Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: stopquitdont City By the Sea 8/? - 05/02/04 11:58 AM
Perfect was the only way to describe their evening. Even though cleaning the clams and fish had been kind of gross, the dinner had tasted wonderful.

Throughout the meal they'd flirted shamelessly, talking about nothing in particular. Which was fine by her because she hadn't wanted him to focus on her apparent sadness again. That was too close to questions she simply didn't want to answer. She'd helped him clean up the dishes and now they were about to hang the curtains in the kitchen.

"I'm not sure why I asked you here," Charlie said as he lifted one side of the curtain rod. "I barely like being here myself."

Lois glanced around the cabin. "It's not so bad."

"Come on, Lois. It's bad," he said with lifted brows.

"No, it's not. You're here," she told him with a very bright smile. His breath caught as he looked at her. "What's wrong, Charlie? Do I upset you?" She deliberately batted her lids at him, almost in invitation. It was so incredibly easy to tease him, and it surprised her that it made her tension level rise... but in the best way she'd ever felt.

Charlie paused with his hands on the rod, blinked quickly, then rushed to complete his task. When he was done, he turned to face Lois fully. "Baby, if this is what if feels like to be upset, then I wish you would piss me off completely."

His voice dropped an octave and he licked his lips.

Suddenly Lois' mouth was dry as a desert. She took a half step toward him, her eyes smoldering with unchecked desire. "I can just imagine you all flustered in anger," she said, lifting her hand to his chest, smoothing her fingers ever so lightly over his tight tank top. He'd long ago dispensed with his top shirt and it had been all she could do to keep from jumping him. "Sweat glistening on your bare skin." Her voice had grown slightly husky as she moved her eyes down to where her hand rested. "Your chest heaving to catch your breath," she finished in a whisper as her eyes lifted to his again.

Charlie groaned, then pulled her tightly against his body as he crushed his mouth to hers.

Lois was right there with him. Touch for touch, their lips battled for victory. As opponents would duel, swords brandishing one another, their tongues came together over and over. She pushed one of her hands up so that her fingers wound through his hair. The other arm was grasping his back, reveling in the feel of strong muscles as they flexed under his shirt. One of his hands held her head tightly against his mouth while the other explored her side. She almost growled when his fingers brushed against the side of her breast. Taking that as encouragement, Charlie's hand trailed a searing path down to her hip, thigh and back to grasp her waist firmly.

So soft, was all she could think as her fingers sifted the silky black strands of his long hair. It felt so much better than it looked. Her hand ventured to the hair on his face and she was thrilled it was just as soft.

Charlie drew back to stare down at Lois. "Do you like that? The beard? If you don't..."

Lois silenced him with another kiss. She smiled seductively when she pulled back again. "I love it," she assured him before she kissed him again.

With every ounce of willpower in her body, she managed to accept Charlie's resistance when he drew away a moment later. His body absolutely hummed against hers and she'd be dead not to feel his arousal. "Something wrong?"

"Something's right," he told her softly. His large hand cupped her cheek as he gazed at her longingly. "I haven't felt this alive in so long..."

"Neither have I," she admitted as they stood there staring into one another's souls. They remained that way for a long moment before Charlie sighed and pulled her into a warm embrace.

"Maybe we should move this into the living room."

"That sounds fantastic," she mumbled against his chest. He chuckled softly before he pulled away completely. Lois could only stand there in silence, a silly grin plastered all over her face, as he started their fire. It never occured to either of them that a fire in the middle of the summer might not be such a great idea.

Finally she managed to make it over to the blanket Charlie had spread for them to sit on. He smiled at her, waved his hand in invitation, then settled behind her after she sat. She was cradled between his legs, her back to his chest, as they stared in silence at the dancing flames. The Lois Lane of old would have never agreed to go to a man's place so soon after they'd met, let alone sit against his very male body while they were entranced by flames from a fire. She would never have put herself into such a blatantly romantic situation. Men were not to be trusted as far as she was concerned. Yet, sitting with Charlie, all she could think about was how incredibly safe she felt. And how agonizingly aroused she was.

Such utter agony, she thought as her mind commanded her body to behave. Yes, she wanted Charlie so bad it hurt, but she didn't want to make love with him quite this soon.

<<And why not?>>

Her conscience asked a very loaded question. She paused as she considered the answer. Why didn't she want to make love to Charlie now? For all intents and purposes she knew this man, trusted him. He was probably the kindest, most gentle soul alive-- even if he didn't realize that. He'd been very open with her about his attraction to her and still she knew he'd be the perfect gentleman. He'd no doubt be the most amazing lover she'd ever had. Yet, Charlie really was someone Lois didn't know.

A decision to share your body, your entire being, with someone should be made rationally. Two people should know each completely. Making love should be just that: sharing your love in the ultimate physical expression.

<<But you do love him!>>

That she couldn't deny. Whether love at first sight really existed or not, she loved this man already. And as she'd gotten to know him a little she'd fallen in love with him all over again. Was it possible to do that every time you looked at another person?

Lois glanced back at Charlie, who smiled and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Yes, it was very possible. The amount of physical intimacy they'd already shared bordered on ridiculous if one were rational. But she wasn't rational. She was in love, possibly with her soul mate and definitely with the only man who'd ever made her feel the kind of passion she felt right now. For once, she would follow her heart. And her heart screamed that she knew Charlie, completely. If her body wanted to get to know him that same way, she wasn't so sure she'd deny it.


He wouldn't have thought it possible, but after he'd sat with Lois for a long while, his body seemed to calm. He'd been sure when she'd first settled between his legs, he would have wanted to pick up their heated exchange they'd shared in the kitchen earlier. But he'd been content to just hold her, offer up that comfort he'd mentioned earlier.

That comfort, or Lois' need of it, had really bothered him. So much pain was tucked behind her dark eyes that it made his own heart ache horribly. What had happened in this lady's life to make her feel this way? Some of what she said had led him to believe that she was a defensive type of person; one who guarded their feelings closely with others. She'd been open with him, both emotionally and physically, but he could still sense something deep inside. He wanted her to talk to him; tell him what weighed so heavily on her mind. Yet, he didn't want to upset her either. Maybe in time she'd become comfortable enough to talk with him about anything.

He remembered something he hadn't thought of since he'd met Lois. She was only in Mystic for a short time-- to write a novel. She'd be gone eventually and thinking of that saddened Charlie deeply. What would he do once she'd left his life? She'd stirred emotions and even thoughts that he didn't know existed. The thought of all that being taken away almost made him want to scream.

"Hey," she said, cutting through his musings. "You look sad. What's wrong?"

Charlie focused on her face, surprised that he felt the sting of hot tears behind his lids. "I just remembered that you're only in Mystic to write for a while."

"Oh." She glanced down, then lifted her hand to his cheek. "Let's concentrate on here and now. Not tomorrow. And right now, I'd like to thank you for a wonderful day. It's the best I've had in a very long time."

She was right; they should think about now. Tomorrow would take care of itself. He managed a small smile as he pulled her against his body. "You're welcome, but I think that goes both ways. It's been a long time since I've enjoyed myself the way I have today." He pressed a kiss to her temple before drawing back to study her expression. "Tell me, pretty lady, why haven't you had a nice day in so long?"

Lois glanced away from him, seemingly in deep thought, as she stared into the fire. She had been quiet so long, Charlie was convinced she wasn't going to respond. When she finally spoke, her voice was soft, giving him the impression of a lost child.

"I was married once. Over two years ago."

A brief flash of jealousy raced through Charlie's system, but he quickly stamped it down. This had to be about that guy Clark she'd mentioned. Though he didn't like hearing she'd had a past, it was just that. Here, now, she was with him.

"I was never in love with him. Still not sure why I married him. At the time I was convinced that he would save me from a whole lot of pain."

"And did he?"

"No. He caused me so much more than I'd ever thought possible."

She grew silent again and Charlie gently rubbed his hand up and down her back to offer silent strength.

"I'd been hurt before then. Many times. And I swore that I'd never again give my heart to anyone," she continued with a deep breath. "So, I thought if I didn't really love the man, he'd be safe. We had a huge, beautiful ceremony and flew to some islands for our honeymoon."

Charlie tensed slightly at the image her last word created. The thought of another man with Lois that way definitely didn't sit well. He didn't care if it was her past, suddenly he felt very possessive.

"Three days later I found out that he was a monster."

"A monster?"

Lois nodded. "He was the leader of one of the most elaborate crime organizations in the United States. He controlled Metropolis' underworld. I was so blind," she said sadly and pushed to her feet.

He automatically released his hold on her so she could stand and pace, content to watch her and ready to hold her again when she needed it.

"He tried to tell me. But did I listen? Nooo. I was so stubborn. I insisted that he was jealous and that all the things he said were lies. They hadn't been lies. They were all true. And when I found out, it was too late. I'd already married the lunatic. Still I investigated, went back and took an objective look at everything. And you know what?" She turned to face Charlie.

"No. What?" She hadn't made complete sense with all she'd said, but he was sure she needed to say this. It was probably the first time she'd truly allowed herself to get all this out in the open.

"It was as clear as the nose on your face! I saw it all. I saw the lying, cheating, manipulative bastard for what he really was. Then I was sick. I'd married that creep. I'd... I'd... allowed him to..." She blinked quickly as tears fell to her cheeks. "It wasn't even that memorable," she whispered. "He was selfish and way too aggressive." Her eyes fell to the fingers she was worrying with. "I was just glad I'd had the presence of mind to start taking birth control before we were married. I'd have died if I'd conceived his child."

Charlie did want to die now. Lois had just told him that not only had she married, but had married a monster. A selfish, mean man who had taken his pleasure with her body. He'd presented himself as something he wasn't, probably in order to get her. The man had no doubt seen her as only a possession, a prize to be won.

He reached out his hand to grasp her fingers and pull her back down to him. This time he cradled her body against his as she sat on his lap. "I had no idea. I would have never been so open with my attraction to you."

Lois' eyes widened in shock as she stared at him. "Charlie, don't you dare change one thing about yourself. You're a beautiful person, unlike that monster. You're nothing alike. When you make overtures, it makes me feel attractive and desirable. I love that you're so open with your feelings. Please don't stop doing that."

His hand splayed across her back as his eyes bore into hers. "You must be the strongest person I know." He gently kissed her lips before wrapping his arms around her body. "I'm glad my attention doesn't bother you because I *am* very attracted. And you *are* very desirable. Now, what happened? How did you find out about your... this man?" He refused to call the man her husband. Such a person didn't deserve that title.

"The police came to arrest him."

"Ouch!" He grimaced to show her he meant what he said.

"Tell me about it. The evidence was all there though, so he was taken into custody and is in prison serving five life sentences for his crimes."

"Double ouch." He squeezed Lois' body gently, offering her a simple hug before he pulled away to look her. "But that isn't why the pain's there. I see something else."

"You're right. There is something else. There was another man. He had been my partner at work and eventually became my best friend. He was the one who warned me against marriage... at least to someone else."

"What you mean by that? Did he have feelings for you?"

"Yes. He was in love with me. And... and I loved him," she admitted with a bowed head, shame dripping from her words. "Only I refused to admit it because I felt that if I did, he'd have too much power over me. So, I walked down the aisle to marry one man while thinking of another. I cried silently every time I looked at my husband's face because it was not the face I wanted it to be. And a part of me died the night I gave myself to the wrong man."

He didn't think he'd ever felt this kind of pain before. Lois loved another man. If so, why was she here with him? On the rebound? Getting over that love because it wasn't returned?

"Why not..." Charlie's voice cracked as he reluctantly began to speak. "... tell him? Be with him?"

"Because I can't."

"You're still married?"

"No. My divorce has long since been final." Lois stared off into the fire again as tears rolled down her cheeks. "He's gone."

He dropped his head back, stared up at the ceiling to stave off his own tears. Why did she have to love another man? And why the hell did he feel compelled to ease her pain?

"Then you should look for him," Charlie forced out through almost gritted teeth.

"I can't, Charlie. He's gone." She waited until he looked directly at her. "Gone," she whispered as her bottom lip trembled.

"Oh, baby," Charlie breathed when realization hit. He gathered her close and held her while she cried. "Let it out," he whispered as his hand cradled the back of her head. He shouldn't be doing this. She wasn't over this other man. There was no way she could be serious about any kind of relationship with him.

Relationship? Didn't that imply deep feelings and commitment? Well, the feelings were not a problem. At least he didn't think they were. He was almost positive he'd fallen in love with Lois, but commitment? She wasn't from here. She'd be gone sooner or later... wouldn't she?

<Stop it, Charlie! Just stop it!>

There was no need to make this any more complicated right now. Lois was in pain and needed him. Dammit, he'd be exactly what she needed him to be. Thoughts beyond here and now could wait for another day. Maybe several more days down the line.

"I'm sorry," Lois mumbled when she pulled back and wiped her face. "I didn't mean to break down like that."

"Don't you dare be sorry." He smoothed her hair back, then lifted her chin with a crooked finger. He needed to look into her eyes. See if those feelings were still there. What he saw made him want to scream. Not only were the feelings there, but there was also something else. An echo of love-- their love. Whoever her partner was, it was clear to tell he had meant a great deal to Lois.

"Charlie," Lois said as she looked at him. "He's been gone a long time. Yes, part of me will never stop loving him and I won't apologize for that. But I'm here, with you. And it's exactly where I want to be."

He remained silent for a long moment, just staring into her eyes. She'd told him the truth. Right there, mixed with the pain of lost love, was her feelings for him. They were strong and undeniable, just as his were for her.

"Lois, I don't know what it is that I feel, but I can tell you it's strong and passionate, and probably the best thing that's happened to me. I want you here. I want to be where you are. And I don't want you to ever apologize to me for what you feel."


In the span of a few simple sentences, Lois fell in love with Charlie again. Things like this just weren't possible. How had she gone from missing her best friend and aching over that loss, to loving this man so deeply? He'd presented himself as her comforter, one she hadn't known she was still in need of. She'd been so lost right after her wedding disaster, only to find herself sick and disgusted for all the missed opportunities to follow. She hadn't intended for everything to spill out of her the way it had, but he'd been so generous and the anguish in his expression was one she couldn't help but break under. And she couldn't help but feel a little relief to finally talk with someone. She'd had her family, friends like Perry and Jimmy, and even the Kents, yet none seemed to *feel* her pain the way Charlie did. Opening up to him was as natural as breathing.

She pushed her arms up around his neck and hugged him tightly. "How is this possible, Charlie? How can I feel this way?"

"I know, baby. I know." His arms tightened, crushing her body to his. "I know," he repeated as his lips sought out hers.

Heaven. She'd died and gone to heaven. Charlie was the best kisser in the world and she could gladly stay this way all night. Or maybe not...

His lips had moved to place a series of kisses along her jaw and down to her neck. She groaned and tilted her head to give him better access. "Oh, yeah, right... hmmm... there." She sighed and gave into his questing mouth. Her hands combed through his hair as his lips sucked a wet path back up to her ear.

"I want you, Lois," he told her softly.

Her answer was a groan of pleasure just before his mouth covered hers again. She tried to swallow him whole as they attacked one another. Suddenly he pulled away. It took her a few moments before she could focus. Charlie was staring at her with wide eyes.

"It's okay, Charlie. I want you, too."

"I know." He leaned forward and kiss her lips softly, but briefly. "I just... would you mind if we wait?"

She wasn't sure what had brought all that on, but right now she'd grant him anything. She might leave frustrated as hell, but she would wait. "Of course I don't mind." She pushed a lock of his hair back off his head. "But you're not... still worried about my feelings, are you?"

"No, Lois," he said softly. "I'm worried about mine." He chuckled softly when she looked at him as if he was crazy. "This is just so powerful and came about so quickly. I think maybe I'd like to spend a few more days with you before I... before we... do that. And I can't believe I'm saying this."

"Oh, ho ho," Lois laughed softly as they hugged. "Believe me, I did think it kind of out of place. It's usually the woman stopping the sex."

"Don't I know it." He grinned as he continued to hold her, his hands roaming her back. "Guess I'm not your typical man."

Don't *I* know it, Lois thought as they continued to sit that way. Anything but typical. And worth every second she had to wait. After all, they'd waited this long. What was a few more days?

For a brief moment it was hard to not to think of Charlie as Clark. Waiting until he knew her better to have sex, undoubtedly thinking of her comfort, was exactly something Clark would do. Knowing him, he wouldn't want her to regret doing something she'd regret, especially after having related very personal and deeply emotional things to him earlier. Definitely not typical, but definitely very Clark-like.

She reluctantly drew away and kissed him softly, passionately. Leaving him with a pained expression on his face, she rose to her feet. "And before I do something I shouldn't, I'm going to get out of here."

Charlie frowned but nodded his head. "Just give me a second."

Lois watched as he leaned forward and took a few deep breaths. She knew exactly how he felt. Her body absolutely screamed for attention and she needed to put distance between her and Charlie or she *would* mind them waiting. Finally he stood and took her hand. Silently he walked her out to her jeep.

"How about I bring you breakfast tomorrow?" she asked as he opened her door.

"That would be wonderful. Then I'm going to take you sailing."

"Oh, Charlie, I don't know," she said with a note of panic in her voice. "The last time I went sailing I was still a kid."

"Then we'll stick close to the coves." He pulled her into an embrace. "Don't worry, baby. I won't let anything happen to you."

And with that, she relaxed. She trusted this man with her life, and she'd trust him tomorrow. "Okay." Another soft kiss was exchanged before she pulled away and sank into her seat. "Goodnight, Charlie."

"Goodnight, Lois." He closed her door and watched as she drove away.

Back at her hotel, Lois busied herself with carrying in the purchases she'd made on their shopping excursion, hoping it would do something to calm her raging libido. Her thoughts certainly didn't help. Her mind was consumed with Charlie King. If she closed her eyes, she saw his face. If she looked at her hands, she felt his touch. Her lips still tingled from their kisses. And her body ached to have him. So intense was her desire, that she'd pushed her confession to him out of her mind. It was something that she'd trusted him to hear, and she'd told him. Right now though, her body trembled from unsatisfied need. Alone in her room, and lost in thoughts of Charlie, she'd spend another sleepless night.
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