Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: mariadferdez. FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/12/04 01:41 PM

Great part. thumbsup

"Besides," Lois said, with a hint of malice, "Lex tried to kill Superman. It would drive him nuts to know that the Superman Foundation had control of half his fortune."

"Have I ever mentioned how smart I think you are?" Clark said. "Not to mention devious. I like it."
Posted By: LaurieD Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/12/04 04:06 PM
Only a couple of people in Folcdom can write like this:
<<By noon, they had made more distance than they had in twice the time the day before. They followed their guiding stream gradually downhill, through an arm of dense pine forest, into a field of high grass and masses of high bushes, and several times down rugged slopes. The noisy little stream meandered briefly through a short canyon and emerged on a shelf of rock from which the water dove twenty feet into space in a tiny waterfall, and wound its way onward into a sea of evergreens.>>

I can smell the pine trees, Nan. notworthy

Posted By: Ingra Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/12/04 06:51 PM
Progress! hyper

Posted By: IreneD Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/12/04 07:52 PM
Nan, more soon please???

Excellent installment.

Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/13/04 07:24 AM
Voices! I'm betting on bad guys. Having it be good guys would be way too boring goofy One way or another, Clark and Lois need to save themselves.

I really like the idea of giving Lex's money to the Superman Foundation! That should drive any number of Lex's ex-girlfriends to screaming madness smile

Posted By: daneel Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/13/04 08:13 AM
Good guys or bad guys?.... hyper
Posted By: Aria Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/13/04 09:37 AM
I don't really have anything to say specifically about this part beyond wow, and excellent part smile I just wanted to let you know I am reading and am enthralled, please keep posting!


Posted By: Mister Data Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/13/04 10:18 AM
Loved this section, but it did bring to mind an idea that had never occured to me before.

Thinking back to the moment that he had crawled feebly out of the Kryptonite cage, he tried to recall when he had first begun to realize that something wasn't right. After he had escaped from the influence of the Kryptonite, the agony of the direct radiation had disappeared although his body still hurt. He'd been barely able to stay on his feet when he staggered into the lobby of Lex Tower, and he had a vague recollection of people staring at him as he lurched toward the doors, but no one had tried to stop him. He'd hailed a cab to take him to the Lexor and the wedding reception, not sure what he intended to do when he got there, but that was rendered moot by the events playing out when he arrived. Perry and Lois, and masses of guests, out on the sidewalk. Lois, in her wedding gown, looking dazed and barely aware of her surroundings. Luthor's body hurtling downward to strike the pavement with a wet, nauseating sound that still made his stomach lurch. He'd tried to fly, tried to save the man, in spite of all that he had done, in spite of what the consequences would have been if he had succeeded, but his powers were gone. In a way, Luthor had won. He had killed Superman, and Clark Kent hadn't been able to prevent Luthor's death.
Even though your rendition is different than the original, it is essentially the same. Which leads to several interesting questions.

When did he take the time to change out of the costume and into regular clothes?

Why did he take the time to change out of the costume and into regular clothes?

How was he able to change out of the costume and into regular clothes?

(Are we noticing a pattern here?)

Posted By: CC Aiken Re: FDK:Wedding Consequences-Part 7 - 08/14/04 06:42 AM
I read it all in one sitting, Nan. And I really think this is my favorite story of yours yet.

Wonderful. And wouldn't it be nice if the voices belonged to the good guys? They've come to take them home, Superman foundation gets all of Luthor's money, Lois is safe, Clark gets his powers back, happily ever after...

Ah well. One can hope, right?

Anyway, I'm buckled up, ready to go wherever you take us! And greedily, now that I'm caught up, I'd like more as soon as possible!

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