Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: tipiwoman A Future for Us pt 10/? - 07/09/04 12:19 PM
A future for us

end of pt 9

“No, Lois, we can’t.” he heard himself saying. She opened her eyes slightly, remembering that she had come to lie down in his bed. Her dreams had made her mind more lucid. Her thoughts seemed more calm and orderly. She nodded in appreciation and contented herself with putting her head back against his shoulder.

“I love you, Clark. I'm so sorry I didn’t know how much I loved you before. Thank you for loving me and saving me from myself.” She murmured.

Just then the sound of metal on metal met his sensitive ears. “Not now!” he muttered. “Lois, there’s been a train wreck, I’ve go to go. Shall I take you to your apartment on the way?”

She started into wakefulness. “do you have time? Yeah, I guess so.”

In moments she was in her own bed, tucked in under her own covers with her head on her own pillow. Clark had rushed away in a gust of wind from beside her bed. She rolled over and tucked her head in the pillow. “I love you Clark Kent.”

He could hear it as he headed away above her building.

pt 10

Clark walked into the newsroom to the sound of LNN on the TV monitors. “According to our sources, our Man of Steel seems to have found himself a girlfriend.” Photos of Lois and Superman in the little restaurant in Mexico, obviously taken digitally, without a flash, and another of him buying flowers at the market in Holland were showing on the set.

Clark moved closer to the monitors to join Lois, Jimmy, and Perry who stood there. He took a deep breath and went back to his seat. A few moments later, a smirking Ralph walked to Lois’ desk and dropped a copy of the National Inquisitor whose photo showed she and superman kissing with a background of banana leaves behind them. “The Ice Queen’s got the hots for Superman now, too!”

“Now get that trash out of my newsroom!” Perry barked, snatching it up from Lois’ desk as Ralph shot Lois a drop dead look. Beside the photo of Lois and Superman was another one of her tear streaked face with Lex falling off Luther Towers. The caption read, Does Lois really love him till the end? Another shot shows the ring on her finger with the question, but whose ring is it, Lex’s or Superman’s?

Lois grabbed it from Perry angrily, “Give me that!” she seethed as she read the captions that made her look like she was cheating on Lex to be with Superman.

“Oh, give me a break!” she said, wadding it up and dropping it in her garbage can.

“Looks like some double chocolate ice cream is in order,” Clark said, putting a hand on her shoulder then whispering, “I'm sorry, Lois.”

She nodded with tight lips. “It’s okay. It all comes from being high profile. They always want to dig up dirt on someone. So today it’s me. Big deal. It’s not like it’s the first time.”

His eyebrows went up inquisitively.

“Don’t ask,” she said pushing him away with a hand on his chest and returning to her desk. Back in work mode now, she asked, “Did you get a story from that Superman thing last night.”

He nodded in response. “Yup. Signed, sealed, and delivered.”

A few minutes later Lois hung up the phone and looked over at Clark’s desk. “They have the gun. It was a Minimi Light machine gun. The bullets they recovered match it. They’ve gone to pick up Mrs. Cox now.”

“Yes!” Clark slapped his hand on his desk. “Can they charge Lex with anything yet?”

“Conspiracy to commit murder and a host of other things.”

“Well, Lois, this is truly a cause for celebration. Would you like me to take you out for that chocolate ice cream?” he said, getting up and extending his elbow to his partner.

She laughed, her brown hair waving gracefully as she stood up and put her arm through his elbow. “That would be lovely!”

Seated in an outdoor café eating their ice cream cones, Clark touched her free hand and spoke. “Lois? I’m sorry about everything. I can’t imagine what this must all be like for you!”

“You mean about having the wool pulled over my eyes by three people?”


“Lex and Superman and Clark Kent. That’s three.”

He smiled lopsidedly. “Are you mad at me? I never could tell you because I was so sure you’d hate me and I’d be locked out of your life forever.”

She nodded. “I know. No, not really.” She sighed. “I don’t know what you could have done any differently. What’s it been like for you? I mean, hiding and running all these years?”

“Hard, Lois. You have to know that.”

“Yes, I do.” She licked her ice cream, getting that blissful look on her face. Did she just do that to torment him, or did she really love chocolate that much? “You know, you’re a terrible liar. Did Perry really catch you in the storage room about to fly out the window when you’d said you were going to make a phone call.”

“Yup. I thought the gig was up once again! But he never mentioned it before. I'm just glad I wasn’t spinning into the suit when he came in.”

“You know, Perry would never reveal your secret!”

“I know. But I just don’t tell anyone. You’re the only one that knows, besides my parents. Lex Luther would give anything to find out that secret.” He paused to eat some of his ice cream. “So, are we still an item? I mean, will you have me as Clark Kent now?”

A smile washed across her face and she took a deep breath. “If you still want me!”

He squeezed her hand and leaned over the table to place a kiss on her lips, which she met warmly.

“Always. But why aren’t you mad? I thought you’d be so mad that you’d never speak to me again. I mean, I did lie to you for a whole year.”

“But only about one thing, only to protect your life. You couldn’t tell me. I'm pretty amazed I didn’t find out. It doesn’t say too much about my investigative abilities.”

“Your abilities are great Lois, you just weren’t investigating this.”

“I guess I didn’t think that Superman was so like us that he’d want to fit in and be just one of the crowd.”

“But can’t you see, that’s what I’ve wanted my whole life.”

“I know.” She laughed.


“You holding that cow upside down!” She pushed his shoulder and laughed again.

“You’re really something, Clark Kent.”

“So are you, Lois Lane.” They smiled and walked back to the office together.

“Would you mind if I get you a different engagement ring? I think that one may have too many bad connections right now, what with the sleaze bags’ interpretations.

She smiled warmly. “You mean, one from Clark Kent this time?”


“That’d be really nice, Clark. I told Perry I was wearing it to keep some undesirables away from me when I went out.”

He nodded. “Did he believe you?”

“I don’t know.” She looked up at him.

He shrugged, “Don’t ask me! He didn’t get to be senior managing editor by yodeling.”

The pair returned to the newsroom. Clark perched himself on the corner of Lois’ desk as he had before she’d been dating Superman. She leaned back in her chair and discussed their latest assignments. They’d finished up exposing the explosions. They’d been linked to a disgruntled employee for Minot, who owned the two buildings.

They worked busily, not needing to leave the newsroom for most of the day. Superman had been seen on LNN once or twice for local emergencies, but otherwise it had been a relaxing day.


He looked up from his desk as she came over and leaned against it, “Why did Superman come to comfort me when I was crying at my desk the other day?”

Clark kept his voice low. “I had to stay out of the picture. I couldn’t let you start to have feelings for me when you were dating someone else.”

She nodded silently. “Oh.” She got up and returned to her desk, glancing over at him from her chair and dazzling him with a smile.

His heart wouldn’t calm down, though he tried to ignore it and get some more work done. As the newsroom emptied out for the day, he turned off his computer and looked across at Lois. “Are you going to be much longer?”

“Nope, I'm just about to send this to Perry. Can you look it over first?”

He put his hand on her shoulder and read the article on her screen. “Should be its instead of it’s” he said. “Otherwise it looks good.”

“Thanks,” she said, pushing send without fixing her grammatical mistake. To his raised eyebrows she commented, “Editors, Clark?”

He chuckled at her attitude as she turned off her computer and picked up her handbag.

“Would you like to have dinner with me? I have something I want to show you.”

“Okay. Come for me at seven?”

“Sounds good.”

She drove to her apartment while he flew from the roof of the building.

She couldn’t believe she hadn’t yelled and screamed at Clark when she’d found out his secret. Probably because she knew there was one and it was a secret identity. It had certainly been a stunning revelation, though. She turned it over and over in her mind. It had been so much easier at work to understand his reactions when disasters had been shown on TV. She felt so much better about him as a person since he wasn’t just running off anymore.

She selected a soft, red, knee length dress and curled her hair. Clark showed up right on time, looking as handsome as was Kryptonianly possible. His face radiated his happiness.

“Hi, Clark.” She said picking up her purse from the chair. “I'm all ready.”

“Lois, you look absolutely dazzling tonight. You’re such a beautiful woman.”

“Thank you, Clark,” she said, ducking her head and blushing slightly.

They entered his apartment to the smell of braised duck with small potatoes and vegetables. The table was set for two. He lit the candles as he lowered his glasses, crossing the room. He pulled out a chair for her, then draped her napkin across her lap after pushing her chair back in.

“Thank you. You’re such a gentleman, Clark.”

He warmed the various serving dishes of food on the table and replied, “Madam,” bowing his head slightly before settling himself in his own chair.

“Oh, Clark, this is so nice.” Soft music was playing in the background. Candles throughout his open apartment flickered patterns on the walls. A small breeze wafted from one side of the room to the other.

“Did you actually cook this?” she said in amazement, savoring the taste of a bite of duck.

“A true chef, at your service,” he said coyly.

They ate in contented silence, then leaned back in their chairs. “Would you like some coffee and a piece of apple pie?”

“Oh yes, Clark, we were going to have that last night weren’t we!”

He nodded. “Pies keep very well!” He stood up. “Heated with vanilla ice cream? Or a scoop of whipped cream with chocolate dribbled over the top?

She smiled happily. “Yes!”

He raised his eyebrows and prepared her the chocolate version of desert and the same for himself.

When they had finished eating Clark said, “Lois, I have a surprise for you.”

“Yes?” she wondered what he was up to now. The ring perhaps? It had been such a romantic dinner already.

There was a stir of wind, then a knock came at the door. Another stir of wind preceded Clark rising from his chair.

“Let me get that.”

He pulled the door open and revealed none other than his alter ego standing in the doorway. She didn’t look to see where Clark had disappeared to.

“Hi, Lois. Clark and I thought you might want to talk to each of us about anything you may have trouble reconciling, now that you know that we’re both the same person.” He grinned, then crossed his arms, letting his face become more formal. “May I join you two?”

A rush of wind and Clark was standing beside his chair, “Why, yes, Superman, won’t you join us. I was thinking that Lois may want to talk to each of us. What a good idea for you to drop by, since we are the same person and all!” He motioned to Superman to come into the living room. Superman went over to the couch.

Clark pulled Lois’ chair out for her and pulled her into his arms. “Nice surprise?”

She laughed. “You do beat all, Clark Kent. This is one conversation I wouldn’t miss for anything!”

“Well, let’s not keep our guest waiting.” He winked at her and walked with her to the empty living room where Superman suddenly appeared in an easy chair. Clark made sure that Lois sat on the couch where he would be able to be on the other side of her so she’d have to turn her head to see either of them. “I’ve been practicing this,” he whispered into her ear before becoming Superman.

He hadn’t quite worked out the amount of wind that his movements were creating, but he was able to move faster than light, so it was quite easy for it to appear that there were three people in the room. Clark had studied his computer monitor one day, and had watched how the many dots, which compose the screen, had really been flashing at super-speed. He had decided that if he were to change back and forth between the two characters at that rate, anyone seeing him would be completely fooled.

“Lois,” Superman began. “Clark here tells me that he would like to ask you for your hand in marriage. He knows however that you’ve promised yourself to me.”

Lois giggled and turned to look at Clark who was sitting on the other side of her. Superman was speaking again so she turned her head back to him. “Now, Lois. We’ve been through quite a lot together, wouldn’t you say? After all, I'm sure the past few days have meant as much to you as they have to me.”

She smiled lovingly at him, “They certainly have, Kal. You’ve really been wonderful. I loved surfing on your stomach!” she giggled again. “I loved seeing where you go when you are upset. I loved spending time with you getting to know the man beneath the suit.”

“Then how do you feel about returning my ring to me and calling off our engagement, which of course we’ve never announced?”

“I’d rather not, actually, Superman. I’ve loved you from the first time I saw you. You are simply out of this world. But you’re so down to earth at the same time! I’ve learned more about you this week than I’d ever imagined I could know. I laugh every time I think about Betsy the cow!”

“Oh no, Clark protested as she turned her head to him. That was me! I was the one who did that. Superman wasn’t around yet, remember?”

“Oh,” Lois said, playing along, “so are you telling me that you have super powers too? I always thought that Clark Kent was just an ordinary guy from a farm in Kansas.”

“Well, most of the time, he smiled, unable to stop himself from leaning over and brushing his lips against her cheek. Lois, I love you. I have loved you from the moment I saw you. We’ve been best friends for a long time now. We’ve been through a lot together. I know how you must love to fly with the man in tights, but would you really be happy with him? I mean, would you be able to walk to the store together, work together at the Planet? Would you really be happy having to hide your marriage from the world because some criminals would always be trying to get to him through you?”

“You’re right Clark. And I do love you. I never knew how much I love you until last night. I wouldn’t want to ever lose you as my partner at work, or my best friend. I can see that there would be a lot of talk if the National Inquisitor got a hold of a story of Superman’s wife being too friendly with Clark Kent! And the all night undercover assignments would be very difficult, too.”

Superman cleared his throat, drawing Lois’ attention back to himself. “Lois, think about it. Can Clark Kent, the ordinary man, fly you anywhere you want to go? Can he take you to see all sorts of wonders that no one else has ever seen?”

She nodded. “You’re right Superman. I just don’t think I could lose you either. Not just for what you could do for me, but I want to be there for you, to comfort you when you are devastated, to encourage you when you’ve done all you can but felt it’s not enough. I want to hear your words of wisdom. I want to be enveloped in your aura of safety and security.

“But Lois,” Clark protested, “I can provide a home for you. Superman has no money. He’ll never be able to buy a house or a car. He can’t take you out to dinner where you have to pay. He’s an alien, perhaps he can’t even give you children!”

Lois chuckled, suddenly finding this conversation very funny. “I can see that you two have a lot to work out.” There’s a lot of underlying jealousy there. Have you ever thought of going into counseling?” She said, turning repeatedly from one to another, both of whom were always right where she expected them to be.

Clark sighed as she stopped to gaze into his warm brown eyes. “Lois, do you think you could turn from one of us to the other a bit more slowly?” he asked, holding his thumb and first finger a little bit apart and winking.

She threw her arms around him. “Oh, Clark. You’re the best.”

Superman cleared his throat again as the feeling of Clark’s shoulders beneath Lois’s arms felt a bit spongy. He was working very hard to keep this up; changing clothes and position so quickly back and forth that he actually appeared to be in two places at once.

“Clark, you feel so spongy!” she said, looking at Superman and laughing, but tightening her grip around Clark’s head.

Suddenly his arms were around her and Superman had mysteriously disappeared, at least for the duration of their long and passionate kiss.

Then Clark dropped one knee to the floor and took a small box out of his pocket and opened it to face Lois. A gold engagement and matching wedding band were covered with small diamonds, with a large one in the center of the engagement ring. Her face lit up as she looked from the ring to his face. She glanced over to see Superman, but he wasn’t there. “Lois Lane, will you marry me?”

“Yes Clark Kent, but only on one condition.”

His eyebrows went up, “and that would be?”

“That you won’t mind if I also have a long term affair with Superman.” Her mouth opened as the smile covered her face.

“Well dear…” he turned to superman who had raised eyebrows and folded arms.

“That sounds like something I can live with. How do you feel about it Clark?”

“Suits me just fine.”

“Good. Then, yes Clark, I will be happy to marry you!” he took the ring out of the box and put it on her finger.

“I thought that two rings would be a good idea, somehow I knew that this would be your decision.”

Lois looked at her hand blissfully, then took Clark’s face in her hands and kissed him again. He moved up to sit on the couch beside her, cradling her face as well, her silky brown hair falling over his hands.

They hugged and soon found themselves floating. “But Clark,” Lois protested jokingly, “you can’t fly!”

“Wana bet?” They disappeared from the room, out into the stars, Clark still wearing his earth clothing, and Lois in her red dress. Superman was no where to be seen. Not tonight anyway.
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