Lois & Clark Forums
Discuss 50 First Revelations by Matrix and Sue S. here.
This story made me feel so sorry for both Lois and Clark because they were both going through a really tough situation here. The fact that Lois kept losing her memories and had to deal with the possibility of never being able to wake up and remember what she'd been through the day before had to be really scary for her. It's one thing to lose some of your memories and still be able to make new ones, but to not be able to even make new memories would be torturous indeed. Clark, on the other hand, wasn't really living a picnic since any progress he made on getting Lois' forgiveness kept getting wiped out.

I also was really happy that Mindy Church was included as one of the villains in this story. clap She's my favorite villain to appear on the show, so any appearance from her in a story always puts a smile on my face.

I loved the fact that Scardino actually got to be a hero in this story. I'm not usually much of a fan of him, but I have to give Matrix and Sue S. credit for creating a version of the character that I actually liked a little bit.
I was happy to see this story get chosen for the month's reading. I first read it when it was nominated for a Kerth award and it has been one of my favorites ever since. smile

The story was very clever and impossible to stop reading once I started.
This story is terrific read! clap The authors chose the perfect time for Lois to lose her memory, just as Clark the lunkhead decided it was too dangerous for them to date. And then she can only remember back to when she realized that he was Superman. It's such beautiful torture for the two of them.

Clark's trying to come to terms with the fact that he's just broken up with the love of his life for her safety, only to have Lois bounce back to the beginning and not remember everything they had gone through to there. He's trying to put space between them only to realize that she needs him more than ever. It's worse than her being mad at him. Beautifully plotted! laugh

Clark trying to figure out the best way to deal with Lois's memory loss in term of their relationship is priceless. First he's completely honest and has to suffer through their break up again. Then he tries not being so honest and that doesn't work either. Then, at her suggestion, they try giving him a second chance, when he realizes his lunkheaded mistake, but that doesn't work either.

Lois slowly loses more and more of her memory causing her to remember less and less of her relationship with Clark until it is all gone. mecry

Thankfully, it's just bad guys messing with her head. Phew!

Wonderfully plotted with gems sprinkled through-out.
Hello guys! Wow...was it really 7 years ago that Sue and I wrote this? That seems incredibly unbelievable.

First off, I'd love to say how thrilled I am that anyone is still reading this or still cares about it or still enjoys it after 7 years. That is amazing and I'm so humbled and thank you to those that took the time to read or re-read it and/or comment. You guys are awesome and know how to give a writer lots of waffy feelings. smile

When I first came up with the idea for this story, I was actually watching the movie 50 First Dates, and for anyone who has watched it, it is so tragic and such a bittersweet love story. And I was thinking, how could I write this for Lois and Clark? But of course I wanted it to have a happier ending than 50 First Dates. I also wanted to bring back some good villains and characters. I love a complicated plot, so I immediately began bouncing ideas off of Sue, she and I beta read for each other back in those days. But as much as we would bounce ideas off of one another and beta for each other, we hadn't ever written anything "together". So I quickly sketched out the idea for the story and fleshed out the first few chapters and sent them to her like I always did...and she sent them back chock full of lots of good suggestions...like she always did. So I held my breath and shot her an e-mail asking her if she'd like to co-write it with me, and I was so excited when she jumped on board. smile

Okay, now that I have that bit of gushing out of the way, I'd like to take the time to address each of your comments personally.

Originally Posted by Lois_Lane_Fan
It's one thing to lose some of your memories and still be able to make new ones, but to not be able to even make new memories would be torturous indeed.

clap She's my favorite villain to appear on the show, so any appearance from her in a story always puts a smile on my face.

I loved the fact that Scardino actually got to be a hero in this story. I'm not usually much of a fan of him, but I have to give Matrix and Sue S. credit for creating a version of the character that I actually liked a little bit.

Yes, sadly, I have a bad habit of torturing the characters, but I always put the toys back the way I found them. smile

She's your favorite villain to appear on the show? Hmm...I'm not sure who you're talking about. I seem to have missed something in your comments, but I'm going to guess that you're talking about Mindy. I always loved her because she pretended to be so dumb but she was so diabolical and that's a really fun character to write for. I would crack myself up writing dialog for Mindy.

Hah! Dan Scardino. I sort of had a soft spot for him and for Mayson and I've written stories about them before (even have a few unfinished ones on my laptop- ahem) Sue would be the first to tell you that I really had to twist her arm to portray him in a positive light. She loathed Dan, but by the end of the story, I think she even liked him a little...at least the way we had written him. So I'm glad you enjoyed that. smile

Originally Posted by Lady Loisette
I was happy to see this story get chosen for the month's reading. I first read it when it was nominated for a Kerth award and it has been one of my favorites ever since. smile

The story was very clever and impossible to stop reading once I started.

Aww, I wish you could see the big goofy grin that your comment put on my face. I'm so tickled that this is one of your favorites, and I'm so happy I could be a part of writing something so compelling that it was hard for you to put down once you started it. Yay!

Originally Posted by VirginiaR
This story is terrific read! clap It's such beautiful torture for the two of them.

It's worse than her being mad at him. Beautifully plotted! laugh

Clark trying to figure out the best way to deal with Lois's memory loss in term of their relationship is priceless. First he's completely honest and has to suffer through their break up again. Then he tries not being so honest and that doesn't work either. Then, at her suggestion, they try giving him a second chance, when he realizes his lunkheaded mistake, but that doesn't work either.

Thankfully, it's just bad guys messing with her head. Phew!

Wonderfully plotted with gems sprinkled through-out.

Thank you! I'm so glad you enjoyed the torture...err..writing.

Yes, it is worse than her being mad at him. Clark expected her to be mad at him. He was prepared for that, he wasn't prepared for this.

I had so much fun writing Clark's different approaches to the situation, because of course Clark is going to take the honest approach in the beginning because he's Clark. But when that doesn't work, it was fun to ask, okay, what's he going to do now? And when THAT doesn't work, then what?

Yes, just bad guys messing with her head...like I said, I try to put the toys back the way I found them. smile

Again, thank you all so much for choosing this story this month. I'm honored and touched and nearly weepy. I've missed writing for this forum so much. Real life just got in the way too much and then I started trying my hand at writing professionally, and I just can't seem to find the time. I still have several unfinished stories that I keep saying...one day, one day. But that day hasn't come yet. Maybe it will...one day. smile

Thank you all! I'm so glad you enjoyed it! I know Sue still writes on the boards, so I'm sure she'll run across this link (I hope she does). I had so much fun writing this with her.

-- DJ
Originally Posted by Matrix
When I first came up with the idea for this story, I was actually watching the movie 50 First Dates, and for anyone who has watched it, it is so tragic and such a bittersweet love story. And I was thinking, how could I write this for Lois and Clark? But of course I wanted it to have a happier ending than 50 First Dates.
The fact that the story was inspired by 50 First Dates was the reason I was initially drawn to reading the story. I really enjoyed that movie so I had to read a Lois and Clark fic inspired by it and I definitely liked the way the story used the concept from that movie. I stayed up all night both times I read the story because I just had to read all the way to the end once I started.
Originally Posted by Matrix
She's your favorite villain to appear on the show? Hmm...I'm not sure who you're talking about. I seem to have missed something in your comments, but I'm going to guess that you're talking about Mindy. I always loved her because she pretended to be so dumb but she was so diabolical and that's a really fun character to write for. I would crack myself up writing dialog for Mindy.

I'm pretty sure a line or two of my original comments must have been deleted in the upgrade. That made more sense when I originally posted it. huh To clarify, yes, I was talking about Mindy. The reasons you described here are the reasons I like her so much, too. She's such a fun villain.
Originally Posted by Lady Loisette
I stayed up all night both times I read the story because I just had to read all the way to the end once I started.

Wow! That's so amazing. smile Thanks for making my day. Glad you enjoyed it.

Originally Posted by Lois_Lane_Fan
To clarify, yes, I was talking about Mindy. The reasons you described here are the reasons I like her so much, too. She's such a fun villain.

I figured that must have been what happened. smile Glad to see someone else enjoyed Mindy as much as I did.

Thanks again guys!

-- DJ
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