Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Mad Dog Lane FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 01:16 PM
Posted By: Mad Dog Lane Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 01:18 PM
Sorry, I had to post it in two parts..

"If you're determined to have my child, then I think I want it to happen... after we're married."

"What?!" Lois was staring at him like he had two heads.
If I were Lois, I would say the same thing. Clark you´re contradicting yourself each time you open your mouth! If you didn´t even want to have the child because it would compromize Lois´ and the baby´s future, then why do you want to marry her and compromize her life even more? She is offering you a finger and you want the whole hand? Stop being so unsteady, man! razz

More sooooooooooooooooooooooooonnn..

My medication had to be doubled, and not even a marrow transplant can help me now.

Of course... having Clark´s baby would help me more than him. rotflol

MDL laugh
Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 01:35 PM
"There's a part of me that wants to have this child just because it might be my only chance before I...." His voice drifted off while his gaze became so focused on a spot in the middle of the table that Martha waited in trepidation to see if it might burn. "For once I want something for myself."

"That's not wrong, Clark."
Loved this.

First of all, thank you for the big, long posts! So great and completely absorbing, can't say that well enough, Jenni and SQD. Hats off!

And I really like all of the conversation here. The churning emotions, how torn all the characters are. Clark flying in to Lois's apartment and falling asleep in the chair next to her. Lois not really surprised to find him there in the morning. Martha. Oh. Parts of this were such an emotional punch to the gut.

And that he wants to marry her makes perfect sense to me. The chance for him to have everything a normal man could have. A wife, a child. A human life. Even if it isn't for long. I was glad that he leveled with her to that extent. And happier still that Lois agreed.

More, more, more!!!


Posted By: Simona Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 02:27 PM
whinging whinging whinging whinging
I'm weeping all over my laptop! clap clap
Even if this baby is conceived because he/she will be able to safe Clark's life, when the baby exists both of them will think something like "Really we thought to make our little miracle could be a wrong thing?!" (WEll, I hope they are going to think that!); and iven if now Clark feels himself to be blamed for wanting this child, probably he'll blame himself for not have wanted him/her enough! wink
Telling Lois about his love is the right thing to do: this situation is already so difficult without secrets!
Perhaps the proposal is a little too much too soon for a startled Lois, but I just LOVE the marriage supposed-without-love-from-Lois stories! Two stories that come to my mind, "First comes marriage" by ML Thompson and "What's love got to do with it" by Missy Gallant (Oh Missy, Where Art Thee?), are two favourites of mine: they are very unlike each other, but both of them are Luthor-related; this is the first I read which is baby's-coming-related, so I look forward to see where this is going to!

Simona smile
(who hopes this comparison between stories is an acceptable thing for authors!)
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 02:46 PM

Great part. goofy

"I know now that Clark is the real person and Superman is what you can do. But you can't deny that you invented Superman so you could use your powers to rescue people without giving away your secret. You might have been wearing the suit and cape at the time, but what was it you said in the newsroom? 'I'm here to help!' Those were your words, Clark, no matter which guise you were in when you said them. And you have helped everyone so much. You can't abandon us all now. You have a duty to do everything you can to save yourself for the world!"

Under her fingers, Lois could sense Clark's body go limp -- like a rag doll in colourful clothes. He threw her a despairing look which told her she'd hit home. "You fight dirty, Lois!"
She is good. thumbsup

Maybe he was her hope for a better life as much as she was his. Could he leave the world not knowing if he was committing Lois to living her life alone? It could be that this baby was the one person who would keep Lois from slipping into an isolated old age. Even if he died and left her to raise the child alone, Lois was resourceful and there were lots of single moms out there doing a great job. He was sure his partner would be no different -- failure just wasn't a word in Lois' vocabulary. She might resent him for leaving her alone, but she'd never pass on any blame to a child.
Beautiful! hyper

It's to hard to read when your crying. mecry

More ASAP, please.

MAF laugh
Posted By: IreneD Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 02:46 PM
I was very wary of this premise, SQD and Jenni, but so far you've handled it extremely well! I'm definitely impressed.

Looking forward to (a lot) more!

Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 05:38 PM
"Well, you're the sweetest, kindest man I've ever met, and, if I was the falling in love kind, I'd have fallen for you ages ago!" Lois' weird logic hurt Clark deeply, even though it brought an ironic smile to his lips. "So let's forget about love for now... friendship is so much better, you can trust friends."
No! Wrong answer LOL. I'm still waiting for the fall in love stuff, hopefully.

"If you're determined to have my child, then I think I want it to happen... after we're married."
Jesus, Mary and Joseph! Way to lay the cards on the table. eek That was worth opening a second browser just to freak out!

"Lois, for once in my life I want some of the things a normal, *Earth* human man takes for granted! Is that too much for me to expect, or do I always have to be alone?"
This time Lois could no longer pretend to misunderstand and she let go of her anger in a rush. Her eyes filled with tears and she reached forward to touch Clark's hand. He flinched at first, then dropped his gaze to the floor.
whinging whinging

What a rollercoaster this is!
Posted By: Supes1fan Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/16/04 06:24 PM
Wow, yet again you guys!

They are just tearing each other apart! Clark so tortured mentally and physically too of course. Martha just hoping against hope that he makes the decision she wants him to make which will ultimately, hopefully, save his life. Lois so focused on taking this step to save the man she loves..Hello? Lois..you LOVE him!! duh! I'll say again WOW!

I agree with CC, these long posts really help to absorb me in the story and each chapter just has me wiped out at the end.


Posted By: mmprincess Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/17/04 07:40 PM
This is great! Finally after so much confusion and conflict, Clark has agreed to go on with it! goofy Not only has Lois insist on having his baby but has even agreed to marry him! laugh I'm sure in between all of these later, Lois will realize her true feelings for Clark smile

More please hyper hyper
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/18/04 04:28 AM
When do we see Bernie faint? wink

Jose smile1
Posted By: TriciaW Re: FDK - A Gift for Life (chapter 4) - 08/20/04 09:16 PM
SQD and Jenni

Another excellent part! smile1

Tricia cool
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