date with Perry and Jimmy. Maybe I should take them home before you come back into the house.

“I’ll think I go back into our new home. Will you walk me there?”

He smiled. “Of course.”
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