Lois & Clark Forums
Posted By: Christina Cape Dilemma (1/1) - 03/27/14 02:44 PM
I was contemplating the Ultra Woman costume (in preparation to determine what I'm going to do for the harness on mine) and thinking about how it kind of has a "prototype" look to it (kind of like the first version of the Superman uniform was) and I had a silly snippet of conversation pop into my head. I don't have the time to write it into anything, and I'm not planning on adding this into any of my existing stories. Not even wanting to submit it to the archives as I don't feel like it's a complete story. Just throwing it out here to get this silly thing out of my head so I can work on more important stuff.

Lois stood in front of the large closet in the living room contemplating her choice of clothes.

"Lois, c'mon, we'll be late for work if we don't hurry! Just pick a suit and go!"

"But I'm supposed to be speaking at the Women's Coalition Meeting. As Ultra Woman! I can't just wear my first one and the others still have mud and oil on them from that mudslide in China and the spill in Mexico."

"Lois you have two other suits..."

"Oh yes, you mean the red, yellow and blue leotard that your mother made so that we could match for special occasions? How would that send the message that I'm my own woman?"

Clark winced. Point made. "What about the..."

"The Greecian inspired one I have to wear whenever Lady Zara is around?" Lois thought about it. Then winced. "Are you sure you'd want others to see my 'concubine wear?' For that matter it's a worse message than the red,yellow and blue one." She sighed, "fine, the prototype it is."
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