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Posted By: ethnica FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 12:29 PM
This is another great chapter! thumbsup

I didn't expect Lois to be mature enough to tell it all and admit her blame for what happened. hyper for the next installment.
Posted By: Laurach Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 12:43 PM
Good job, more soon! Laura
Posted By: Shadow Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 01:21 PM
This is great! And Lois keeps teeter-tottering between is-this-Clark/this-probably-isnt-him, or so it seems to me. I keep waiting for Clark or Lois to do or say something characteristic of their personality that would make one or the other recognize the other person...okay, that made sense in my head even if I can't type it out. goofy

JD thumbsup
Posted By: mariadferdez. Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 02:19 PM

Great part. hyper
Posted By: tipiwoman Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 03:02 PM
I can't beleive i have to wait for yet another period of time until the next installment. This is torturous. guess i'm getting too spoiled with finding the whole story on lcfanfic! grrrr. Patience Nancy!

Great story.
Posted By: Julia Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 03:56 PM
Aw, do you realize that you leave us all frustrated?! grumble I'm kidding, we all know it's for the better and it's sooooo Clark-like. Can't wait to see what Charlie's gonna do or say once he figured out who he really is...

I'm impatiently jump (Nancy is right, this sure is sort of toturous) looking forward to the sailing trip (I just LOVE sailing!!!!)

Julia smile
Posted By: Tank Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 04:21 PM
A strong instalment in that waffy, yucky-stuff sort of way.

A couple things jumped out at me. At one point you have Lois' internal monologue questioning her willingness to give her self so completely to a man so quickly. The implication was, here was a man she just met and now she's ready to jump him at the slightest provocation. I don't see where there would be any conflict in her mind. Lois has long ago come to the realization that she was/is in love with Clark, and she also knows that Charlie is Clark (just not why, yet), so her actions are perfectly logical under the circumstances of someone who doesn't want to lose out on her chance a second time.

One other thing 'bothered' me. It isn't a condemnation of this fic by any means because many writers use it. But I hate it when Clark refers to Lois using the term 'baby'. To me you can use a lot of endearments that will work, but I can't see Lois Lane as anyone's 'baby'. To my mind, baby is somewhat derogatory and condescending. It's a term that is used by 'romeos' and 'slick operators' who are merely in pursuit of gratification. I can see Claude using such a term, but not someone like Clark, nor can I see Lois appreciating it.

Maybe it's just me.

Tank (who still thinks that once Charlie is revealed as Clark it's not going to be a pretty sight)
Posted By: ChaaBreh Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/02/04 05:25 PM
ARGHGHGH!! I went over to the nFIC side thinking there would be a glorious love-making scene...NADA!!!

I'm about as frustrated as L & C are about now!

I *really* think that Lois would at least call Martha and tell her that her son is alive. She might not think it best for her to visit, but it would mean a lot to the Kents.

And, like Tank, I like Lois being called "honey", not "baby". But Charlie is a more rough-and-tumble type of guy, also.....

Maybe Charlie will remember he is Clark in a nightmare. After all Lois told him today, perhaps his subconscious mind will allow him to remember. After all, Lois did tell him that she loved Clark. Perhaps that will erase the pain of unrequited love??

Posted By: Sira Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/03/04 04:04 AM
Oh wow, this is getting better and better, and hotter and hotter. So, Lois told Charlie about Clark. Will Charlie tell Lois about his dream lady? Will Charlie ever remember? Will we see the most unusual revelation ever? (à la: "Charlie, you're Superman?) thumbsup
Posted By: daneel Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/03/04 07:05 AM
Good part! smile

Lois needed Charlie to know about her past smile

Jose smile1
Posted By: It'sMeCaryn Re: FDK- City by the Sea/8? - 05/03/04 08:02 PM
Another great part. It's getting closer and closer to revelation time, I can feel it. hyper I can't wait until Charlie realizes who Lois really is or who he really is.

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