Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Wanda Detroit Five - 04/07/04 08:56 PM
**Thank you, Julie Stars, for BR-ing really fast!! -Wanda**

by Wanda Detroit <loislane216@yahoo.com>

* * 5 * *

What was it they said about April? April showers bring May flowers? Clark sure hoped it was true. There would be a surplus of flowers this year!

Lois had been on an emotional roller coaster since the month began. It didn’t help that her mother felt obligated to make up for lost time by ‘helping’ Lois pick out things for the baby. On a weekly basis, there was a lengthy message on the answering machine from Ellen, insisting she take Lois shopping because she saw something that Lois or the baby could not live without.

Clark bore the brunt of most of Lois’ frustrations. He’d noticed that she was moodier than usual, and he tried to be very understanding of her changing hormones and the emotional outbursts that accompanied them. When the pages started falling out of “What to Expect When You’re Expecting,” Clark invested in another book that was quickly becoming his new bible, “Your Pregnancy: Week By Week.” This one was already starting to get as worn out, highlighted, and Post-It-laden as “What to Expect” had.

He was quite knowledgeable about the changes that were happening with Lois, and even though it was hard, he tried not to take her outbursts personally. She would shift from seemingly content to bitterly crying in a matter of minutes. Clark could see that she was embarrassed, and that she was trying her hardest to keep her control. He assured her that her moodiness was normal, and that he loved her no matter what.

Sometimes, she was just plain difficult. She would hurl accusations at him, later apologizing for them. The fights she picked were petty. Why, just last week...

* * * * *

It was seven in the evening, and the couple had just finished dinner. Clark watched, astonished, as Lois finished off a second helping, then a third... She sat back in her chair, satisfied. “Thanks for making dinner, Clark,” she praised him with a grin. He’d made pork chops and broccoli casserole, and served homemade apple sauce on the side. Lois stuck her finger in the serving bowl, unashamed, taking another taste of apple sauce. “Everything was great. This eating-for-two thing sure has its perks.”

Clark smiled lovingly at his wife. Suddenly he cocked his head to the side distractedly. “There’s a hold-up at the convenience store down the street. I’ll be right back, honey.” A quick kiss on her cheek, and super-fast spin into his suit, and he was out the window in a flash.

Superman was quick to stop the hold-up, and bring the would-be thief to the police station. When he returned to his home fifteen minutes later, he found Lois standing on a chair, ‘teetering precariously,’ as he’d later describe it to his parents on the phone when Lois wasn’t listening. One arm extended towards the ceiling, the other aiding her balance.

“Lois! What are you doing?” Clark said, rushing to her side.

“What does it look like I’m doing? This light bulb just burned out,” she said nonchalantly, raising herself up on tip-toes to reach the bulb.

Clark cringed. “Well, couldn’t it have waited until I came home?”

“Clark, it’s not a big deal.”

“Please come down,” Clark sighed. “I’ll do it.” He offered her his hand.

Lois looked down at him and, still standing there on the chair, started weeping out of nowhere. “I can do it myself, Clark,” she said through bitter tears.

Clark shook his head. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know you can. You’re just... making me nervous up there. Why don’t you let me do it?”

She was adamant. “No.”

“Don’t cry, Lois. I’m sorry. I didn’t realize changing that light bulb was so important to you.”

“Well, it is.” The words came out of her mouth, and even *she* hadn’t a clue why.

“All right,” Clark answered gently. He insisted on standing in front of her with his hands firmly gripping her waist as she stretched to change the bulb. God, she was doing a number on his poor nerves! At last she was done, and she beamed quite proudly as the new bulb lit up the room. Clark eased her off of the chair gently.

Of course, that was only a mild instance of her stubborn ways. Lois would try Clark’s nerves in other ways...

* * * * *

One night, directly after work, Clark took Lois shopping for some new clothes. She’d run out of clothes that fit, except for two elastic-waisted skirts. Around the house, she’d resorted to wearing Clark’s sweatpants, which were massive on her. She decided to bite the bullet and get some maternity clothes. Clark didn’t seem to mind going with her; in fact, he seemed to like the idea of helping pick things out.

Lois wandered over in the direction of business wear. “Why is everything so ruffly? They think once you’re pregnant, you’re supposed to look like Little Bo Peep or something...” Lois muttered, bypassing the pink and lavender sun dresses. She managed to find some simple black dresses, and some skirt suits.

Clark had wandered off in a different direction. Moments later, he was at her side with a small, sheer, black garment. A poor excuse for a nightgown! Why it would barely cover her--! “Honey,” he whispered in her ear, “I think you might need this...” His voice was husky, enticing...

“I most certainly do *not!* Put that away!” she snapped.

Clark gave Lois a little-boy guilty expression and put the lacy nightie back from whence it came.

“I’m going to try these on...” Lois said, retreating into the dressing room. Minutes later, she emerged in a simple brown dress with a matching jacket. “Clark? What do you think of this?”

Clark eyed her up and down. She looked lovely, and certainly more comfortable than she looked squeezed into things that barely fit. “I think you look great,” he answered truthfully.

Lois looked uncertain. “Do you think I look... fat?”

Clark raised his eyebrows. “Sweetie, you don’t look fat, you look pregnant. There’s a difference.”

She shrugged, looking a little glum.

Clark wrapped his arms around her, offering a reassuring hug. “You always look beautiful, Lois. You have nothing to worry about. Besides, there’s nothing cuter than a pregnant belly.” He slid his hand down, gently caressing her stomach.

Lois looked a little teary-eyed. “Are you saying I wasn't cute before?”

‘Uh oh,’ thought Clark. “Of course not...” He looked distracted for a second. “I’m sorry, honey.” He leaned close to whisper in her ear. “Bank robbery, around the corner.”

Lois nodded understandingly. “Go,” she whispered.

“Finish your shopping. I’ll meet you back at home, okay?”

“Sure.” She watched him dash out, and finished trying on her clothes. She selected four outfits that she could easily mix-and-match. As she headed to the register to pay, she passed the lingerie section. On second thought, maybe she *would* pick up that nightie Clark liked so much. She smiled a little and handed over her charge card.

Once Lois had paid, she left the store. Curious, she strolled in the direction of the nearest bank. She could see police lights flashing, and she saw Superman escort a man into police custody. ‘I might as well get a few statements,’ she thought. Her recent stories were dull, to say the least. Perry was fearful of giving her anything seemingly ‘strenuous’ or ‘dangerous.’ A bank robbery. Now *that* was respectable.

Lois saw Superman enter the bank again. She didn’t think he’d seen her, so she followed him in. “Superman?” she asked. Before she could utter another word, someone seized her from behind in a choke hold! Something cold and hard was pressed to her temple...

Superman spun around. Where had this thug been hiding? And what was Lois doing here?! “Let her go!” he commanded; his stare was cold, unforgiving.

“If you leave here for good, you leave here with her. You stay, the girl gets it!”

“Don’t bargain with me,” Superman said firmly. He wanted to use his heat vision to heat the gun so the man would drop it... but he decided it was too dangerously close to Lois’ eyes.

The man’s grip in Lois tightened. She whimpered, hey eyes full of panic. Her shopping bag was still clutched tightly in her fist, swinging slightly as she trembled.

Superman had to act fast. He knew if the man saw him move, he might pull the trigger. So, after standing motionless for another moment, he sped up, zooming to the crook’s side and seizing the gun before the man even knew Superman had moved! With one swift movement, the gun was a crumpled, twisted ball of metal. The thief squeezed his hostage around the neck. Lois coughed, gasping.

“Bad idea,” Superman announced firmly. Effortlessly, he grabbed the man’s arm, and even though he was resisting with all his might, Superman easily freed Lois. “Run,” he urged, giving her a little push. “Go to the police.” He watched her disappear, and turned his efforts to the crook.

“Next time, pick on somebody your own size.” Superman lifted the man by the scruff of his neck as if he were a kitten.

* * * * *

Lois was still shaking when they got back to their brownstone. Sure, she’d been in life-threatening situations before. And many were much worse than this particular episode. But for the first time, Lois was keenly aware that she was responsible for more than her own life. And the thought scared her. A lot.

“Now you see why I get worried about you?” Clark said at last.

“I thought it was safe,” Lois answered numbly. “I didn’t know there was somebody else in there.”

Clark embraced Lois; he could hear her heart still racing. She needed to calm down. Surely this kind of stress wasn’t good for the baby. “I know, sweetie. Please, let’s just try to play it safe from now on?”

She gave a guilty little nod of agreement.

And suddenly, she gasped.

“What is it, honey?” Clark asked, concern written all over his face.

“I think... I think the baby just moved!” Lois concentrated, and clasped Clark’s hand over her belly where she was certain she’d felt--

*There it was again!*

“I felt it, too, Lois!” Clark exclaimed.

April was a difficult month, trying for both of them. But there was one thing that made it all worth while. A tiny, fluttery sensation within Lois... a new life they’d created--together.

~Nope, not the end... Look for Four coming in May!~
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