Lois & Clark Forums
Well, here is the next part. Part 8 still isn't finished but hopefully early this week so that we can finish posting it this week.

I apologize for the delay mumblestupidstupidstupidRLmutter.

Here's part 6. Comments appreciated.

~~~~~Indicates things happening in different places at approximately the same time.

From Part 5:

Lois turned from the window and walked back into the living room. She sank onto the couch and managed to set her glass of wine down before she put her head in her hands. "Oh, God. I'm too late."


"Clark. Clark's who I'm looking for. He left Metropolis before I had a chance to tell him..."

"Tell him what?" Joey asked.

It came out as a near sob. "That I love him."


Part 6

Martha walked out of the kitchen, sure the others were right behind her and surprised when they weren't. She turned to see what the hold up was, but Jonathan practically tiptoed over her in his efforts to leave.

He grinned and whispered to her, "They're washing the dishes together."

Martha smiled back. "I like her." She took his hand and headed towards their guest room.

"She's not Lois."

"No one is, but Lois has moved on and I'm glad Clark is too."

"She seems nice enough."

There was enough of an undertone in his voice that Martha stopped just inside their temporary home. "Jonathan Kent, you don't trust anyone. You were just starting to be comfortable with Lois and the fact that Clark might tell her the truth. *Clark* was just starting to be comfortable with the idea. I can't imagine him thinking about telling Rachel on their second date, so you don't have to worry about that."

Jonathan grinned sheepishly and put his arms around her. "You know me so well."

She smiled back at him and then kissed him soundly. "I've had lots of practice." She kissed him again. "Now, let's leave those two alone." She winked. "I don't know about you, but I'm ready to turn in."

Jonathan winked back. "Me too."

Martha pulled back suddenly. "Almost. I'll be right back." She kissed him again. "Be waiting?" She wasn't sure Clark would truly be happy with anyone but Lois, but Lois had moved on and Clark was trying to too. She could certainly do her bit to help. She was his mother after all!



Clark and Rachel were laughing as they exited the kitchen. "You know, Clark, I've never had so much fun doing dishes! And the dinner was *incredible*."

He grinned at her. "Thanks. I’m glad you liked it."

Rachel stopped as she looked around the living room.

Someone had lit some candles and there was soft music playing.

Clark sighed. "Looks like my mom's playing cupid."

"Aw, I think it's sweet." She turned towards him and rested one hand on his arm. "She seems really nice."

"My mom is wonderful." He smiled a bit wistfully and looked around only to see that the door to his parents room shut. "I guess my folks have turned in. Well, it would be a shame to waste this ambiance. Would you like another glass of wine or a cup of coffee or something?"

"Coffee would be wonderful. Decaf if you have it. I was up too late last night." No need to mention that it had been daydreams of him rather than the last cup of coffee that had kept her up. The feel of his arms around her, the thought of what his lips would feel like...

She shook her head. That was dangerous territory now. Until he was ready to kiss her, those thoughts would have to stay out of their dates. He was obviously still a bit hung up on this other chick, but he was coming around. She was sure he'd felt the same electricity she had when their hands touched while passing the bread or while putting the dishes away.

She sat on the couch and waited for him to come back with her coffee. Maybe tonight...


Clark took a deep breath and walked back into the living room. He had had a really good time with Rachel. She'd been comfortable with his parents and they certainly seemed to like her. He hadn't liked running out earlier, but there hadn't been much choice. Fortunately, neither emergency had taken too long but the train wreck *had* taken something out of him.

It hadn't been a man who was pinned like his dad mentioned, but rather a little girl, about five. She wasn't hurt badly, but her cries had torn his heart out. He couldn't have worked any faster without risking the stability of the whole structure.

Obviously, he couldn't have corrected his dad, but he'd seen support and sympathy in his parents eyes and even a touch of concern in Rachel's. During dinner, she'd asked if he was coming down with something, that he didn’t quite look right. He'd shrugged it off, knowing that physically he was fine.

He smiled as he handed her the coffee. "Here you go. Two sugars and a cream, right?"

She smiled back at him. "Very good. I’m impressed."

He was amazed at how easily he slid onto the couch next to her and even more amazed when his arm found its way along the back of it.

He was more than a bit confused by the tingle he'd felt every time they'd touched, even though it was briefly. He finally chalked it up to the attraction there would be with any beautiful woman, especially as nervous as he'd been. His senses must have been on a bit of overload.

He closed his eyes and was astonished at how comfortable it was to have Rachel relax against him, her head resting in the crook of his shoulder. He could hardly believe how natural it felt to rest his cheek on her hair.

He never thought he'd feel this comfortable around another woman.

If only he could stop imagining she was someone else.

They sat in a companionable silence, commenting every once in a while on the music or the lights twinkling outside.

"Oh, Clark! Look!" Rachel sat up and stared out the window. "It's snowing!" She set down her coffee and turned to him, her hands resting on one of his knees.

Clark was surprised at how the loss of the warmth of her next to him affected him, while at the same time his leg seemed to heat up.

"It hasn't snowed in New York this early since I was a little girl."

"It's beautiful."

She settled back in against him. "I love watching it snow."

Clark smiled. "I do too, when it's like this. Kansas blizzards I could do without, but this is... perfect."

He could feel Rachel sigh against him. "Perfect."

He found his hand gently rubbing circles on her upper arm.

She sighed again. "It's getting late."

"I don't want you to go yet." He could hardly believe it as the words came out, but it was true. He had definitely enjoyed the evening and didn’t want it to end. If the night ended and she left, all he would have is thoughts of another woman filling his mind

She turned to face him. "I don't want to go."


Lois didn't know what drew her back to the window – maybe it was the snowflakes falling silently on the big city – and she certainly didn't know what caused her to look down at the apartment she knew to be Clark's – maybe it was morbid curiosity – but certainly nothing prepared her for what she saw.

Clark was sitting on the couch with Rachel and they were looking intently into each other's eyes.

Somehow she couldn't turn away.


Rachel's face moved closer to Clark's then her lips were on his. She felt her breath being taken away as she leaned into him. The kiss was soft and gentle, sweet and almost innocent, but still the most incredible kiss she'd ever experienced.

And then all too soon it was over.

Clark smiled gently at her and she found herself drawn back to him. Her head rested in the crook of his shoulder, her insides churning at what she had just experienced. She could feel his hand rubbing gentle circles her upper arm and she felt like she was going to float away.

Clark closed his eyes. What was he doing? Somewhere deep inside he knew there was no future for them and yet he'd let her kiss him. He couldn't just push her away. Something ingrained wouldn't let him be so callous, but he knew, just the same that he would have to tell her – and soon.


Lois couldn't watch anymore and finally turned away. It was really over.


Clark finally shifted. "Rachel..."

"I know. It's getting late. I really should go."

"I know. I had a nice time tonight."

"I'd like to see you again."

Clark smiled at her. He'd tell her the next time. No reason to ruin this lovely evening. "Sure. I'll walk you home."

"That's really not necessary."

"I want to."

"Really, I can take a cab."

"Are you sure?"

She nodded. She'd have to have the cabbie drive her around the block a few times and then drop her off at her building. One day soon she was going to have to tell him where she lived.


Clark waved to Rachel as her cab drove off. He turned on his super-hearing hoping there was nothing else that would need his attention for the rest of the night.

He was shocked when a familiar sound tuned in.

Someone was crying.

*Lois* was crying.

And she was nearby.

He ducked into a nearby ally and spun into the Suit as he took off. It took only seconds for him to realize where she was and he landed gently on the balcony.

It tore his heart out to see her curled up the couch in this apartment. He couldn't have imagined it would hurt this badly, not after he thought he was over her.

He knocked gently on the window, startling her. It took her a minute but soon she was out on the balcony, launching herself into his arms.

He held her as she wept into his S, her sobs rocking him to the very core. The location of this balcony was not lost on him. He had realized very quickly that she would have been able to see into his apartment from inside.

He didn’t understand, if she had seen him with Rachel earlier, why it would affect her like this. Unless, of course, Dan had hurt her and she'd come looking for her former best friend...

After a moment, the sobs began to slow and Lois moved out of his embrace.

"I'm sorry, Superman. I've messed up your suit." She sniffled and swiped at her eyes.

"It's okay, Lois. But what's wrong? And why are you in New York?"

She leaned against the window. "I came looking for you. I was hoping you could help me find Clark."

"Clark? Why?" What on earth could she want with him? Unless his previous supposition was correct, Dan was waiting for her in Metropolis.

"He left without saying good-bye..."

"That was months ago, Lois."

"... and without knowing I love him." She continued over his interruption. "I had gone to tell him things were over with Dan and that I wanted to see where things were going with us and he was gone."

"You what?" The information, stated so matter-of-factly had sent his thoughts reeling. He'd seen her walk into her building with Dan and knew that she'd made her choice. Was it possible that he had been wrong?

"Dan had come to my apartment and I told him that there was nothing for us and then I went to Clark's apartment to tell him and it was empty. He was gone." She walked to the edge of the balcony and stared at the snowflakes still falling gently. "Why isn't it cold out here? It's snowing, but it's not cold."

"The snow isn't actually sticking to anything. I'd guess it's in the mid-30s so it won't. And you are dressed rather warmly."

"Yeah." She turned back to him. "Did you know Clark's in New York too?" He nodded. "He lives right there." She pointed towards his window. "He was with another girl tonight. He kissed her and I saw him. He's moved on."

Clark took a deep breath. "We've talked about it, Lois. He saw you and Dan walking into your apartment and thought you'd made your choice."

"Why didn't he talk to me?"

"You'd have to ask him that." It wasn't that Clark was trying to avoid the question, it was that he didn't know how to answer.

"I *thought* he wanted to be with me, wanted to see where we were going, but then he was gone."

"Why did it take you this long to come look for him then?"

"Because I thought I could shrug it off and live how I did before he came into my life. I've had to learn the hard way that I can't live without Clark because he IS my life."

The door inside the apartment started to open. "That's probably my friend I've been waiting for." She smiled at him. "Thanks for letting me cry."

"No problem."

"I'd like to see you again soon."

"Count on it." He smiled back at her trying to hide the turmoil of emotions swirling inside him. "I've got to go."


Clark took off into the sky, leaving a tear-stained Lois behind.


Monica ran out of her room as Rachel entered the apartment. "How'd it go? How'd it go?"

"You mean you didn't watch?!" Rachel tossed her purse onto the counter and shed her coat.

"No." Monica glared at her. "What do you take me for?"

"Oh, give me a break. You didn't peek?"

Monica's face fell. "Only once."

Rachel grabbed Monica by the arms. "He kissed me!"

Monica jumped up and down with her. "Yay!" She stopped suddenly and wondered where Lois had gone too and what she would think about that.

"He's an incredible kisser." Rachel saw someone climbing in the window. "Who's that?"

Before Monica could answer, Rachel got a good look at the stranger. "LOLO!"

Lois smiled half-heartedly. "Hi, RaeRae."

Rachel ran across the room and gave Lois a big hug. "What are you doing here?!"

"I was looking for someone and heard that you were here so I stopped by Central Perk and found Monica."

Rachel turned to Monica. "This is Lois Lincoln, one of my sorority sisters."

One corner of Lois' mouth turned up. "I don't go by Lois Lincoln anymore."

"Really? Did you get married?"

Lois sat on the chair, back to the offending window. "No. I moved out when I was a senior in high school after a big fight with my dad. When I started college, I used my mom's maiden name – Lincoln. I joined the sorority really in a fit of... rebellion maybe?" She shrugged. "Not sure, but you and I both know I never really fit in there."

"True." Rachel curled up on the couch. "So what are you doing now?"

"I'm a reporter for the Daily Planet."

Rachel felt her heart drop. She glanced at Monica, who nodded slightly. "The Daily Planet? Wow. That's prestigious."

"Yeah. I love my job, I really do, but I've been thinking about moving on."

"Really? Why?" Rachel thought she knew, but hoped against hope...

"My ex-partner and I... we were dating and then, well, it's a long story, but he left, without even saying goodbye. I miss him and I think I don't want to be there anymore without him."

Rachel stood and went to the freezer. "You know what you need?" She pulled out a carton and dug in a drawer for a spoon. "Rocky Road ice cream." She handed it to Lois. "It always helps."

Lois stuck the spoon in and took a slow bite. "Dan was Rocky Road. Clark was chocolate. I miss chocolate."


She snapped out of it. "Nothing. Really." As badly as she felt, she didn’t want to make Rachel feel worse.

Monica jumped up. "You're in luck. I have chocolate too!"

Rachel turned to stare at her. "We do?!"

"Um, yeah." Monica rummaged through the freezer. "I hid it from you. Here."

Lois took the chocolate carton from her and held both of them in her hands, staring from one to the other in turn. "I've missed chocolate." She sighed and handed it back. "But I can't have it anymore."

Rachel sat on the table in front of Lois and took the ice cream from her. She held Lois' hands in her own. "Honey, I know."

"Know what?"

"I know about you and Clark, and I know you know I was with him tonight."

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