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This time it took him longer to arise and when he did he was shaking his head trying to recover his equilibrium. He looked up at the open window. He could see the curtain flapping outside of the frame and decided that whatever barrier had been there must now be gone. He took off again and accelerated away in an attempt to give himself enough room to build up some speed. When he was at a distance he reversed course and flew as fast as he could at the window again. When it was too late for him to stop or even turn he saw the curtain suddenly stop fluttering and hang limply. A second later he hit that impenetrable barrier with so much force that there was an audible crash as irresistible force met the immovable barrier. This time it was several minutes before Nor recovered his senses as he lay unconscious on the ground.
If Nor has learned nothing from this encounter its that you never mess with a Kent... no matter how young they are. If they cannot defend themselves, someone will do it for them.

Nice to know Rena is coming to the defense of her sister...
Originally posted by Morgana:
This time it took him longer to arise and when he did he was shaking his head trying to recover his equilibrium. He looked up at the open window. He could see the curtain flapping outside of the frame and decided that whatever barrier had been there must now be gone. He took off again and accelerated away in an attempt to give himself enough room to build up some speed. When he was at a distance he reversed course and flew as fast as he could at the window again. When it was too late for him to stop or even turn he saw the curtain suddenly stop fluttering and hang limply. A second later he hit that impenetrable barrier with so much force that there was an audible crash as irresistible force met the immovable barrier. This time it was several minutes before Nor recovered his senses as he lay unconscious on the ground.
If Nor has learned nothing from this encounter its that you never mess with a Kent... no matter how young they are. If they cannot defend themselves, someone will do it for them.

Nice to know Rena is coming to the defense of her sister...
Rena has not liked Nor as the head of the family for a while ad her suupport has been ambivilant at best. She has always been closer to her sister although she never realized what Nor was doing to her. Fina managed to keep it from her until now.

This now gives Rena all the motivation she needs to make a break with him.
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