Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: daneel FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/04/04 11:38 AM
mooore!! Where are they? smile1

Josa cool
Posted By: ChiefPam Re: FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/04/04 02:03 PM
I'm sorry, I've been so distracted this last week or more... haven't read much, let alone commented... but I read this, and I'm loving it, and I want more! smile

Posted By: Ingra Re: FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/04/04 03:57 PM
Great Part! thumbsup I'm loving this! I think is great that they are talking to each other! Maybe this "accident" wasn't a bad thing at all. wink

Is Perry going to rescue them? Or are they going to rescue themselves? I just hope whoever tried to kill doesn't try to finish the job while Clark is vunerable!

Can't wait for the next part!

Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/04/04 04:26 PM

Great part. drool

Eventually, he made it to the stream and sank down on the ground to rest. Maybe this hadn't been such a good idea, since he was still recovering, but the thought hadn't occurred to him at the time. How long did it take someone to get over a high fever, anyway, he wondered. He had no experience to tell him, but he hoped it would be fairly soon. They were going to have a hard time getting out of here if he couldn't stay on his feet for more than a few minutes at a time.
Good idea. drool

"I can tell. You've got juice stains on your mouth," she told him. "But thanks. I just hope you can figure out some way to get us out of here."

"Well ..." He glanced around at the empty field and at the mountain view in the background. "Since I haven't got any idea where we are, the only thing I can suggest is that we go downstream. Sooner or later, we'll probably come to some kind of civilization. And who knows; maybe there's a search on for us by now."
Good idea, Clark. thumbsup

"I knew you were a smart man," she observed. "Now, if you'll just give yourself time to get well, you can prove it. Let's head back to the plane. We'll go slowly, and if you need to rest, tell me. Got it?"
confused Is there something on the plane?

Why kill Lois? Her family will inherit the fortune or the government.

Who know Lois was going to take the plane?

Who is looking for Lois, Perry or the bad guys?

What is going on in Metropolis and in Smallville?

How the Kent's are taking this?

More ASAP, please.

Posted By: Tank Re: FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/05/04 04:02 AM
More small steps being taken. Clark seems to be getting better but we still aren't sure if he is suffering from some post kryptonite reaction, or just had a case of the flu.

Lois' status is still hanging out there.

I do wonder if others think that Lois and Clark might be.... (gasp!) dead!

Tank (who figures that by next time our dynamic duo will be taking a leisurely stroll through the countryside)
Posted By: YConnell Re: FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/05/04 10:52 AM
Tank reminds me that I had a similar thought - neither Lois or Clark seem at all perturbed that their loved ones will be missing them. In particular, wouldn't Clark spare a thought for his parents, who must have been expecting them a couple of days ago and will probably be beside themselves with worry by now.

Otherwise, I'm still enjoying the story a lot. Nice to see Lois realising what a catastrophic effect she's had on Clark's life, albeit inadvertently.

Yvonne smile
Posted By: Nan Re: FDK-Wedding Consequences: 4/? - 08/05/04 11:23 AM
I'm already working on the "Meanwhile back at the ranch" segment. I ran part of it past some people on IRC last night.

Remember, though, Clark hasn't really had much time to think about anything because he was pretty sick most of the time. They've had quite a few things on their plate, but we'll get to the part about them thinking of their friends and family pretty soon. Thanks to everybody for commenting. I appreciate it. smile

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