Lois & Clark Forums
Clark & Lois – When Worlds and Universes Collide - Matchmaker Chronicles V 8 30/36
By KenJ <ken.janney@kjanney.com>
This version is rated PG-13

Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -120 – Canon Lois and Clark universe also called – Prime
Alpha 023 x Gamma 004 x Tau -124 – Alternate Prime - Lori and Clark
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 036 – Alt 1, Alt Clark and Kryptonian Lois – (Alt 1 )
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Alt 2 Kryptonian Lois' home universe.
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 040 – Alt 1 alternate (Alt 3) Alt Lois and Alt Clark


Universal Locator Designation
Alpha -120 x Gamma 255 x Tau -190 – Alt 2

A/N – Alt 2 is Kryptonian Lois’ home universe.

Kal-El spoke up, “Lord Trey and elders of New Krypton, please allow me to address the Council.”

“Speak Lord Kal-El.”

“The Lady Zara told us what precipitated this trial. It is my understanding that Gee-Ra desired a member of the house of El, specifically, Kal-El to form a life bond with Lady Zara thereby uniting the houses of El and Ra. Unfortunately, Kal-El is not available. Lord Trey, I may have a solution for you.” Clark gestured for Alice to join him. Once she was standing beside him he continued, “Lord Gan-Ce you have acknowledged your granddaughter. Gentlemen, Alice, Lord Gan-Ce’s granddaughter is here from an alternate universe. The Kal-El of that universe was also unavailable and an alternate solution was found. I will allow her to explain. Alice, if you will.”

Alice turned and placing her closed fist over her heart bowed to the council.

Lord Gan-Ce said, “You may speak, granddaughter.”

She straightened up and said, “Thank you grandfather. In my reality we also had difficulty with Lord Nor and although the path followed was different the outcome was the same. Lord Nor’s death removed him as a threat to our society. As Lord Kal-El has stated, Kal-El was not available to form a life bond with the Lady Zara in our reality. I personally have seen evidence here that the same resolution could be affected. In my reality the Lady Zara and the former Lt. Ching committed to a life bond and jointly rule. I say the former Lieutenant in that he retired from the military and assumed his family name of Ka. Ching-Ka and Zara Ching-Ka have ruled with distinction and honor ever since. They are held in the highest esteem by all New Kryptonians. One of their daughters in my closest friend and I have spent a good deal of time with them as a family. Next to Lord Kal-El and Lady Lois theirs is the most honorable family I know. I have spoken.”

When she had finished speaking and sat down, Elka stood and addressed the elders, “If it may please the council, I wish to speak.”

Gan-Ce asked, “Who might you be?”

She moved over to stand next to Clark. Turning to face the Council she said, “I am Elka Ka-El daughter of Tel-Ka granddaughter of Zara and Ching-Ka.”

Gan-Ce asked, “You are the granddaughter of Zara as Alice is my granddaughter?”

“Yes, Lord Gan-Ce.”

“You may speak.”

“Honored members of the Council of Elders I simply wish to add my testimony to that of Alice. My grandparents, Zara and Ching-Ka have ruled New Krypton in a most honorable fashion and I am proud to claim them. They have guided New Krypton through some serious and trying times with wisdom and compassion. I say with all humility that there has never been a more beloved pair on the throne of High Lord in the history of Krypton or New Krypton. I have spoken.” She returned to her seat.

As she was sitting, Gan-Ce turned to the other members of the council and said, “Fellow elders of New Krypton, it would appear that the object of our search for a new leader of our society has been right here all along. The testimony of my granddaughter and that of the granddaughter of Zara and Ching would appear to be conclusive.” Gan-Ce turned to the gallery and addressed Zara and Ching, “Lady Zara, Lt. Ching.”

Zara and Ching both stood and moved in front of the council bench.

“Lady Zara, what say you in this matter. You were promised to Kal-El as a birth wife. He is not now available. Would you willingly accept Lt. Ching as his substitute?”

Zara looked at Ching and said, “He hasn’t asked.”

Just then the proceedings were interrupted by the arrival of Lori who bore a lead box in her hands.

Lois stood and addressed the Council, “Lord Trey and the Council, this is Lori-El bond mate of another Kal-El. In this box is the means of stripping Jen-Mai of the powers he acquired on the surface. It will be necessary for all of the guards to vacate the cell while Lori-El deals with him.”

Trey addressed the head of the guards, “Follow her orders to the letter.”

The head of the guard detachment gave the closed fist salute and bowed to Lori, “Yours to command.”

Lori gave a half bow and said, “Lead me to his confinement,” and left following the guard.

After they exited, Trey said, “Lady Alice Ben-El this council thanks you for your testimony. Lady Elka-Ka-El the council also thanks you. Lord Kal-El and Lady Lois, this council also thanks you and commends you on your restraint. It would appear as though you had it in your power to have killed your opponents as easily as you disabled and captured them.”

Clark said, “Lord Trey, we have learned that with great power comes even greater responsibility and I quickly learned that I could not act as policeman, judge, jury and executioner for moral reasons. Any criminal I capture I give to the appropriate authorities to deal with as they see fit. I long ago learned it was the best way.”

Kal-El continued, “Lord Trey, from discussions we have had with other members of our family, we realize that it would be a mistake if New Krypton were to follow the course you outlined. New Krypton should not isolate itself. It would be mutually beneficial if New Krypton and Earth were they to maintain full diplomatic relations. There is much to be gained by both sides as far as trade of goods and information. With your consent we can begin those trade negotiations using the Superman Foundation as the intermediary.”

“Lord, Kal-El that is most gracious of you considering what our people did to you and your planet.”

“Much harm has been done, but more good can come of it.”

Trey replied, “You are very wise, my friend. We will talk more.”

Zara spoke up, “Lord Trey, if it is the determination of the council that Lt. Ching and I become the leaders of New Krypton we should make that transition of power before we leave orbit. In that way we can establish the diplomatic relations which have been suggested.”

Trey turned to Lt. Ching and asked, “What are your wishes in this matter?”

Lt. Ching performed the closed fist bow to Trey and said, “If it please the council I would beg a conference with Lady Zara, alone.”

Trey looked right and left and receiving nods from the other members said, “Granted.”

Lt. Ching and Zara exited the council chamber. In rather short order they returned and Lt. Ching addressed the council, “Lord Trey and members of the Council of Elders, it is my wish to relinquish my military title and resume my family name, Ka. Also, I have asked the Lady Zara if she would consent to forming a life bond with me.”

Trey turned to Zara and asked, “Lady Zara, how say you?”

Zara replied in a serious tone as befitted addressing the council, “I have accepted the offer of Ching-Ka to form a life bond with him. If it please the council we would request the bonding ceremony be conducted at the earliest convenience of the council.” Turning to the gallery she continued, “We also request Lord Kal-El, Lady Lois, Ka-El and Elka Ka-El be present.” As she finished speaking formally she started to smile.

Looking around Trey said, “We will conduct the ceremony in one hour.”

And now -

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Chapter 30 – Returning to Alt 3 (Alt 1 a)
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
Universal Locator Designation
Alpha 023 x Gamma 025 x Tau 040 – Alt 3
A/N – Alt 3 is the universe where Alt Clark saved his Lois.

Lois and Clark had told Pete and Lana enough about their friend Herb to realize that he had obviously taken them on some kind of mission.

They had no way to know how long they would be gone, but Clark had seemed convinced that the meeting wouldn’t take very long, so Pete went ahead and opened the bottle of wine and he and Lana each had a glass, Lana had a small glass because of her pregnancy, as they cleaned up the dinner dishes so that when Lois and Clark returned that particular chore would be done.

Not knowing what else to do and deciding that they wanted to actually be around when Lois and Clark returned so that they could hear about just what had happened to them during their absence, Pete turned on the TV and they settled in to watch a movie.

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *

The movie had just finished what the door to the office opened and Lois and Clark entered the living room.

Pete was immediately on his feet and said, “Well, okay, where did you go and what happened?”

Before answering Lois moved over and sat on the couch next to Lana. She heaved a long, relieved sigh before she said, “You are not going to believe what we have been through.” Before continuing, she looked at Clark and said, “We will need to be on the lookout for them to show up here.”

Clark nodded in agreement and said, “Yeah, them and a few more things. I talked to 2013 Clark and he told me about this asteroid, I think he called it ‘Nightfall’ that might be a threat. I think he said the year was 1994, next year. He gave me some pointers on how to handle it. He had amnesia as a result of dealing with it, but if we handle it differently we can avoid that. Since there are two of us it should be a piece of cake.”

Pete, his curiosity really aroused by this asked, “2013 Clark? There are 2013 Clark Kents? What was it a Clark Kent convention?”

Lois chuckled and said, “No, it wasn’t a convention, but it was like one. In this case, I meant that in this case it means that he was a Clark Kent from the year 2013. Are there more, there may just be, but we haven’t met them, at least not yet.”

Confused, Pete asked, “He picked you up here and in 2013? Well, I guess that’s good news, to know that you’re still around in twenty years.”

Clark said, “Actually, Pete, it wasn’t me, it was another Clark Kent. This is going to be a little hard to explain. Pete, Lana, I really am not who you think I am.”

They both stared at Clark as if he had lost his mind. Pete finally broke the silence, “If you aren’t the Clark I grew up with, then just who are you?”

“Well, actually, I am the Clark you grew up with, it’s just that, well, I’m from 1997.” He looked at Lois and said, “So much has been happening, that I forgot that for a minute. I didn’t have to deal with an asteroid in 1994. I guess that didn’t happen in our universe.”

Lois replied, “That’s a relief. 2013 Lois told me about that too.”

Pete and Lana’s jaws both dropped open. Lana finally asked, “Wait a minute! One thing at a time! Do you mean to say that there was a Lois from 2013 as well?”

“Well, yeah, Herb brought couples.”

Pete brought it back to the other subject, “You say that you are from 1997 as in four years from now?”

Clark nodded, “Yes. I’ve told you about Herb. What we,” he nodded toward Lois, “haven’t told you was that Herb brought me back in time so that I could save Lois’s life when she was following the gunrunners in the Congo. You see, in 1997 she was dead, had died in 1992 in the Congo. At the time we thought that by bringing me back in time we had changed history. I am the Clark you grew up with, I’m just actually four or five years older than you thought. As a result of this trip though, we now have a clearer understanding of what actually happened. You see, I met myself.”

“Another Clark Kent, you said that. You said he was from 2013.”

With a smile Clark said, “Would you believe that was another Clark Kent? Besides him, I met myself, oh and 2013 Clark met himself too and we met my doppelganger’s ‘new’ Lois.”

Pete and Lana were both staring at him in disbelief at this point. Pete asked, “Then there were four Clark Kents? How could you tell who was who?”

“We all had slight differences in our uniforms. The nice thing was that all of the girl’s uniforms were different.”

Lois spoke up at this point and said, “I’m thinking of changing my uniform so that it is more like Ultra Woman’s”

Lana blurted out, “Ultra Woman … who’s Ultra Woman?”

“She’s a Lois from another universe. Actually, she’s the one that helped Clark create Superman in 1997, but that was before he came back in time to rescue me. After that he had to create Superman with me helping. That was 2013 Lois.”

Pete was shaking his head as if trying to clear it. He finally said, “You are saying that 2013 Lois was brought back in time to … 1997 … to help you create Superman and then you traveled back in time to 1992 to rescue Lois and then she helped you create Superman again.”

Clark smiled as he replied, “Actually, it happened in 1996 and Lois was from the same year. That’s when she helped me create Superman. It was 1997 when I went to their universe to help them and on the way back Herb offered to take me to 1992 to find Lois, but since Superman didn’t exist back then I had to hide the secret.”

Lana said, “I’m totally confused. Are you the Clark that I dated or not?”

“Yes, I am. Actually, in 1996 we were engaged.”

Lana was stunned. She blurted out, “Engaged?!?! To be married? Really?”

“What other kind of engagement is there?”

“I don’t know, engaged in a business deal perhaps … to be married? Raelly?”


“What happened? Why did you go looking for Lois?”

“When Lois, 2013 Lois that is, helped me create Superman, well, you didn’t accept it very well.”

“Really? I didn’t accept it well? That’s all you’re going to say?”

“Okay, you want the truth?”


“Our wedding was a week away. When I went public as Superman you threw a fit, called off the wedding and stormed off.”

Lana put her hands over her mouth and just shook her head. Finally she said, “Much as I hate to admit it, that sounds like something I’d do. What happened then?”

“You went back to Smallville and I didn’t know any more than that until I spoke with my doppelganger. It turns out that you and Pete are fated to be together. You are married there as well.”

Lana hooked her arm through Pete’s before she said, “Well, I can only hope that she’s as happy as I am.”

Pete brought it around to the other topic, “So, why did you have to go, wherever it was you went?”

Lois started, “It was all because Lois gave birth. She had a little girl.” She looked at Clark and said, “I hope our daughter turns out just like her. She’s a sweetheart. Very mature for her age.”

Lana was confused, “Wait a minute. Very mature for her age? How old was she?”

Lois laughed and said, “Well, actually, there were two of her. She was a baby, but she was also there as an eleven year old. Very mature for her age.” Lois half turned to Clark and said, “What did you think of her name?”

“I liked it.”

“If our baby is a girl, do you want to use it?”

“We could, or we could come up with something original.”

“I think it suited her.”

Lana, her curiosity getting the best of her asked, “What was her name?”

“Penelope Ann Kent. Isn’t that just the most darling name? They call her Penny.”

Lana, her curiosity satisfied, said, “Yeah, that’s a nice name. You know, if you guys don’t use it, we might. Penelope Ann Ross. Has a nice ring to it.”

Lois laughed. “I guess it’ll be a race to see who delivers first to use that name.”

Pete tried to bring it back to the meat of the discussion, “So you guys met your doppelgangers and then some. What happened, why were you needed?”

Clark answered, “Right, get back to it. Okay, we were needed because the Earth was being invaded by a group of criminals from New Krypton.”

Lois corrected, “We didn’t know that they were criminals at first. We were told that we were there to participate in a trial by combat. You see it was limited to families and their family had nine members while our family had only three. That was why Herb recruited us. He was helping to even the odds.”

Clark added, “Even the odds, yeah. He tried, but well, bad guys are bad guys. They cheated.”

Lois added, “Yeah and how. They brought in auxiliaries. I thought they had us there.”

Clark added, “That was only until the kids showed up.”

Lana asked, “Kids? What kids? Who’s kids?”

Clark laughed as he replied, “The other Lois and Clark’s, but from later in the time stream.”

“Is there anywhere or anywhen this Herb of yours can’t go?”

“If there is, we don’t know about it, so it doesn’t look like it.”

“Anyhow, the kids showed up and got us out of a jam. Oh, and I met another Bill Henderson.”

“Another Bill Henderson? The detective?”

“One and the same. And, get this, I’m immune to green Kryptonite. The problem is that the baby isn’t. I found out the hard way. Believe me, it was painful.”

Pete tried to sum everything up, “So, you guys are home so that means that everything turned out well. You won.”

“Yeah, we won, but it wasn’t without some lasting damage being done. There were some structural fires, some monuments were damaged and there were some lives lost.”

Lois added, “Fortunately none of those were on our watch.”

“Yeah, but …” Clark protested, still wrought with undeserved guilt.

Lois turned and putting her hands on the sides of his face so that he was looking right at her said, “Don’t yeah, but me. It was unfortunate, but that is how it went. There was nothing we could have done about it. We were nowhere near the spot so stop blaming yourself.”

“I just hate it when someone dies for no reason.”

“Look, we saved the baby, didn’t we?”

“Yeah, we saved the baby. Actually, it was six year old Carrie that saved the baby. If she hadn’t been there to protect the baby, Nor would have succeeded in killing her. No wonder she calls herself – Protector. That’s what she did while we were nowhere around.”

Lois asked, “I wonder if there is a Carrie in our universe.”

“We should check and see. She was from Chicago, right?”


Confused, Lana asked, “Who’s Carrie and how did she save the baby and what baby?”

Lois answered, “Carrie is the adopted daughter of the couple we went to help. The baby was the baby of the same couple. That Clark rescued Carrie from a high rise fire. Afterwards they were told that she had a brain tumor. To make a long story short they cured her and some time later they had a baby.”

Clark added, “That baby was the reason for this entire conflict. The baby could have been the legal ruler of New Krypton.”

Lana was aghast, “Ruler of the planet? The whole planet? Wow!”

Clark pointed out, “Actually, she would have shared the rule with Zara.”

Pete asked, “How many people were there?”

Lois replied, “All together there were 31 on our side and one of them was Clark.”

Lana said, “You said that there were several Clarks.”

Lois replied, “Yes, there were, but one of them was very special. It takes a better understanding of the multi-verse to understand. The way Herb explained it, it goes like this: there are certain key people that when things happen, usually life and death situations, the alternate outcomes can trigger the formation of a new universe. When I was shot it brought a new universe into being. Here, I lived. There … I died. Clark, my Clark, this one here by me, was with me then and when he got me to the hospital, the surgery was a success, but in the other universe I died and he almost died of a broken heart.” She looked at Clark and said, “I’m sorry he had to go through that, but according to Herb it was unavoidable.”

Clark replied, “He is happy now. Every bit as happy as we are. He has a Lois and it seemed like he was startled by your presence initially, but got over your presence quickly. The presence of his Lois must have helped.”

“Well, I’m happy for him, that he found her. They are very happy together. I thought he was going to tear Nor limb from limb when Nor used that Drei on her.”

Clark laughed and said, “I almost felt sorry for Nor at that point. Almost, but not quite. He brought it upon himself.”

In a relieved tone, Lois said, “I’m just glad she wasn’t hurt.”

“You and me both. Fortunately we didn’t lose anyone on our side.”

Pete asked, “Who were all of these people? Were they all Lois and Clarks?”

Lois laughed, “Please, it was confusing enough with four of each of us. The rest were the children of the Lois that helped Clark create Superman, before he came back in time to find me that is. She and her Clark have 8 children and each one is married. One of their nephews was there with his wife …”

Lana interrupted, “Wait a minute. I can understand the children being super, but a nephew?”

Clark snapped his fingers and looking at Lois said, “I should have asked 2013 Clark about that. Hattie said something about a machine. If we had access to that we could use it to make Lana and Pete super.”

Lana had an edge of fear in her voice as she replied, “Wait, no, hold on, no, no, not me. Pete maybe, but I don’t think I want that kind of responsibility. Count me out.”

Clark laughed, “It’s all academic anyhow. I didn’t get the information and it was in his universe.”

Lois had a mischievous tone as she asked, “Are you sure you wouldn’t like to be able to do what Clark and I can do?”

“Positive. You guys can have the powers. They’re not for me.”

Lois continued, “The rest were children. One was actually the baby we were there to defend. Of course she wasn’t a baby. She was an eleven year old Supergirl. Then there was Carrie as I mentioned! Another was Lori’s first born, Clark junior, and his wife.”

“Okay, what’s so special about Carrie?”

“Carrie is their adopted daughter.”

“Okay, did they use this machine on her too?”

“No, they didn’t. She didn’t have super powers like us. Hers were powers of the mind. She’d had a brain tumor and they operated on her using their x-ray vision. When they did, it unleashed the power of her mind. She was amazing!”

Pete could see that Lana was becoming weary, probably because of the pregnancy so he decided that they needed to call it a night. “You guys will have to tell us more the next time, but right now I think I need to get Lana home.” In a teasing tone he finished, “She needs her rest or she’ll be a real grouch in the morning.”

Lana slapped his arm and said, “I am NOT!”

“Are too.”

“Am NOT!

“Okay, you’re not, but you still need your sleep so we are going to say, goodnight.”

Suddenly, probably due to suggestion, Lana yawned then smiled. “I guess he’s right. Goodnight, guys.”

After they left, Lois and Clark cuddled on the sofa before they headed to bed themselves.

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