Lois & Clark Forums
Sorry this first post is quite short. The next will be a lot longer.

Lois rolled her eyes at Clark, in perfect timing with the next crash of thunder that travelled across the night sky.
‘I’m not even going to ask,’ she remarked, looking at a drenched Clark who had just excused himself to the bathroom.

Little did Lois know, but Clark had just flown to the other side of the city to save a falling Helicopter that had stumbled into one of the storm clouds. He had to bite his lip from telling Lois this. He knew how much she would admire him if she only knew the truth. After all, it would make matters so much easier if she knew he was Superman. His unrequited love for her may not be so one sided then. However he knew he couldn’t.

‘The tap… it exploded,’ he stumbled.
‘It could only happen to you Kent,’ Lois replied, skipping through a pile of paperwork with her blue highlighter.

Clark made his way over to Lois’s desk and propped himself up on the edge of it. There may have been a raging thunderstorm commencing outside, but it was business as usual at the Daily Planet. Perry would rather take the risk of one of his workers getting electrocuted going to and from the planet, than have tomorrows paper be anything other than its usual exceptional self. With such a big story as this storm; it was only natural that Lois and Clark would need to work late.

‘I just don’t get it Clark,’ Lois said chewing on the end of her high lighter. ‘This storm has been going on for four days, and in this time the sixth, fifth, fourth, and third, most richest men in Metropolis have been struck down dead by lightening. I mean, that can’t just be a coincidence can it?’ she asked, a confused look anchored on her face, which soon spread to Clark.

‘It’s almost as if the lightening is seeking out specific people to strike,’ he said.
Lois raised her eyebrows telling him as strange as the situation was, that idea was ridiculous.
‘Lightening can’t pick who it strikes. Something is defiantly going on that’s for sure, but lightening picking who it strikes is just ridiculous. It’s electricity, not a person.’
‘Unless somebody is controlling it somehow. Aiming the lightening at the victims. I know it sounds impossible, but like you said Lois this can’t just be a coincidence.

Lois pondered this thought for a while before getting up to grab a cup of coffee. His second theory was a lot better than his first, but she still wasn’t entirely convinced. She was more inclined to believe that they weren’t struck by lightening at all, but that somebody had made it look that way. There was just the matter of the pathologist ‘s report and the eyewitness accounts that stood in the way of her proving that though. Either that or they have been some sort of electrical conductor planted on them. In her mind they could be the only logical explanations for it.

Lois moved over to the window, handing Clark a cup of coffee. The rain was lashing at it so hard that Clark was almost worried that it would end up smashing.

As dark as the rain filled clouds he was looking upon were, he could still make out a silver lining. He got to spend the night with Lois, even though it was in the Daily Planet newsroom, investigating a sting of peculiar murders. He loved spending time with Lois, because he loved her - not that she knew this.

‘Okay, so lets forget about how they are being murdered for a moment and think about why. Why would somebody go to all this trouble to kill them?’ Lois asked Clark.

Clark drew his eyes away from the storm and gazed at Lois. She had such a look of determination on her face that he couldn’t help smile. Her relentlessness’ to solve any given situation was one of the things that he loved most about her.
‘Jealousy?’ Clark wondered.
‘Could be.’

Lois knew that so far they didn’t have much to go on. At the rate they were working at they would never get to the bottom of the killings, which scarred her deeply. Lex Luthor was the most richest man in Metropolises, and if these killings weren’t just a coincidence, if the pattern were to continue tomorrow by the second most richest man being killed, Lois’s good friend Lex was in grave danger.

Clark had realised this also, and although he far from felt any feeling of warmth or care toward Lex, he did not want to let the man die if he could prevent it. He just had to hope that he and Lois could figure out a way to put an end to it all.

‘Okay here’s what I found,’ called Jimmy running over to Lois and Clark. ‘That man you asked me to try and find, James Thomas - the guy who’s just moved up from sixth most richest man to third, has just checked into the Metropolises Star hotel. For the past four weeks he just disappeared to New York City to see his relatives. Kind of strange if you ask me. Anyway here’s he’s contact details,’ Jimmy added.
‘Thanks Jimmy,’ replied Lois.

Lois wasn’t sure how much good talking to James Thomas would do. Even if it was him who was somehow responsible for the killings, how would she prove it. The whole situation felt hopeless, unrelentingly impossible. She wasn’t a quitter though, and she was determined to get to the bottom of it all. She had too.

Both Lois and Clark was surprised that nobody had tried to connect superman with the weather. After all, for all the public knew he could be using his super powers to control the lightening in some way. This of course was impossible, however it only takes one person to say something for a whole tapestry of rumours to unfold.

‘Maybe we should just go home and try and get some sleep. We’re just running into a dead end tonight. We can go and see James Thomas tomorrow first thing,’ Clark suggested to Lois and Jimmy.
‘That’s if we can get home. Most of the cab drivers are too scarred to come out, and the cabs that are in service are all full with crazy people, insane enough to have ventured out into this storm,’ Lois told him.

Clark gave her a confused look.
‘Well obviously I don’t mean we’re crazy. We have a reason to be out in it,’ Lois quickly told Clark, answering the look on his face.
Clark laughed at this, grabbing his coat that was over hanging from his desk chair.

‘Perry left me his car. He’s fallen out with Alice again and is staying in a hotel down the street,’ Clark told Lois.
‘I didn’t know you could drive,’ remarked Lois, seizing her coat and striding over to the elevator, Jimmy not far behind.
‘There’s a lot you don’t know about me,’ Clark muttered quietly to himself.
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