Lois & Clark Forums
Thanks again to all who have been so patient. Here is the new segment. Hope you will like it.

Thanks especially to Rose, Cristina, Yael and Tricia who have been so gracious.


Great part. thumbsup

Luthor and Trask Jr. are half brothers?

The counselor picked up a file and reread sections of the previously recorded material. She jotted down a few ideas to incorporate in the ongoing record. She reached for her tape recorder and then looked up at the clock and groaned. The auditions would be over soon, but Barb had a little time yet and this work had to get done. Well, she would just take a few minutes more to finish dictating her notes. She pushed the record button and....
frown The recorder probably record the last moment.

The town had believed the rumors of Laslo discovering Coca-Cola, and he had kept that gossip alive. Because, if they knew--really knew from where his many came and for what purpose his money would be ultimately used--tar and feathers or torches and pitchforks would be the most benign of punishments. Up in the Maple Street attic, with a young Lloyd by his side, Laslo Barton conducted odd experiments on animals, corpses and even a lonely boarder or two, most of whom were now buried in their cellar. Linus always had his shovel at the ready and enjoyed the game of digging and filling up holes.
confused Did Libby took the blame for the murder.

What happen to Laslo?

Fifteen minutes later, Libby Barton, aged twelve, looked at the bodies strewn around the kitchen floor. Jinx mewed and rubbed against her legs as Libby starred at the gun in her hand.
Could had been Aunt Lavinia the murder?

More soon, please.

MAF laugh
OMG, thumbsup You've got me totally going here -- more soon please!

S (who is impatiently checking the boards constantly to find out what happens next!!)
Ok, just give me a second to bring my jaw back into place... Laswa was definitely right: you really are evil. I couldn't take my eyes off of this part; I just couldn't stop reading.

During the scene at the hospitasl you had me on the edge of my seat, and when the new parents said "Alexander", I was jawdrop

That Lex is an evil man is a given in 90% of the stories, but your Lex goes beyond the normal Lex-evilness... (wait, did I say Lex is evil? smile )

The story is really becoming complex; but I love it. I'm sure you've put a lot of time into the plots. The way they're intertwined (is that the right word?)is really great.

You sitll have me very curious about what happened to bring L&C apart and how Libby neded up in her kitchen holding the gun. She can't possibly be a murderer! So, what are you waiting for? POST MORE NOW (pleaaase???) How many parts did you say there were? 17? So, one an hour, you should be done some time tonight laugh

Thank you all for your comments.

Yes the plots are really intertwined -- but I always love stories that do that so that when you get to the end you can say -- Ohhhhhh! Hope you like the way this one is going.

Thanks for the Agatha Christie reference -- She's an idol --

Hang in there. It's all done and at my BR's desk who is doing a fantastic job amid all of her RL needs. And there are 21 parts. Yep, it's grown. Just waiting for Laswa's wonderful input to keep posting. Still on an every other day schedule. So more tonight!!!!

Thanks again for the nice words.

New parts now
great segment
definitely evil
Hi Barb! laugh

Wow, am I glad to see you're posting again! You know how much I love this story and since RL is slowing down, I'm glad I can finally get back on it <bg>

I'm just glad everything worked out the way it did and I wanted to congratulate you with another fantastic story!! laugh

Laswa dance

PS. Sorry to all the readers... the delay was my fault blush
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