Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Saskia Lost Without You 4/5 - 04/14/04 12:45 PM
Just a slight warning before the next post. Some one you may consider part of this as a wham. It's nothing much, I don't think it will bother anyone, but I thought I'd let people know before they start to read.

Part 4

Clark, as Superman, raced through the skies with Metropolis just below him. He had heard a news report on the neighbor’s radio about a quickly expanding fire in Hobbs Bay and people were still trapped inside the buildings.

He had no other choice than go to help. He knew he wouldn’t be able to live with himself if people died just because he chose to ignore them.

His reason for letting the fire department deal with the fire was tempting, but he just had to go.

The choice between working things out with Lois and possibly starting a relationship versus saving people who really needed him was simple. Although it was very likely Lois was never going to speak to him again.

His mind clouded at the mere thought of what he’d just done to her. It was unforgivable and he really couldn’t blame her if she refused to ever see him again. He knew he would find it hard to forgive himself, so what must she be facing?

Maybe this was why he shouldn’t start a relationship... with anyone. His running away at the most inopportune times was hard enough to deal with, let alone the constant danger he would put his girlfriend in. So maybe it was for the best...


The next pang of pain surged through his chest. He loved Lois too much to just give her up. He cared too much about her well-being and happiness. It would hurt him only more if he just gave up now. Being without her the last couple of weeks had been hell; how could he even think of doing that for the rest of his life?

If it was her choice, he would accept it. That was his own fault.

His own fault.

The words resounded in his head and he increased his speed, eager to get this all over with so he could return to Lois.

Just after leaving, he had heard her footsteps running to the door and a little later, he had heard her cry. It broke his heart to hear her cry and especially this time because it was his own fault. He had caused her pain. Only short moments after they had shared something special.

She was never going to talk to him again!

Those people at the fire had better really need Superman, for he had just thrown away his reason to live for them.

He sped up, not wanting to delay this any longer. He wanted to get back to Lois as soon as possible to see what was left for him to salvage; to see how bad he had screwed up; to see what was to become of him.

The disaster suddenly came into sight. Huge black whisps of smoke drifted into the air, polluting the environment and clouding even his vision somewhat. The flames already shot up high from at least three buildings. Clark activated his enhanced vision and checked for trapped people.

Three people still in there... and a baby!

The surrounding houses seemed to be okay. The firemen were busy helping those people outside and the fire on those sides was under control. But those other people, and especially that child, needed his help right away.

The baby needed his help first, those little lungs couldn’t take that much smoke well. He’d choke much sooner than his parents. There wasn’t really a safe way out, so Clark quickly dived in, picked up the little bundle and wrapped it in his cape. There, that should keep the kid safe, Clark figured while he flew away from the flames.

The paramedics had just arrived, so Clark handed them his precious cargo.

He had to be fast or it would be too late for those other three people. Speeding back, he picked up the two on the balcony that were most likely the baby’s parents. They still seemed okay, so he landed them a few feet from the paramedics.

That last person would be harder to deal with. While just a few moments ago, the woman was sitting on the floor with a handkerchief in front of her mouth, that same woman now lay sprawled on the floor. She must have passed out while he rescued the parents.

The woman was inside the middle burning house, on the ground floor, surrounded by the flames. The fire must have started in that house, somewhere on the top and was only now finding its way below. With all the wood incorporated in the old houses at Hobbs Bay it was no wonder what was going on.

Clark quickly flew inside; the fire didn’t hurt him after all. He landed next to the woman and checked for a pulse. Her heart still beat, but very unregular; her breath came in extremely slow gasps due to all the inhaled smoke. Gently but fast, Clark lifted her up and hovered above the floor. How would he leave again? He had to fly *through* the flames with the woman. That was pretty dangerous, she could get hurt, even more so then she already was. He just had to hope his aura would protect her as well.

Holding her as close to him as he could without crushing her, Clark flew as fast as he dared. He had chosen the shortest route, and within a few seconds he was outside again. Landing besides the paramedics once more, he laid his cargo down on a stretcher. “Hurry, she needs help right away. I found her unconscious. She’s barily breahting anymore and her heartbeat is very unsteady. She may have some burns as well,” Clark told the paramedic.

Suddenly, a team of medical professionals surrounded the woman, checking for her heartbeat and putting her on clean oxygen. Trusting she was in good hands, Clark flew back to the fire to help put it out before any more damage was done.

After a quick talk with the fireman in chief, Clark knew where he could help. Half an hour later, the fire was out. Those three houses were completely burned down and everything in them was lost. Luckily, the fire hadn’t extended to the adjacent houses.

His job here was nearly done. He didn’t feel like talking to the gathered press, so he just ignored them. The police kept them away from the scene anyhow, so they didn’t even get a chance to ask him any questions.

Clark’s path led back to the medical services. He wanted to know how the victims were doing, especially that woman.

“Hi, Superman,” one of the men addressed him.

“Hi, how are the victims doing?”

“They are doing fine. For as far as we can tell now, the baby hasn’t suffered anything and the parents are fine as well. Just to be sure, we’ll take them to the hospital for a thorough exam. I’m confident they’ll be able to leave soon, though.”

“That’s good,” Clark replied with a small smile. “What about that other woman?”

The face of the doctor clouded. “I’m sorry, there was nothing we could do for her. She died on the way to the hospital.”

“Oh no!” It couldn’t be true! He knew he should have saved her first. Now look at what had happened. He had failed to save a life. A woman had counted on him and he had let her down. “Oh, God, no!”

“Superman, you can’t blame yourself. There was nothing more you could have done. She was in poor health, even if you had saved her a few minutes earlier, she probably wouldn’t have survived.”

“Yeah, but maybe she would have.”

“Don’t beat yourself up on what ifs. I’m sure she can look back on a wonderful life. Look on the bright side of this. You have saved three other people who are very grateful to you.”

“Thank you. I better get going now.” He just managed to stay polite to the paramedic before flying off into his escape.

He soared through the skies, higher and higher, until he was far above the clouds in that place where no one besides him came; where the stars and moon were visible; were he could still breath; where he could aimlessly drift and wallow.

His life had turned upside down during the last week. Professionally, everything had seemed to go fine again. He had his job back, the Daily Planet would return and he would have his partner back. Most of that was still true, but it wasn’t going as smooth as he had hoped for. If he wasn’t careful, he wouldn’t even be able to hand Perry the required story in time. *Not* if he didn’t find a way to talk to Lois.


Oh God, Lois!

He came to a stop midair - his body had involuntarily lost altitude. The mere thought of the love of his life was making him ache inside. He had hurt her, time and time again, and to top it all, he had lost her now with his appalling behavior.

He should forget about her for the moment. Immediately, her image was replaced by the woman he had failed to save.

Ever since his stay in Luthor’s Kryptonite cage, he had only made one rescue. It had been a simple rescue. An elderly lady had been mugged and threatened, so he had caught the guy and handed him over to the police. The lady had been shaken, but hadn’t suffered any harm or injuries.

How different this rescue had been. A woman had died because of him. If only he had checked the situation better; if only he had saved her first; if only...

What if he had done it differently?

Then the infant would have died...

So no matter what, someone would have died.

That realization didn’t change anything about his guilty feelings. He hadn’t saved a life. She was dead because he had arrived too late.

Could he have been there any earlier then?


He had left right after he had picked up the news.

In the middle of a kiss.


It was always Lois.

Just when their relationship finally showed some signs of improvement, he ended any chance they might have had.

The day had started terrible with yet another fight where they’d both let go of the pent-up anger and frustrations.

As soon as he’d taken a seat in her Jeep, all that anger had left him. Sure, he still didn’t understand why she’d done what she had, but for some reason he was no longer mad. He had felt empty inside with some degree of resentfulness.

The ride to her apartment had been co mpletely silent. Clark hadn’t minded; he didn’t know what to say anyhow. The twenty minute drive had had one advantage: he’d had time to *think*. He knew he was losing her if he kept acting like he had. That was not his goal. Neither did he like himself like that.; in the end, he would only feel guilty. So he had to stay calm and reasonable. He could do that.

Mostly, he had succeeded with that goal. Since Lois had invited him in, he had let her take the lead. She had been hard to read; she had kept him at a distance - physical and mental - but she seemed more open and relaxed.

She had been more open indeed. To say she needed him was something he hadn’t expected. Not that he’d believed her right away. His near-rant had showed so. Just in time he’d recovered to give Lois a chance to respond. And boy, had she said something surprising...

She hadn’t married Luthor!

His heart made a happy jump again. He still couldn’t believe he hadn’t know that. That he had missed such an important fact. That because of his not knowing, all this trouble had started in the first place. He knew he had some major groveling to do to make up for all the horrible things he’d accused her of.

After he had calmed down, their conversation had been somewhat awkward. Especially with that hug he’d initiated. She hadn’t minded though, so he had let her talkd. Which had been a really good idea! She’d told him she needed him. For real. And she never had wanted Luthor. In the spur of the moment, he had even told her he loved her.

He’d been overjoyed when she’d responded positive to his declaration of love.

She loved him too!

He still wasn’t sure if he could believe her, if it wasn’t some sort of game she was playing. It all was really soon after her engagement had ended. But she was so unsure and sincere, he just *had* to believer her. So he’d kissed her. And she’d kissed him back!

That moment was the most precious one in his life. Overwhelming. Earth shattering. Heartbreaking.

Clark closed his eyes and he could feel all those emotions again while tasting Lois’s lips, breathing in her scent... Yeah, there was nothing that could beat that pure moment of simple happiness and bliss.

He could only hope Lois had enjoyed it as much and that she would once allow him to do it again.

The fear of really having lost her was too much. Knowing it was his - or rather, Superman’s - fault was even worse. If he wanted to make it up to her, he had to tell her the truth. The entire truth.

And wasn’t that what he’d promised her only a few days ago? He had said he’d tell her that day when they walked away from the Planet, even if he hadn’t really meant it. But it was only fair. She had opened up to him so much already, it was time he told her. Besides, Clark figured she was angry at him now, after he told her she would be furious. If he could get her to listen to him, she might forgive him. Maybe he could get her to tell what she’d meant with that comment as well.

Luthor offered me what you never could.

It had bugged him ever since she’d said it. What could Luthor have that he didn’t? Granted, she didn’t know then about his alter ego, but still. At that point she knew Luthor was a murdering criminal and he knew now she hadn’t loved the crook, so what could she have possibly meant? It had been dismissed so soon then, he had focused on other things, but he couldn’t forget about it. There just was something with the way she’d said it...

And he owed her an apology. A *huge* apology. He had told her so many things, things that he now knew weren’t true. He had deliberately hurt her. Despite having really believed what she had married him, he had had no right to yell at her and accuse her.

Having made up his mind, Clark flew back to Metropolis, determined to see and talk to Lois. She wasn’t in her apartment. Another x-ray while he hovered in front of her fifth story window still didn’t show a trace of her at all.

Where could she have gone?

Was she out to get the story? If that was the case, he had to find her and help her. It was *their* story after all.

But first, he would grab a shower and some clean clothes. The smell of smoke was all around him and his suit showed some traces of the fire as well.

Changing his direction to his own place, he tried to think of ways to tell her. Should he just flat out tell her? Or lead gently up to it? Maybe do a spin? Or hover about the floor? Or some other super thing while she was watching him? Or let her figure it out?

Before he could make up his mind, however, Clark had arrived home. A small colorful bundle was hanging around the floor by his door. The bundle was making sounds that resembled sobs.


She was at his place!

What was she doing there?

Not waiting one moment longer, he landed in front of her. He reached out for her while kneeling down. With a soft, caring voice he asked, “Lois?”


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